blob: c9de8ee1b71a15cce41e7e14fd939ac0253a1395 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <keymaster/android_keymaster_messages.h>
#include <keymaster/authorization_set.h>
namespace keymaster {
class Key;
class KeyFactory;
class KeymasterContext;
class OperationTable;
* This is the reference implementation of Keymaster. In addition to acting as a reference for
* other Keymaster implementers to check their assumptions against, it is used by Keystore as the
* default implementation when no secure implementation is available, and may be installed and
* executed in secure hardware as a secure implementation.
* Note that this class doesn't actually implement the Keymaster HAL interface, instead it
* implements an alternative API which is similar to and based upon the HAL, but uses C++ "message"
* classes which support serialization.
* For non-secure, pure software implementation there is a HAL translation layer that converts the
* HAL's parameters to and from the message representations, which are then passed in to this
* API.
* For secure implementation there is another HAL translation layer that serializes the messages to
* the TEE. In the TEE implementation there's another component which deserializes the messages,
* extracts the relevant parameters and calls this API.
class AndroidKeymaster {
AndroidKeymaster(KeymasterContext* context, size_t operation_table_size);
virtual ~AndroidKeymaster();
void SupportedAlgorithms(SupportedResponse<keymaster_algorithm_t>* response) const;
void SupportedBlockModes(keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm, keymaster_purpose_t purpose,
SupportedResponse<keymaster_block_mode_t>* response) const;
void SupportedPaddingModes(keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm, keymaster_purpose_t purpose,
SupportedResponse<keymaster_padding_t>* response) const;
void SupportedDigests(keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm, keymaster_purpose_t purpose,
SupportedResponse<keymaster_digest_t>* response) const;
void SupportedImportFormats(keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm,
SupportedResponse<keymaster_key_format_t>* response) const;
void SupportedExportFormats(keymaster_algorithm_t algorithm,
SupportedResponse<keymaster_key_format_t>* response) const;
keymaster_error_t AddRngEntropy(const AddEntropyRequest& request);
void GenerateKey(const GenerateKeyRequest& request, GenerateKeyResponse* response);
void GetKeyCharacteristics(const GetKeyCharacteristicsRequest& request,
GetKeyCharacteristicsResponse* response);
void ImportKey(const ImportKeyRequest& request, ImportKeyResponse* response);
void ExportKey(const ExportKeyRequest& request, ExportKeyResponse* response);
keymaster_error_t DeleteKey(const DeleteKeyRequest& request);
keymaster_error_t DeleteAllKeys();
void BeginOperation(const BeginOperationRequest& request, BeginOperationResponse* response);
void UpdateOperation(const UpdateOperationRequest& request, UpdateOperationResponse* response);
void FinishOperation(const FinishOperationRequest& request, FinishOperationResponse* response);
keymaster_error_t AbortOperation(const keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle);
void GetVersion(const GetVersionRequest& request, GetVersionResponse* response);
keymaster_error_t LoadKey(const keymaster_key_blob_t& key_blob,
const AuthorizationSet& additional_params,
AuthorizationSet* hw_enforced, AuthorizationSet* sw_enforced,
const KeyFactory** factory, UniquePtr<Key>* key);
UniquePtr<KeymasterContext> context_;
UniquePtr<OperationTable> operation_table_;
} // namespace keymaster