Add GetDsuMetadataKeyDir()

* GetDsuMetadataKeyDir() returns the metadata encryption key dir
  to be used by DSU.
  This function is called by libfstab during second-stage-init for
  the guest DSU system to determine the userdata mount flags.
  This is called by vold to clean up the key dir when removing a
  DSU installation.

* DsuMetadataKeyDirFile() returns the metadata encryption key dir
  indicator file. During installation, gsid (host) publish the
  key dir to be used by the guest DSU system to this file.

* DefaultDsuMetadataKeyDir() returns the default key dir.
  gsid calls this function to build the key dir to be used by the
  guest DSU system.

* DSU metadata encryption key dir must be a subdirectory of

Bug: 168571434
Test: Build and boot.
Change-Id: I4d7f8084d93140d19886e29a9ac890bcdbad4e11
1 file changed