logd: notify kernel log readers of new messages

LogBuffer::log() returns either a negative number on error or a
positive number indicating the length of the message written.
Therefore, the check to notify kernel log readers of a new message
should be that this function's return value is > 0.

Bug: 78209416
Test: `adb logcat -b kernel` updates when new log messages are present
Merged-In: Icc18c0c22e62340994e5c26aedb72282d61c1541
Change-Id: Icc18c0c22e62340994e5c26aedb72282d61c1541
(cherry picked from commit cbfebdbadb283ee13c555e7d79037fb5089caa4a)
1 file changed
tree: e435f9c26c5a3437602d0c1dd3bcdf292cba9554
  1. liblog/
  2. logcat/
  3. logd/
  4. logwrapper/