VintfObject now provides instance methods.

VintfObject used to only contain static methods. It now
contains instance methods, and the static methods are
delegates to the instance methods. For example:

GetDeviceHalManifest calls GetInstance()->getDeviceHalManifest()
getDeviceHalManifest does the actual job.

The static dependencies (FileSystem, PropertyFetcher, PartitionMounter,
ObjectFactory<RuntimeInfo> are also moved from utils.cpp to the
static VintfObject instance.

Tests are updated to create a test VintfObject instance with
the mocked dependencies, and run test on the test object.

As a result, utils.cpp is now empty and removed, and
libvintf_common is the same as libvintf. Hence libvintf_common is also

This allows:
- Allows better mocking in tests. Tests are now independent of
  each other because a new VintfObject is created for every test.
  (Previously this is done very badly by clearing the global states,
  which is error prone)
  - A bug in VintfObjectTest.FrameworkCompatibilityMatrixCombine
    is discovered because it depends on setting global states in
    previous test cases. This is also fixed in this CL.
- In recovery, two VintfObject is required; one for XMLs in the
  recovery image (under /) and one for XMLs in system/vendor image
  (under /mnt). HIDL HAL getService in recovery depends on the former,
  and OTA depends on the latter. This CL prepares recovery to work.
  (A follow-up CL is needed to update VintfObjectRecovery to use
  /mnt for getService).

Some other notable changes in the CL:
- CompatibilityMatrix/HalManifest fetchAllInformation now takes
  a FileSystem argument to fetch files correctly, because the global
  FileSystem object is removed.
- Globals in utils.cpp / utils-fake.cpp is removed
- DevicePropertyFetcher is moved from utils.cpp to PropertyFetcher.cpp
  and is always built (for both host and target); but host VintfObject
  uses dummy PropertyFetcher by default. (See
  createDefaultPropertyFetcher in VintfObject.cpp).

Bug: 110855270
Bug: 80132328
Bug: 111372832

Test: vintf_object_test
Test: livintf_test

Change-Id: I24320662191b977c0e562129e49b33e80de727cc
18 files changed