Update needed for Rust v1.77.1

error: initializer for `thread_local` value can be made `const`
  --> system/librustutils/system_properties_fuzzer.rs:28:36
28 |     static COUNTER: RefCell<u64> = RefCell::new(0);
   |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace with: `const { RefCell::new(0) }`
   = help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#thread_local_initializer_can_be_made_const
   = note: `-D clippy::thread-local-initializer-can-be-made-const` implied by `-D warnings`
   = help: to override `-D warnings` add `#[allow(clippy::thread_local_initializer_can_be_made_const)]`

error: aborting due to 1 previous error

Bug: 330185853
 ./test_compiler.py --prebuilt-path dist/rust-dev.tar.xz  --target aosp_cf_x86_64_phone --image

Test: m rust
Change-Id: I6c84953155244ceac2a798cb049796119852fd64
1 file changed