Consistent Rust logger initialization for host and device

Implement a universal logger interface that allows logging both
on-device (using android_logger) and on-host (using env_logger).
Uses a configuration struct similar to the one used by android_logger.

Allows using the same logging initialization code for on-device
code and host-side tests.

Bug: 162454083
Test: atest system/logging/rust
 + For device tests: confirm logging happens in logcat
 + For host tests: confirm logging happens to stdout (for failing test)
Change-Id: If80685033d2b39c660fab881405456f629fb1f8b
10 files changed
tree: 9c1340e548aa97355662afd07e318e3ea01bafc4
  1. liblog/
  2. logcat/
  3. logd/
  4. logwrapper/
  5. rust/
  7. PREUPLOAD.cfg