blob: 110459be9c19bce97dab2e22691e7a36c995db69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "variadic_utils.h"
// variadic_utils already contains stl headers; in addition:
#include <deque> // for ReferenceStatistics implementation
#include <sstream>
namespace android {
namespace audio_utils {
* Compensated summation is used to accumulate a sequence of floating point
* values, with "compensation" information to help preserve precision lost
* due to catastrophic cancellation, e.g. (BIG) + (SMALL) - (BIG) = 0.
* We provide two forms of compensated summation:
* the Kahan variant (which has better properties if the sum is generally
* larger than the data added; and the Neumaier variant which is better if
* the sum or delta may alternatively be larger.
* Alternative approaches include divide-and-conquer summation
* which provides increased accuracy with log n stack depth (recursion).
template <typename T>
struct KahanSum {
T mSum{};
T mCorrection{}; // negative low order bits of mSum.
constexpr KahanSum<T>() = default;
explicit constexpr KahanSum<T>(const T& value)
: mSum{value}
{ }
// takes T not KahanSum<T>
friend constexpr KahanSum<T> operator+(KahanSum<T> lhs, const T& rhs) {
const T y = rhs - lhs.mCorrection;
const T t = lhs.mSum + y;
#ifdef __FAST_MATH__
#warning "fast math enabled, could optimize out KahanSum correction"
lhs.mCorrection = (t - lhs.mSum) - y; // compiler, please do not optimize with /fp:fast
lhs.mSum = t;
return lhs;
constexpr KahanSum<T>& operator+=(const T& rhs) { // takes T not KahanSum<T>
*this = *this + rhs;
return *this;
constexpr operator T() const {
return mSum;
constexpr void reset() {
mSum = {};
mCorrection = {};
// A more robust version of Kahan summation for input greater than sum.
// TODO: investigate variants that reincorporate mCorrection bits into mSum if possible.
template <typename T>
struct NeumaierSum {
T mSum{};
T mCorrection{}; // low order bits of mSum.
constexpr NeumaierSum<T>() = default;
explicit constexpr NeumaierSum<T>(const T& value)
: mSum{value}
{ }
friend constexpr NeumaierSum<T> operator+(NeumaierSum<T> lhs, const T& rhs) {
const T t = lhs.mSum + rhs;
if (const_abs(lhs.mSum) >= const_abs(rhs)) {
lhs.mCorrection += (lhs.mSum - t) + rhs;
} else {
lhs.mCorrection += (rhs - t) + lhs.mSum;
lhs.mSum = t;
return lhs;
constexpr NeumaierSum<T>& operator+=(const T& rhs) { // takes T not NeumaierSum<T>
*this = *this + rhs;
return *this;
static constexpr T const_abs(T x) {
return x < T{} ? -x : x;
constexpr operator T() const {
return mSum + mCorrection;
constexpr void reset() {
mSum = {};
mCorrection = {};
// Constants and limits
template <typename T, typename T2=void> struct StatisticsConstants;
template <typename T>
struct StatisticsConstants<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>> {
// value closest to negative infinity for type T
static constexpr T negativeInfinity() {
return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity ?
-std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() : std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
static constexpr T mNegativeInfinity = negativeInfinity();
// value closest to positive infinity for type T
static constexpr T positiveInfinity() {
return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity ?
std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() : std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
static constexpr T mPositiveInfinity = positiveInfinity();
// specialize for tuple and pair
template <typename T>
struct StatisticsConstants<T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>> {
template <std::size_t... I >
static constexpr auto negativeInfinity(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return T{StatisticsConstants<
typename std::tuple_element<I, T>::type>::mNegativeInfinity...};
template <std::size_t... I >
static constexpr auto positiveInfinity(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return T{StatisticsConstants<
typename std::tuple_element<I, T>::type>::mPositiveInfinity...};
static constexpr auto negativeInfinity() {
return negativeInfinity(std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<T>::value>());
static constexpr auto mNegativeInfinity =
static constexpr auto positiveInfinity() {
return positiveInfinity(std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<T>::value>());
static constexpr auto mPositiveInfinity =
* Statistics provides a running weighted average, variance, and standard deviation of
* a sample stream. It is more numerically stable for floating point computation than a
* naive sum of values, sum of values squared.
* The weighting is like an IIR filter, with the most recent sample weighted as 1, and decaying
* by alpha (between 0 and 1). With alpha == 1. this is rectangular weighting, reducing to
* Welford's algorithm.
* The IIR filter weighting emphasizes more recent samples, has low overhead updates,
* constant storage, and constant computation (per update or variance read).
* This is a variant of the weighted mean and variance algorithms described here:
* weight = sum_{i=1}^n \alpha^{n-i}
* mean = 1/weight * sum_{i=1}^n \alpha^{n-i}x_i
* var = 1/weight * sum_{i=1}^n alpha^{n-i}(x_i- mean)^2
* The Statistics class is safe to call from a SCHED_FIFO thread with the exception of
* the toString() method, which uses std::stringstream to format data for printing.
* Long term data accumulation and constant alpha:
* If the alpha weight is 1 (or not specified) then statistics objects with float
* summation types (D, S) should NOT add more than the mantissa-bits elements
* without reset to prevent variance increases due to weight precision underflow.
* This is 1 << 23 elements for float and 1 << 52 elements for double.
* Setting alpha less than 1 avoids this underflow problem.
* Alpha < 1 - (epsilon * 32), where epsilon is std::numeric_limits<D>::epsilon()
* is recommended for continuously running statistics (alpha <= 0.999996
* for float summation precision).
* Alpha may also change on-the-fly, based on the reliability of
* new information. In that case, alpha may be set temporarily greater
* than 1.
* Statistics may also be collected on variadic "vector" object instead of
* scalars, where the variance may be computed as an inner product radial squared
* distance from the mean; or as an outer product where the variance returned
* is a covariance matrix.
* 1) Alternative versions of Kahan/Neumaier sum that better preserve precision.
* 2) Add binary math ops to corrected sum classes for better precision in lieu of long double.
* 3) Add Cholesky decomposition to ensure positive definite covariance matrices if
* the input is a variadic object.
* Mean may have catastrophic cancellation of positive and negative sample values,
* so we use Kahan summation in the algorithms below (or substitute "D" if not needed).
template <
typename T, // input data type
typename D = double, // output mean data type
typename S = KahanSum<D>, // compensated mean summation type, if any
typename A = double, // weight type
typename D2 = double, // output variance "D^2" type
typename PRODUCT = std::multiplies<D> // how the output variance is computed
class Statistics {
/** alpha is the weight (if alpha == 1. we use a rectangular window) */
explicit constexpr Statistics(A alpha = A(1.))
: mAlpha(alpha)
{ }
template <size_t N>
explicit constexpr Statistics(const T (&a)[N], A alpha = A(1.))
: mAlpha(alpha)
for (const auto &data : a) {
constexpr void setAlpha(A alpha) {
mAlpha = alpha;
constexpr void add(const T &value) {
// Note: fastest implementation uses fmin fminf but would not be constexpr
mMax = audio_utils::max(mMax, value); // order important: reject NaN
mMin = audio_utils::min(mMin, value); // order important: reject NaN
const D delta = value - mMean;
/* if (mAlpha == 1.) we have Welford's algorithm
mMean += delta / mN;
mM2 += delta * (value - mMean);
Note delta * (value - mMean) should be non-negative.
mWeight = A(1.) + mAlpha * mWeight;
mWeight2 = A(1.) + mAlpha * mAlpha * mWeight2;
D meanDelta = delta / mWeight;
mMean += meanDelta;
mM2 = mAlpha * mM2 + PRODUCT()(delta, (value - mMean));
Alternate variant related to:
const double sweight = mAlpha * mWeight;
mWeight = 1. + sweight;
const double dmean = delta / mWeight;
mMean += dmean;
mM2 = mAlpha * mM2 + mWeight * sweight * dmean * dmean;
The update is slightly different than Welford's algorithm
showing a by-construction non-negative update to M2.
constexpr int64_t getN() const {
return mN;
constexpr void reset() {
mMin = StatisticsConstants<T>::positiveInfinity();
mMax = StatisticsConstants<T>::negativeInfinity();
mN = 0;
mWeight = {};
mWeight2 = {};
mMean = {};
mM2 = {};
constexpr A getWeight() const {
return mWeight;
constexpr D getMean() const {
return mMean;
constexpr D2 getVariance() const {
if (mN < 2) {
// must have 2 samples for sample variance.
return {};
} else {
return mM2 / getSampleWeight();
constexpr D2 getPopVariance() const {
if (mN < 1) {
return {};
} else {
return mM2 / mWeight;
// explicitly use sqrt_constexpr if you need a constexpr version
D2 getStdDev() const {
return android::audio_utils::sqrt(getVariance());
D2 getPopStdDev() const {
return android::audio_utils::sqrt(getPopVariance());
constexpr T getMin() const {
return mMin;
constexpr T getMax() const {
return mMax;
std::string toString() const {
const int64_t N = getN();
if (N == 0) return "unavail";
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "ave=" << getMean();
if (N > 1) {
// we use the sample standard deviation (not entirely unbiased,
// though the sample variance is unbiased).
ss << " std=" << getStdDev();
ss << " min=" << getMin();
ss << " max=" << getMax();
return ss.str();
A mAlpha;
T mMin{StatisticsConstants<T>::positiveInfinity()};
T mMax{StatisticsConstants<T>::negativeInfinity()};
int64_t mN = 0; // running count of samples.
A mWeight{}; // sum of weights.
A mWeight2{}; // sum of weights squared.
S mMean{}; // running mean.
D2 mM2{}; // running unnormalized variance.
// Reliability correction for unbiasing variance, since mean is estimated
// from same sample stream as variance.
// if mAlpha == 1 this is mWeight - 1;
// TODO: consider exposing the correction factor.
constexpr A getSampleWeight() const {
// if mAlpha is constant then the mWeight2 member variable is not
// needed, one can use instead:
// return (mWeight - D(1.)) * D(2.) / (D(1.) + mAlpha);
return mWeight - mWeight2 / mWeight;
* ReferenceStatistics is a naive implementation of the weighted running variance,
* which consumes more space and is slower than Statistics. It is provided for
* comparison and testing purposes. Do not call from a SCHED_FIFO thread!
* Note: Common code not combined for implementation clarity.
* We don't invoke Kahan summation or other tricks.
template <
typename T, // input data type
typename D = double // output mean/variance data type
class ReferenceStatistics {
/** alpha is the weight (alpha == 1. is rectangular window) */
explicit ReferenceStatistics(D alpha = D(1.))
: mAlpha(alpha)
{ }
constexpr void setAlpha(D alpha) {
mAlpha = alpha;
// For independent testing, have intentionally slightly different behavior
// of min and max than Statistics with respect to Nan.
constexpr void add(const T &value) {
if (getN() == 0) {
mMax = value;
mMin = value;
} else if (value > mMax) {
mMax = value;
} else if (value < mMin) {
mMin = value;
int64_t getN() const {
return mData.size();
void reset() {
mMin = {};
mMax = {};
D getWeight() const {
D weight{};
D alpha_i(1.);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mData.size(); ++i) {
weight += alpha_i;
alpha_i *= mAlphaList[i];
return weight;
D getWeight2() const {
D weight2{};
D alpha2_i(1.);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mData.size(); ++i) {
weight2 += alpha2_i;
alpha2_i *= mAlphaList[i] * mAlphaList[i];
return weight2;
D getMean() const {
D wsum{};
D alpha_i(1.);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mData.size(); ++i) {
wsum += alpha_i * mData[i];
alpha_i *= mAlphaList[i];
return wsum / getWeight();
// Should always return a positive value.
D getVariance() const {
return getUnweightedVariance() / (getWeight() - getWeight2() / getWeight());
// Should always return a positive value.
D getPopVariance() const {
return getUnweightedVariance() / getWeight();
D getStdDev() const {
return sqrt(getVariance());
D getPopStdDev() const {
return sqrt(getPopVariance());
T getMin() const {
return mMin;
T getMax() const {
return mMax;
std::string toString() const {
const auto N = getN();
if (N == 0) return "unavail";
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "ave=" << getMean();
if (N > 1) {
// we use the sample standard deviation (not entirely unbiased,
// though the sample variance is unbiased).
ss << " std=" << getStdDev();
ss << " min=" << getMin();
ss << " max=" << getMax();
return ss.str();
T mMin{};
T mMax{};
D mAlpha; // current alpha value
std::deque<T> mData; // store all the data for exact summation, mData[0] most recent.
std::deque<D> mAlphaList; // alpha value for the data added.
D getUnweightedVariance() const {
const D mean = getMean();
D wsum{};
D alpha_i(1.);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mData.size(); ++i) {
const D diff = mData[i] - mean;
wsum += alpha_i * diff * diff;
alpha_i *= mAlphaList[i];
return wsum;
* Least squares fitting of a 2D straight line based on the covariance matrix.
* See formula from:
* y = a + b*x
* returns a: y intercept
* b: slope
* r2: correlation coefficient (1.0 means great fit, 0.0 means no fit.)
* For better numerical stability, it is suggested to use the slope b only:
* as the least squares fit line intersects the mean.
* (y - mean_y) = b * (x - mean_x).
template <typename T>
constexpr void computeYLineFromStatistics(
T &a, T& b, T &r2,
const T& mean_x,
const T& mean_y,
const T& var_x,
const T& cov_xy,
const T& var_y) {
// Dimensionally r2 is unitless. If there is no correlation
// then r2 is clearly 0 as cov_xy == 0. If x and y are identical up to a scale
// and shift, then r2 is 1.
r2 = cov_xy * cov_xy / (var_x * var_y);
// The least squares solution to the overconstrained matrix equation requires
// the pseudo-inverse. In 2D, the best-fit slope is the mean removed
// (via covariance and variance) dy/dx derived from the joint expectation
// (this is also dimensionally correct).
b = cov_xy / var_x;
// The best fit line goes through the mean, and can be used to find the y intercept.
a = mean_y - b * mean_x;
* LinearLeastSquaresFit<> class is derived from the Statistics<> class, with a 2 element array.
* Arrays are preferred over tuples or pairs because copy assignment is constexpr and
* arrays are trivially copyable.
template <typename T>
class LinearLeastSquaresFit : public
Statistics<std::array<T, 2>, // input
std::array<T, 2>, // mean data output
std::array<T, 2>, // compensated mean sum
T, // weight type
std::array<T, 3>, // covariance_ut
audio_utils::outerProduct_UT_array<std::array<T, 2>>>
constexpr explicit LinearLeastSquaresFit(const T &alpha = T(1.))
: Statistics<std::array<T, 2>,
std::array<T, 2>,
std::array<T, 2>,
std::array<T, 3>, // covariance_ut
audio_utils::outerProduct_UT_array<std::array<T, 2>>>(alpha) { }
/* Note: base class method: add(value)
constexpr void add(const std::array<T, 2>& value);
add({1., 2.});
* y = a + b*x
* returns a: y intercept
* b: y slope (dy / dx)
* r2: correlation coefficient (1.0 means great fit, 0.0 means no fit.)
constexpr void computeYLine(T &a, T &b, T &r2) const {
computeYLineFromStatistics(a, b, r2,
std::get<0>(this->getMean()), /* mean_x */
std::get<1>(this->getMean()), /* mean_y */
std::get<0>(this->getPopVariance()), /* var_x */
std::get<1>(this->getPopVariance()), /* cov_xy */
std::get<2>(this->getPopVariance())); /* var_y */
* x = a + b*y
* returns a: x intercept
* b: x slope (dx / dy)
* r2: correlation coefficient (1.0 means great fit, 0.0 means no fit.)
constexpr void computeXLine(T &a, T &b, T &r2) const {
// reverse x and y for X line computation
computeYLineFromStatistics(a, b, r2,
std::get<1>(this->getMean()), /* mean_x */
std::get<0>(this->getMean()), /* mean_y */
std::get<2>(this->getPopVariance()), /* var_x */
std::get<1>(this->getPopVariance()), /* cov_xy */
std::get<0>(this->getPopVariance())); /* var_y */
* this returns the estimate of y from a given x
constexpr T getYFromX(const T &x) const {
const T var_x = std::get<0>(this->getPopVariance());
const T cov_xy = std::get<1>(this->getPopVariance());
const T b = cov_xy / var_x; // dy / dx
const T mean_x = std::get<0>(this->getMean());
const T mean_y = std::get<1>(this->getMean());
return /* y = */ b * (x - mean_x) + mean_y;
* this returns the estimate of x from a given y
constexpr T getXFromY(const T &y) const {
const T cov_xy = std::get<1>(this->getPopVariance());
const T var_y = std::get<2>(this->getPopVariance());
const T b = cov_xy / var_y; // dx / dy
const T mean_x = std::get<0>(this->getMean());
const T mean_y = std::get<1>(this->getMean());
return /* x = */ b * (y - mean_y) + mean_x;
constexpr T getR2() const {
const T var_x = std::get<0>(this->getPopVariance());
const T cov_xy = std::get<1>(this->getPopVariance());
const T var_y = std::get<2>(this->getPopVariance());
return cov_xy * cov_xy / (var_x * var_y);
* constexpr statistics functions of form:
* algorithm(forward_iterator begin, forward_iterator end)
* These check that the input looks like an iterator, but doesn't
* check if __is_forward_iterator<>.
* divide-and-conquer pairwise summation forms will require
* __is_random_access_iterator<>.
// returns max of elements, or if no elements negative infinity.
template <typename T,
std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<T>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr auto max(T begin, T end) {
using S = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<
S maxValue = StatisticsConstants<S>::mNegativeInfinity;
for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
maxValue = std::max(maxValue, *it);
return maxValue;
// returns min of elements, or if no elements positive infinity.
template <typename T,
std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<T>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr auto min(T begin, T end) {
using S = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<
S minValue = StatisticsConstants<S>::mPositiveInfinity;
for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
minValue = std::min(minValue, *it);
return minValue;
template <typename D = double, typename S = KahanSum<D>, typename T,
std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<T>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr auto sum(T begin, T end) {
S sum{};
for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
sum += D(*it);
return sum;
template <typename D = double, typename S = KahanSum<D>, typename T,
std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<T>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr auto sumSqDiff(T begin, T end, D x = {}) {
S sum{};
for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
const D diff = *it - x;
sum += diff * diff;
return sum;
// Form: algorithm(array[]), where array size is known to the compiler.
template <typename T, size_t N>
constexpr T max(const T (&a)[N]) {
return max(&a[0], &a[N]);
template <typename T, size_t N>
constexpr T min(const T (&a)[N]) {
return min(&a[0], &a[N]);
template <typename D = double, typename S = KahanSum<D>, typename T, size_t N>
constexpr D sum(const T (&a)[N]) {
return sum<D, S>(&a[0], &a[N]);
template <typename D = double, typename S = KahanSum<D>, typename T, size_t N>
constexpr D sumSqDiff(const T (&a)[N], D x = {}) {
return sumSqDiff<D, S>(&a[0], &a[N], x);
// TODO: remove when std::isnan is constexpr
template <typename T>
constexpr T isnan(T x) {
return __builtin_isnan(x);
// constexpr sqrt computed by the Babylonian (Newton's) method.
// Please use math libraries for non-constexpr cases.
// TODO: remove when there is some std::sqrt which is constexpr.
// watch out using the unchecked version, use the checked version below.
template <typename T>
constexpr T sqrt_constexpr_unchecked(T x, T prev) {
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "must be floating point type");
const T next = T(0.5) * (prev + x / prev);
return next == prev ? next : sqrt_constexpr_unchecked(x, next);
// checked sqrt
template <typename T>
constexpr T sqrt_constexpr(T x) {
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<T>::value, "must be floating point type");
if (x < T{}) { // negative values return nan
return std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
} else if (isnan(x)
|| x == std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()
|| x == T{}) {
return x;
} else { // good to go.
return sqrt_constexpr_unchecked(x, T(1.));
} // namespace audio_utils
} // namespace android
#endif // __cplusplus
/** \cond */
/** \endcond */
/** Simple stats structure for low overhead statistics gathering.
* Designed to be accessed by C (with no functional getters).
* Zero initialize {} to clear or reset.
typedef struct {
int64_t n;
double min;
double max;
double last;
double mean;
} simple_stats_t;
/** logs new value to the simple_stats_t */
static inline void simple_stats_log(simple_stats_t *stats, double value) {
if (++stats->n == 1) {
stats->min = stats->max = stats->last = stats->mean = value;
} else {
stats->last = value;
if (value < stats->min) {
stats->min = value;
} else if (value > stats->max) {
stats->max = value;
// Welford's algorithm for mean
const double delta = value - stats->mean;
stats->mean += delta / stats->n;
/** dumps statistics to a string, returns the length of string excluding null termination. */
static inline size_t simple_stats_to_string(simple_stats_t *stats, char *buffer, size_t size) {
if (size == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (stats->n == 0) {
return snprintf(buffer, size, "none");
} else {
return snprintf(buffer, size, "(mean: %lf min: %lf max: %lf last: %lf n: %lld)",
stats->mean, stats->min, stats->max, stats->last, (long long)stats->n);
/** \cond */
/** \endcond */