regex-instance: Fix check deprecate test

Deprecation check should check <regex-instance> as well
as <instance>.

An instance is considered deprecated if it matches
some <instance> or <regex-instance> in "old" matrix
but a higher major version / higher minor version matchese
some <instance> or <regex-instance> in "new" matrix.

For example:
1.xml: @1.0::IFoo/legacy/[0-9]+
2.xml: @2.0::IFoo/leg[a-z]+/[0-9]+

And a device manifest provides @1.0::IFoo/legacy/1, then
this instance is deprecated.

VintfObject::IsInstanceInUse is changed to VintfObject::ListInstances
because the matrix no longer provides an exact list of instances
that it checks, but rather a "match rule"; hence it needs to list
all instances from IServiceManager or manifest to work. However,
this doesn't work with passthrough service manager. Hence, if a HAL
is a passthrough HAL, only <instance>s can be checked.

Bug: 73738616
Test: libvintf_test
Test: vintf_object_test
Test: vts_treble_vintf_test

Change-Id: Ibb7585b157c3c1148ba78b8fcd27a113d398297a
3 files changed