blob: 290ebf9907ebc03e4507dc59801272650a76116c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "CompatibilityMatrix.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include "parse_string.h"
#include "parse_xml.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace android {
namespace vintf {
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addKernel(MatrixKernel&& kernel, std::string* error) {
if (mType != SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
if (error) {
*error = "Cannot add <kernel> to a " + to_string(mType) + " compatibility matrix.";
return false;
auto it = framework.mKernels.begin();
for (; it != framework.mKernels.end(); ++it) {
if (it->minLts() == kernel.minLts()) {
if (it->minLts().version == kernel.minLts().version &&
it->minLts().majorRev == kernel.minLts().majorRev) {
if (error) {
*error = "Kernel version mismatch; cannot add " + to_string(kernel.minLts()) +
" because " + to_string(it->minLts()) + " was added.";
return false;
bool seenVersion = it != framework.mKernels.end();
if (seenVersion) {
// If no conditions, must be the first among the same minLts
// because O libvintf only checks the first <kernel> tag that version matches.
if (kernel.conditions().empty()) {
// Found first <kernel> with the same minLts.
// Append config if it does not have <condition>s, else error.
if (it->conditions().empty()) {
const auto& configs = kernel.configs();
it->mConfigs.insert(it->mConfigs.end(), configs.begin(), configs.end());
} else {
if (error) {
*error =
"Base compatibility matrix has <condition> for the first <kernel> "
"with minlts " +
to_string(kernel.minLts()) + " for unknown reason.";
return false;
return true;
} else {
// First <kernel> of a minLts must not have <condition>'s for backwards compatibility
// with O libvintf.
if (!kernel.conditions().empty()) {
framework.mKernels.push_back(MatrixKernel(KernelVersion{kernel.minLts()}, {}));
return true;
SchemaType CompatibilityMatrix::type() const {
return mType;
Level CompatibilityMatrix::level() const {
return mLevel;
Version CompatibilityMatrix::getMinimumMetaVersion() const {
// TODO(b/62801658): this needs to depend on whether there are 1.1 requirements
// (e.g. required <xmlfile> entry)
return {1, 0};
status_t CompatibilityMatrix::fetchAllInformation(const FileSystem* fileSystem,
const std::string& path, std::string* error) {
return details::fetchAllInformation(fileSystem, path, gCompatibilityMatrixConverter, this,
std::string CompatibilityMatrix::getXmlSchemaPath(const std::string& xmlFileName,
const Version& version) const {
using std::literals::string_literals::operator""s;
auto range = getXmlFiles(xmlFileName);
for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
const MatrixXmlFile& matrixXmlFile = it->second;
if (matrixXmlFile.versionRange().contains(version)) {
if (!matrixXmlFile.overriddenPath().empty()) {
return matrixXmlFile.overriddenPath();
return "/"s + (type() == SchemaType::DEVICE ? "vendor" : "system") + "/etc/" +
xmlFileName + "_V" + std::to_string(matrixXmlFile.versionRange().majorVer) +
"_" + std::to_string(matrixXmlFile.versionRange().maxMinor) + "." +
return "";
// Split existingHal into a HAL that contains only interface/instance and a HAL
// that does not contain it. Return the HAL that contains only interface/instance.
// - Return nullptr if existingHal does not contain interface/instance
// - Return existingHal if existingHal contains only interface/instance
// - Remove interface/instance from existingHal, and return a new MatrixHal (that is added
// to "this") that contains only interface/instance.
MatrixHal* CompatibilityMatrix::splitInstance(MatrixHal* existingHal, const std::string& interface,
const std::string& instanceOrPattern, bool isRegex) {
bool found = false;
bool foundOthers = false;
existingHal->forEachInstance([&](const auto& matrixInstance) {
bool interfaceMatch = matrixInstance.interface() == interface;
bool instanceMatch = false;
if (matrixInstance.isRegex() && isRegex) {
instanceMatch = (matrixInstance.regexPattern() == instanceOrPattern);
} else if (!matrixInstance.isRegex() && !isRegex) {
instanceMatch = (matrixInstance.exactInstance() == instanceOrPattern);
bool match = interfaceMatch && instanceMatch;
found |= match;
foundOthers |= (!match);
return !found || !foundOthers;
if (!found) {
return nullptr;
if (!foundOthers) {
return existingHal;
existingHal->removeInstance(interface, instanceOrPattern, isRegex);
MatrixHal copy = *existingHal;
copy.insertInstance(interface, instanceOrPattern, isRegex);
return addInternal(std::move(copy));
// Add all package@other_version::interface/instance as an optional instance.
// If package@this_version::interface/instance is in this (that is, some instance
// with the same package and interface and instance exists), then other_version is
// considered a possible replacement to this_version.
// See LibVintfTest.AddOptionalHal* tests for details.
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addAllHalsAsOptional(CompatibilityMatrix* other, std::string* error) {
if (other == nullptr || other->level() <= level()) {
return true;
for (auto& pair : other->mHals) {
const std::string& name = pair.first;
MatrixHal& halToAdd = pair.second;
std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> insertedInstances;
std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> insertedRegex;
auto existingHals = getHals(name);
halToAdd.forEachInstance([&](const std::vector<VersionRange>& versionRanges,
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& instanceOrPattern, bool isRegex) {
for (auto* existingHal : existingHals) {
MatrixHal* splitInstance =
this->splitInstance(existingHal, interface, instanceOrPattern, isRegex);
if (splitInstance != nullptr) {
if (isRegex) {
insertedRegex.insert(std::make_pair(interface, instanceOrPattern));
} else {
insertedInstances.insert(std::make_pair(interface, instanceOrPattern));
return true;
// Add the remaining instances.
for (const auto& pair : insertedInstances) {
halToAdd.removeInstance(pair.first, pair.second, false /* isRegex */);
for (const auto& pair : insertedRegex) {
halToAdd.removeInstance(pair.first, pair.second, true /* isRegex */);
if (halToAdd.instancesCount() > 0) {
if (!add(std::move(halToAdd))) {
if (error) {
*error = "Cannot add HAL " + name + " for unknown reason.";
return false;
return true;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addAllXmlFilesAsOptional(CompatibilityMatrix* other, std::string* error) {
if (other == nullptr || other->level() <= level()) {
return true;
for (auto& pair : other->mXmlFiles) {
const std::string& name = pair.first;
MatrixXmlFile& xmlFileToAdd = pair.second;
xmlFileToAdd.mOptional = true;
if (!addXmlFile(std::move(xmlFileToAdd))) {
if (error) {
*error = "Cannot add XML File " + name + " for unknown reason.";
return false;
return true;
// Merge Kernel.
// Add <kernel> from exact "level", then optionally add <kernel> from high levels to low levels.
// For example, (each letter is a kernel version x.y.z)
// 1.xml: A1, B1
// 2.xml: B2, C2, D2
// 3.xml: D3, E3
// Then the combined 1.xml should have
// A1, B1 (from 1.xml, required), C2, D2, E3 (optional, use earliest possible).
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addAllKernels(CompatibilityMatrix* other, std::string* error) {
for (MatrixKernel& kernel : other->framework.mKernels) {
KernelVersion ver = kernel.minLts();
if (!addKernel(std::move(kernel), error)) {
if (error) {
*error = "Cannot add kernel version " + to_string(ver) + ": " + *error;
return false;
return true;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addAllKernelsAsOptional(CompatibilityMatrix* other, std::string* error) {
if (other == nullptr || other->level() <= level()) {
return true;
for (MatrixKernel& kernelToAdd : other->framework.mKernels) {
bool exists =
std::any_of(this->framework.mKernels.begin(), this->framework.mKernels.end(),
[&kernelToAdd](const MatrixKernel& existing) {
return kernelToAdd.minLts().version == existing.minLts().version &&
kernelToAdd.minLts().majorRev == existing.minLts().majorRev;
if (exists) {
// Shouldn't retroactively add requirements to minLts(), so ignore this.
// This happens even when kernelToAdd.conditions() != existing.conditions().
KernelVersion minLts = kernelToAdd.minLts();
if (!addKernel(std::move(kernelToAdd), error)) {
if (error) {
*error = "Cannot add " + to_string(minLts) + ": " + *error;
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
static bool mergeField(T* dst, T* src) {
static const T kEmpty{};
if (*dst == *src) {
return true; // no conflict
if (*src == kEmpty) {
return true;
if (*dst == kEmpty) {
*dst = std::move(*src);
return true;
return false;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addSepolicy(CompatibilityMatrix* other, std::string* error) {
bool success = mergeField(&this->framework.mSepolicy, &other->framework.mSepolicy);
if (!success && error) *error = "<sepolicy> is already defined";
return success;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addAvbMetaVersion(CompatibilityMatrix* other, std::string* error) {
bool success = mergeField(&this->framework.mAvbMetaVersion, &other->framework.mAvbMetaVersion);
if (!success && error) *error = "<avb><vbmeta-version> is already defined";
return success;
bool operator==(const CompatibilityMatrix &lft, const CompatibilityMatrix &rgt) {
return lft.mType == rgt.mType && lft.mLevel == rgt.mLevel && lft.mHals == rgt.mHals &&
lft.mXmlFiles == rgt.mXmlFiles &&
(lft.mType != SchemaType::DEVICE ||
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
lft.device.mVndk == rgt.device.mVndk &&
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
lft.device.mVendorNdk == rgt.device.mVendorNdk &&
lft.device.mSystemSdk == rgt.device.mSystemSdk)) &&
(lft.mType != SchemaType::FRAMEWORK ||
(lft.framework.mKernels == rgt.framework.mKernels &&
lft.framework.mSepolicy == rgt.framework.mSepolicy &&
lft.framework.mAvbMetaVersion == rgt.framework.mAvbMetaVersion));
std::unique_ptr<CompatibilityMatrix> CompatibilityMatrix::combine(
Level deviceLevel, std::vector<Named<CompatibilityMatrix>>* matrices, std::string* error) {
// Check type.
for (const auto& e : *matrices) {
if (e.object.type() != SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
if (error) {
*error = "File \"" + + "\" is not a framework compatibility matrix.";
return nullptr;
// Matrices with unspecified (empty) level are auto-filled with deviceLevel.
for (auto& e : *matrices) {
if (e.object.level() == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
e.object.mLevel = deviceLevel;
// Add from low to high FCM version so that optional <kernel> requirements are added correctly.
// See comment in addAllAsOptional.
std::sort(matrices->begin(), matrices->end(),
[](const auto& x, const auto& y) { return x.object.level() < y.object.level(); });
auto baseMatrix = std::make_unique<CompatibilityMatrix>();
baseMatrix->mLevel = deviceLevel;
baseMatrix->mType = SchemaType::FRAMEWORK;
std::vector<std::string> parsedFiles;
for (auto& e : *matrices) {
if (e.object.level() < deviceLevel) {
bool success = false;
if (e.object.level() == deviceLevel) {
success = baseMatrix->addAll(&e, error);
} else {
success = baseMatrix->addAllAsOptional(&e, error);
if (!success) {
if (error) {
*error = "Conflict when merging \"" + + "\": " + *error + "\n" +
"Previous files:\n" + base::Join(parsedFiles, "\n");
return nullptr;
return baseMatrix;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addAll(Named<CompatibilityMatrix>* inputMatrix, std::string* error) {
if (!addAllHals(&inputMatrix->object, error) || !addAllXmlFiles(&inputMatrix->object, error) ||
!addAllKernels(&inputMatrix->object, error) || !addSepolicy(&inputMatrix->object, error) ||
!addAvbMetaVersion(&inputMatrix->object, error)) {
if (error) {
*error = "File \"" + inputMatrix->name + "\" cannot be added: " + *error + ".";
return true;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::addAllAsOptional(Named<CompatibilityMatrix>* inputMatrix,
std::string* error) {
if (!addAllHalsAsOptional(&inputMatrix->object, error) ||
!addAllXmlFilesAsOptional(&inputMatrix->object, error) ||
!addAllKernelsAsOptional(&inputMatrix->object, error)) {
if (error) {
*error = "File \"" + inputMatrix->name + "\" cannot be added: " + *error;
return false;
// ignore <sepolicy> requirement from higher level
// ignore <avb> requirement from higher level
return true;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::forEachInstanceOfVersion(
const std::string& package, const Version& expectVersion,
const std::function<bool(const MatrixInstance&)>& func) const {
for (const MatrixHal* hal : getHals(package)) {
bool cont = hal->forEachInstance([&](const MatrixInstance& matrixInstance) {
if (matrixInstance.versionRange().contains(expectVersion)) {
return func(matrixInstance);
return true;
if (!cont) return false;
return true;
bool CompatibilityMatrix::matchInstance(const std::string& halName, const Version& version,
const std::string& interfaceName,
const std::string& instance) const {
bool found = false;
(void)forEachInstanceOfInterface(halName, version, interfaceName,
[&found, &instance](const auto& e) {
found |= (e.matchInstance(instance));
return !found; // if not found, continue
return found;
std::string CompatibilityMatrix::getVendorNdkVersion() const {
return type() == SchemaType::DEVICE ? device.mVendorNdk.version() : "";
} // namespace vintf
} // namespace android