Add checkvintf to dist for inter branch build targets

checkvintf is used to check the compatibility between system and
vendor for mixed build targets such as P GSI + O-MR1 vendor.

These inter branch build targets will be built from a new manifest
branch, as mandated by the guideline in go/build_chaining. Adding
checkvintf to dist allows us to get this tool from the parent
target instead of having to build in the lightweight manifest

Bug: 74214049
Test: lunch aosp_arm64_ab-userdebug; make -j dist; confirm that
checkvintf is outputed under DIST_DIR

Change-Id: I2b2a72225772b40096363e70374e441f7f9e756d
Merged-In: I2b2a72225772b40096363e70374e441f7f9e756d
1 file changed