Merge changes from topic "fdevent_refactor"

* changes:
  adb: fdevent: extract Add/Del/SetTimeout.
  adb: fdevent: extract Create/Destroy from fdevent_context_poll.
  adb: fdevent: move TerminateLoop to fdevent_context.
  adb: fdevent: move CheckMainThread logic to fdevent_context.
  adb: fdevent: delete FDE_CREATED.
  adb: fdevent: move run queue to fdevent_context.
  adb: implement fdevent_reset by constructing a new context.
  adb: move fdevent implementation out to a separate file.
  adb: de-globalize fdevent context.
  adb: move fdevent to its own folder.
  adb: add superfluous include.
diff --git a/adb/Android.bp b/adb/Android.bp
index b6aff3e..f6aede8 100644
--- a/adb/Android.bp
+++ b/adb/Android.bp
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@
-    "fdevent.cpp",
+    "fdevent/fdevent.cpp",
+    "fdevent/fdevent_poll.cpp",
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
-    "fdevent_test.cpp",
+    "fdevent/fdevent_test.cpp",
diff --git a/adb/adb.h b/adb/adb.h
index 3a6f059..352b2fe 100644
--- a/adb/adb.h
+++ b/adb/adb.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include <android-base/macros.h>
 #include "adb_trace.h"
-#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent.h"
 #include "socket.h"
 #include "types.h"
 #include "usb.h"
diff --git a/adb/adb_listeners_test.cpp b/adb/adb_listeners_test.cpp
index b697769..a7e2dea 100644
--- a/adb/adb_listeners_test.cpp
+++ b/adb/adb_listeners_test.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
 #include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent.h"
 #include "sysdeps.h"
 #include "transport.h"
diff --git a/adb/client/transport_mdns.cpp b/adb/client/transport_mdns.cpp
index 283fac5..1a34384 100644
--- a/adb/client/transport_mdns.cpp
+++ b/adb/client/transport_mdns.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #include "adb_mdns.h"
 #include "adb_trace.h"
-#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent.h"
 #include "sysdeps.h"
 static DNSServiceRef service_ref;
diff --git a/adb/daemon/auth.cpp b/adb/daemon/auth.cpp
index 1800f84..2b8f461 100644
--- a/adb/daemon/auth.cpp
+++ b/adb/daemon/auth.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
 #include "adb.h"
 #include "adb_auth.h"
-#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "adb_io.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent.h"
 #include "sysdeps.h"
 #include "transport.h"
diff --git a/adb/daemon/framebuffer_service.cpp b/adb/daemon/framebuffer_service.cpp
index 2a6418a..676f8e9 100644
--- a/adb/daemon/framebuffer_service.cpp
+++ b/adb/daemon/framebuffer_service.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 #include "adb.h"
 #include "adb_io.h"
 #include "adb_utils.h"
-#include "fdevent.h"
 /* TODO:
 ** - sync with vsync to avoid tearing
diff --git a/adb/fdevent.cpp b/adb/fdevent.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f9086..0000000
--- a/adb/fdevent.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2006, Brian Swetland <>
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#include "sysdeps.h"
-#include "fdevent.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <deque>
-#include <functional>
-#include <list>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <optional>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <utility>
-#include <variant>
-#include <vector>
-#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
-#include <android-base/file.h>
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
-#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
-#include <android-base/threads.h>
-#include "adb_io.h"
-#include "adb_trace.h"
-#include "adb_unique_fd.h"
-#include "adb_utils.h"
-#include "sysdeps/chrono.h"
-#define FDE_EVENTMASK  0x00ff
-#define FDE_STATEMASK  0xff00
-#define FDE_ACTIVE     0x0100
-#define FDE_PENDING    0x0200
-#define FDE_CREATED    0x0400
-struct PollNode {
-  fdevent* fde;
-  adb_pollfd pollfd;
-  explicit PollNode(fdevent* fde) : fde(fde) {
-      memset(&pollfd, 0, sizeof(pollfd));
-      pollfd.fd = fde->fd.get();
-#if defined(__linux__)
-      // Always enable POLLRDHUP, so the host server can take action when some clients disconnect.
-      // Then we can avoid leaving many sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state. See http://b/23314034.
-  }
-// All operations to fdevent should happen only in the main thread.
-// That's why we don't need a lock for fdevent.
-static auto& g_poll_node_map = *new std::unordered_map<int, PollNode>();
-static auto& g_pending_list = *new std::list<fdevent*>();
-static std::atomic<bool> terminate_loop(false);
-static bool main_thread_valid;
-static uint64_t main_thread_id;
-static uint64_t fdevent_id;
-static bool run_needs_flush = false;
-static auto& run_queue_notify_fd = *new unique_fd();
-static auto& run_queue_mutex = *new std::mutex();
-static auto& run_queue GUARDED_BY(run_queue_mutex) = *new std::deque<std::function<void()>>();
-void check_main_thread() {
-    if (main_thread_valid) {
-        CHECK_EQ(main_thread_id, android::base::GetThreadId());
-    }
-void set_main_thread() {
-    main_thread_valid = true;
-    main_thread_id = android::base::GetThreadId();
-static std::string dump_fde(const fdevent* fde) {
-    std::string state;
-    if (fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE) {
-        state += "A";
-    }
-    if (fde->state & FDE_PENDING) {
-        state += "P";
-    }
-    if (fde->state & FDE_CREATED) {
-        state += "C";
-    }
-    if (fde->state & FDE_READ) {
-        state += "R";
-    }
-    if (fde->state & FDE_WRITE) {
-        state += "W";
-    }
-    if (fde->state & FDE_ERROR) {
-        state += "E";
-    }
-    return android::base::StringPrintf("(fdevent %" PRIu64 ": fd %d %s)", fde->id, fde->fd.get(),
-                                       state.c_str());
-template <typename F>
-static fdevent* fdevent_create_impl(int fd, F func, void* arg) {
-    check_main_thread();
-    CHECK_GE(fd, 0);
-    fdevent* fde = new fdevent();
-    fde->id = fdevent_id++;
-    fde->state = FDE_ACTIVE;
-    fde->fd.reset(fd);
-    fde->func = func;
-    fde->arg = arg;
-    if (!set_file_block_mode(fd, false)) {
-        // Here is not proper to handle the error. If it fails here, some error is
-        // likely to be detected by poll(), then we can let the callback function
-        // to handle it.
-        LOG(ERROR) << "failed to set non-blocking mode for fd " << fd;
-    }
-    auto pair = g_poll_node_map.emplace(fde->fd.get(), PollNode(fde));
-    CHECK(pair.second) << "install existing fd " << fd;
-    fde->state |= FDE_CREATED;
-    return fde;
-fdevent* fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func func, void* arg) {
-    return fdevent_create_impl(fd, func, arg);
-fdevent* fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func2 func, void* arg) {
-    return fdevent_create_impl(fd, func, arg);
-unique_fd fdevent_release(fdevent* fde) {
-    check_main_thread();
-    if (!fde) {
-        return {};
-    }
-    if (!(fde->state & FDE_CREATED)) {
-        LOG(FATAL) << "destroying fde not created by fdevent_create(): " << dump_fde(fde);
-    }
-    unique_fd result = std::move(fde->fd);
-    if (fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE) {
-        g_poll_node_map.erase(result.get());
-        if (fde->state & FDE_PENDING) {
-            g_pending_list.remove(fde);
-        }
-        fde->state = 0;
-        fde->events = 0;
-    }
-    delete fde;
-    return result;
-void fdevent_destroy(fdevent* fde) {
-    // Release, and then let unique_fd's destructor cleanup.
-    fdevent_release(fde);
-static void fdevent_update(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
-    auto it = g_poll_node_map.find(fde->fd.get());
-    CHECK(it != g_poll_node_map.end());
-    PollNode& node = it->second;
-    if (events & FDE_READ) {
- |= POLLIN;
-    } else {
- &= ~POLLIN;
-    }
-    if (events & FDE_WRITE) {
-    } else {
- &= ~POLLOUT;
-    }
-    fde->state = (fde->state & FDE_STATEMASK) | events;
-void fdevent_set(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
-    check_main_thread();
-    events &= FDE_EVENTMASK;
-    if ((fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) == events) {
-        return;
-    }
-    CHECK(fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE);
-    fdevent_update(fde, events);
-    D("fdevent_set: %s, events = %u", dump_fde(fde).c_str(), events);
-    if (fde->state & FDE_PENDING) {
-        // If we are pending, make sure we don't signal an event that is no longer wanted.
-        fde->events &= events;
-        if (fde->events == 0) {
-            g_pending_list.remove(fde);
-            fde->state &= ~FDE_PENDING;
-        }
-    }
-void fdevent_add(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
-    check_main_thread();
-    CHECK(!(events & FDE_TIMEOUT));
-    fdevent_set(fde, (fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) | events);
-void fdevent_del(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
-    check_main_thread();
-    CHECK(!(events & FDE_TIMEOUT));
-    fdevent_set(fde, (fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) & ~events);
-void fdevent_set_timeout(fdevent* fde, std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout) {
-    check_main_thread();
-    fde->timeout = timeout;
-    fde->last_active = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-static std::string dump_pollfds(const std::vector<adb_pollfd>& pollfds) {
-    std::string result;
-    for (const auto& pollfd : pollfds) {
-        std::string op;
-        if ( & POLLIN) {
-            op += "R";
-        }
-        if ( & POLLOUT) {
-            op += "W";
-        }
-        android::base::StringAppendF(&result, " %d(%s)", pollfd.fd, op.c_str());
-    }
-    return result;
-static std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> calculate_timeout() {
-    std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> result = std::nullopt;
-    auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-    check_main_thread();
-    for (const auto& [fd, pollnode] : g_poll_node_map) {
-        UNUSED(fd);
-        auto timeout_opt = pollnode.fde->timeout;
-        if (timeout_opt) {
-            auto deadline = pollnode.fde->last_active + *timeout_opt;
-            auto time_left = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(deadline - now);
-            if (time_left < std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) {
-                time_left = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero();
-            }
-            if (!result) {
-                result = time_left;
-            } else {
-                result = std::min(*result, time_left);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
-static void fdevent_process() {
-    std::vector<adb_pollfd> pollfds;
-    for (const auto& pair : g_poll_node_map) {
-        pollfds.push_back(pair.second.pollfd);
-    }
-    CHECK_GT(pollfds.size(), 0u);
-    D("poll(), pollfds = %s", dump_pollfds(pollfds).c_str());
-    auto timeout = calculate_timeout();
-    int timeout_ms;
-    if (!timeout) {
-        timeout_ms = -1;
-    } else {
-        timeout_ms = timeout->count();
-    }
-    int ret = adb_poll(&pollfds[0], pollfds.size(), timeout_ms);
-    if (ret == -1) {
-        PLOG(ERROR) << "poll(), ret = " << ret;
-        return;
-    }
-    auto post_poll = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-    for (const auto& pollfd : pollfds) {
-        if (pollfd.revents != 0) {
-            D("for fd %d, revents = %x", pollfd.fd, pollfd.revents);
-        }
-        unsigned events = 0;
-        if (pollfd.revents & POLLIN) {
-            events |= FDE_READ;
-        }
-        if (pollfd.revents & POLLOUT) {
-            events |= FDE_WRITE;
-        }
-        if (pollfd.revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) {
-            // We fake a read, as the rest of the code assumes that errors will
-            // be detected at that point.
-            events |= FDE_READ | FDE_ERROR;
-        }
-#if defined(__linux__)
-        if (pollfd.revents & POLLRDHUP) {
-            events |= FDE_READ | FDE_ERROR;
-        }
-        auto it = g_poll_node_map.find(pollfd.fd);
-        CHECK(it != g_poll_node_map.end());
-        fdevent* fde = it->second.fde;
-        if (events == 0) {
-            // Check for timeout.
-            if (fde->timeout) {
-                auto deadline = fde->last_active + *fde->timeout;
-                if (deadline < post_poll) {
-                    events |= FDE_TIMEOUT;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (events != 0) {
-            CHECK_EQ(fde->fd.get(), pollfd.fd);
-            fde->events |= events;
-            fde->last_active = post_poll;
-            D("%s got events %x", dump_fde(fde).c_str(), events);
-            fde->state |= FDE_PENDING;
-            g_pending_list.push_back(fde);
-        }
-    }
-template <class T>
-struct always_false : std::false_type {};
-static void fdevent_call_fdfunc(fdevent* fde) {
-    unsigned events = fde->events;
-    fde->events = 0;
-    CHECK(fde->state & FDE_PENDING);
-    fde->state &= (~FDE_PENDING);
-    D("fdevent_call_fdfunc %s", dump_fde(fde).c_str());
-    std::visit(
-            [&](auto&& f) {
-                using F = std::decay_t<decltype(f)>;
-                if constexpr (std::is_same_v<fd_func, F>) {
-                    f(fde->fd.get(), events, fde->arg);
-                } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<fd_func2, F>) {
-                    f(fde, events, fde->arg);
-                } else {
-                    static_assert(always_false<F>::value, "non-exhaustive visitor");
-                }
-            },
-            fde->func);
-static void fdevent_run_flush() EXCLUDES(run_queue_mutex) {
-    // We need to be careful around reentrancy here, since a function we call can queue up another
-    // function.
-    while (true) {
-        std::function<void()> fn;
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(run_queue_mutex);
-            if (run_queue.empty()) {
-                break;
-            }
-            fn = run_queue.front();
-            run_queue.pop_front();
-        }
-        fn();
-    }
-static void fdevent_run_func(int fd, unsigned ev, void* /* userdata */) {
-    CHECK_GE(fd, 0);
-    CHECK(ev & FDE_READ);
-    char buf[1024];
-    // Empty the fd.
-    if (adb_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) {
-        PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to empty run queue notify fd";
-    }
-    // Mark that we need to flush, and then run it at the end of fdevent_loop.
-    run_needs_flush = true;
-static void fdevent_run_setup() {
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(run_queue_mutex);
-        CHECK(run_queue_notify_fd.get() == -1);
-        int s[2];
-        if (adb_socketpair(s) != 0) {
-            PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to create run queue notify socketpair";
-        }
-        if (!set_file_block_mode(s[0], false) || !set_file_block_mode(s[1], false)) {
-            PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to make run queue notify socket nonblocking";
-        }
-        run_queue_notify_fd.reset(s[0]);
-        fdevent* fde = fdevent_create(s[1], fdevent_run_func, nullptr);
-        CHECK(fde != nullptr);
-        fdevent_add(fde, FDE_READ);
-    }
-    fdevent_run_flush();
-void fdevent_run_on_main_thread(std::function<void()> fn) {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(run_queue_mutex);
-    run_queue.push_back(std::move(fn));
-    // run_queue_notify_fd could still be -1 if we're called before fdevent has finished setting up.
-    // In that case, rely on the setup code to flush the queue without a notification being needed.
-    if (run_queue_notify_fd != -1) {
-        int rc = adb_write(run_queue_notify_fd.get(), "", 1);
-        // It's possible that we get EAGAIN here, if lots of notifications came in while handling.
-        if (rc == 0) {
-            PLOG(FATAL) << "run queue notify fd was closed?";
-        } else if (rc == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) {
-            PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to write to run queue notify fd";
-        }
-    }
-static void fdevent_check_spin(uint64_t cycle) {
-    // Check to see if we're spinning because we forgot about an fdevent
-    // by keeping track of how long fdevents have been continuously pending.
-    struct SpinCheck {
-        fdevent* fde;
-        android::base::boot_clock::time_point timestamp;
-        uint64_t cycle;
-    };
-    static auto& g_continuously_pending = *new std::unordered_map<uint64_t, SpinCheck>();
-    static auto last_cycle = android::base::boot_clock::now();
-    auto now = android::base::boot_clock::now();
-    if (now - last_cycle > 10ms) {
-        // We're not spinning.
-        g_continuously_pending.clear();
-        last_cycle = now;
-        return;
-    }
-    last_cycle = now;
-    for (auto* fde : g_pending_list) {
-        auto it = g_continuously_pending.find(fde->id);
-        if (it == g_continuously_pending.end()) {
-            g_continuously_pending[fde->id] =
-                    SpinCheck{.fde = fde, .timestamp = now, .cycle = cycle};
-        } else {
-            it->second.cycle = cycle;
-        }
-    }
-    for (auto it = g_continuously_pending.begin(); it != g_continuously_pending.end();) {
-        if (it->second.cycle != cycle) {
-            it = g_continuously_pending.erase(it);
-        } else {
-            // Use an absurdly long window, since all we really care about is
-            // getting a bugreport eventually.
-            if (now - it->second.timestamp > 300s) {
-                LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT)
-                        << "detected spin in fdevent: " << dump_fde(it->second.fde);
-#if defined(__linux__)
-                int fd = it->second.fde->fd.get();
-                std::string fd_path = android::base::StringPrintf("/proc/self/fd/%d", fd);
-                std::string path;
-                if (!android::base::Readlink(fd_path, &path)) {
-                    PLOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "readlink of fd " << fd << " failed";
-                }
-                LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "fd " << fd << " = " << path;
-                abort();
-            }
-            ++it;
-        }
-    }
-void fdevent_loop() {
-    set_main_thread();
-    fdevent_run_setup();
-    uint64_t cycle = 0;
-    while (true) {
-        if (terminate_loop) {
-            return;
-        }
-        D("--- --- waiting for events");
-        fdevent_process();
-        fdevent_check_spin(cycle++);
-        while (!g_pending_list.empty()) {
-            fdevent* fde = g_pending_list.front();
-            g_pending_list.pop_front();
-            fdevent_call_fdfunc(fde);
-        }
-        if (run_needs_flush) {
-            fdevent_run_flush();
-            run_needs_flush = false;
-        }
-    }
-void fdevent_terminate_loop() {
-    terminate_loop = true;
-size_t fdevent_installed_count() {
-    return g_poll_node_map.size();
-void fdevent_reset() {
-    g_poll_node_map.clear();
-    g_pending_list.clear();
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(run_queue_mutex);
-    run_queue_notify_fd.reset();
-    run_queue.clear();
-    main_thread_valid = false;
-    terminate_loop = false;
diff --git a/adb/fdevent.h b/adb/fdevent.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42dbb9e..0000000
--- a/adb/fdevent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef __FDEVENT_H
-#define __FDEVENT_H
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <functional>
-#include <optional>
-#include <variant>
-#include "adb_unique_fd.h"
-// Events that may be observed
-#define FDE_READ 0x0001
-#define FDE_WRITE 0x0002
-#define FDE_ERROR 0x0004
-#define FDE_TIMEOUT 0x0008
-typedef void (*fd_func)(int fd, unsigned events, void *userdata);
-typedef void (*fd_func2)(struct fdevent* fde, unsigned events, void* userdata);
-struct fdevent {
-    uint64_t id;
-    unique_fd fd;
-    int force_eof = 0;
-    uint16_t state = 0;
-    uint16_t events = 0;
-    std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout;
-    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_active;
-    std::variant<fd_func, fd_func2> func;
-    void* arg = nullptr;
-// Allocate and initialize a new fdevent object
-// TODO: Switch these to unique_fd.
-fdevent *fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func func, void *arg);
-fdevent* fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func2 func, void* arg);
-// Deallocate an fdevent object that was created by fdevent_create.
-void fdevent_destroy(fdevent *fde);
-// fdevent_destroy, except releasing the file descriptor previously owned by the fdevent.
-unique_fd fdevent_release(fdevent* fde);
-// Change which events should cause notifications
-void fdevent_set(fdevent *fde, unsigned events);
-void fdevent_add(fdevent *fde, unsigned events);
-void fdevent_del(fdevent *fde, unsigned events);
-// Set a timeout on an fdevent.
-// If no events are triggered by the timeout, an FDE_TIMEOUT will be generated.
-// Note timeouts are not defused automatically; if a timeout is set on an fdevent, it will
-// trigger repeatedly every |timeout| ms.
-void fdevent_set_timeout(fdevent* fde, std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout);
-// Loop forever, handling events.
-void fdevent_loop();
-void check_main_thread();
-// Queue an operation to run on the main thread.
-void fdevent_run_on_main_thread(std::function<void()> fn);
-// The following functions are used only for tests.
-void fdevent_terminate_loop();
-size_t fdevent_installed_count();
-void fdevent_reset();
-void set_main_thread();
diff --git a/adb/fdevent/fdevent.cpp b/adb/fdevent/fdevent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b8f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adb/fdevent/fdevent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * Copyright 2006, Brian Swetland <>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "sysdeps.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
+#include <android-base/threads.h>
+#include "adb_utils.h"
+#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "fdevent_poll.h"
+std::string dump_fde(const fdevent* fde) {
+    std::string state;
+    if (fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE) {
+        state += "A";
+    }
+    if (fde->state & FDE_PENDING) {
+        state += "P";
+    }
+    if (fde->state & FDE_READ) {
+        state += "R";
+    }
+    if (fde->state & FDE_WRITE) {
+        state += "W";
+    }
+    if (fde->state & FDE_ERROR) {
+        state += "E";
+    }
+    return android::base::StringPrintf("(fdevent %" PRIu64 ": fd %d %s)", fde->id, fde->fd.get(),
+                                       state.c_str());
+fdevent* fdevent_context::Create(unique_fd fd, std::variant<fd_func, fd_func2> func, void* arg) {
+    CheckMainThread();
+    CHECK_GE(fd.get(), 0);
+    fdevent* fde = new fdevent();
+    fde->id = fdevent_id_++;
+    fde->state = FDE_ACTIVE;
+    fde->fd = std::move(fd);
+    fde->func = func;
+    fde->arg = arg;
+    if (!set_file_block_mode(fde->fd, false)) {
+        // Here is not proper to handle the error. If it fails here, some error is
+        // likely to be detected by poll(), then we can let the callback function
+        // to handle it.
+        LOG(ERROR) << "failed to set non-blocking mode for fd " << fde->fd.get();
+    }
+    this->Register(fde);
+    return fde;
+unique_fd fdevent_context::Destroy(fdevent* fde) {
+    CheckMainThread();
+    if (!fde) {
+        return {};
+    }
+    this->Unregister(fde);
+    unique_fd result = std::move(fde->fd);
+    delete fde;
+    return result;
+void fdevent_context::Add(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
+    Set(fde, (fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) | events);
+void fdevent_context::Del(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
+    CHECK(!(events & FDE_TIMEOUT));
+    Set(fde, (fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) & ~events);
+void fdevent_context::SetTimeout(fdevent* fde, std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout) {
+    CheckMainThread();
+    fde->timeout = timeout;
+    fde->last_active = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+void fdevent_context::CheckMainThread() {
+    if (main_thread_id_) {
+        CHECK_EQ(*main_thread_id_, android::base::GetThreadId());
+    }
+void fdevent_context::Run(std::function<void()> fn) {
+    {
+        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(run_queue_mutex_);
+        run_queue_.push_back(std::move(fn));
+    }
+    Interrupt();
+void fdevent_context::TerminateLoop() {
+    terminate_loop_ = true;
+    Interrupt();
+void fdevent_context::FlushRunQueue() {
+    // We need to be careful around reentrancy here, since a function we call can queue up another
+    // function.
+    while (true) {
+        std::function<void()> fn;
+        {
+            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->run_queue_mutex_);
+            if (this->run_queue_.empty()) {
+                break;
+            }
+            fn = this->run_queue_.front();
+            this->run_queue_.pop_front();
+        }
+        fn();
+    }
+static auto& g_ambient_fdevent_context =
+        *new std::unique_ptr<fdevent_context>(new fdevent_context_poll());
+static fdevent_context* fdevent_get_ambient() {
+    return g_ambient_fdevent_context.get();
+fdevent* fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func func, void* arg) {
+    unique_fd ufd(fd);
+    return fdevent_get_ambient()->Create(std::move(ufd), func, arg);
+fdevent* fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func2 func, void* arg) {
+    unique_fd ufd(fd);
+    return fdevent_get_ambient()->Create(std::move(ufd), func, arg);
+unique_fd fdevent_release(fdevent* fde) {
+    return fdevent_get_ambient()->Destroy(fde);
+void fdevent_destroy(fdevent* fde) {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->Destroy(fde);
+void fdevent_set(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->Set(fde, events);
+void fdevent_add(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->Add(fde, events);
+void fdevent_del(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->Del(fde, events);
+void fdevent_set_timeout(fdevent* fde, std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout) {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->SetTimeout(fde, timeout);
+void fdevent_run_on_main_thread(std::function<void()> fn) {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->Run(std::move(fn));
+void fdevent_loop() {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->Loop();
+void check_main_thread() {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->CheckMainThread();
+void fdevent_terminate_loop() {
+    fdevent_get_ambient()->TerminateLoop();
+size_t fdevent_installed_count() {
+    return fdevent_get_ambient()->InstalledCount();
+void fdevent_reset() {
+    g_ambient_fdevent_context.reset(new fdevent_context_poll());
diff --git a/adb/fdevent/fdevent.h b/adb/fdevent/fdevent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccb0c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adb/fdevent/fdevent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef __FDEVENT_H
+#define __FDEVENT_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <deque>
+#include <functional>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <optional>
+#include <variant>
+#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
+#include "adb_unique_fd.h"
+// Events that may be observed
+#define FDE_READ 0x0001
+#define FDE_WRITE 0x0002
+#define FDE_ERROR 0x0004
+#define FDE_TIMEOUT 0x0008
+// Internal states.
+#define FDE_EVENTMASK  0x00ff
+#define FDE_STATEMASK  0xff00
+#define FDE_ACTIVE     0x0100
+#define FDE_PENDING    0x0200
+typedef void (*fd_func)(int fd, unsigned events, void *userdata);
+typedef void (*fd_func2)(struct fdevent* fde, unsigned events, void* userdata);
+struct fdevent;
+std::string dump_fde(const fdevent* fde);
+struct fdevent_context {
+  public:
+    virtual ~fdevent_context() = default;
+    // Allocate and initialize a new fdevent object.
+    fdevent* Create(unique_fd fd, std::variant<fd_func, fd_func2> func, void* arg);
+    // Deallocate an fdevent object, returning the file descriptor that was owned by it.
+    unique_fd Destroy(fdevent* fde);
+  protected:
+    // Register an fdevent that is being created by Create with the fdevent_context.
+    virtual void Register(fdevent* fde) = 0;
+    // Unregister an fdevent that is being destroyed by Destroy with the fdevent_context.
+    virtual void Unregister(fdevent* fde) = 0;
+  public:
+    // Change which events should cause notifications.
+    virtual void Set(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) = 0;
+    void Add(fdevent* fde, unsigned events);
+    void Del(fdevent* fde, unsigned events);
+    // Set a timeout on an fdevent.
+    // If no events are triggered by the timeout, an FDE_TIMEOUT will be generated.
+    // Note timeouts are not defused automatically; if a timeout is set on an fdevent, it will
+    // trigger repeatedly every |timeout| ms.
+    void SetTimeout(fdevent* fde, std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout);
+    // Loop until TerminateLoop is called, handling events.
+    // Implementations should call FlushRunQueue on every iteration, and check the value of
+    // terminate_loop_ to determine whether to stop.
+    virtual void Loop() = 0;
+    // Assert that the caller is either running on the context's main thread, or that there is no
+    // active main thread.
+    void CheckMainThread();
+    // Queue an operation to be run on the main thread.
+    void Run(std::function<void()> fn);
+    // Test-only functionality:
+    void TerminateLoop();
+    virtual size_t InstalledCount() = 0;
+  protected:
+    // Interrupt the run loop.
+    virtual void Interrupt() = 0;
+    // Run all pending functions enqueued via Run().
+    void FlushRunQueue() EXCLUDES(run_queue_mutex_);
+    std::optional<uint64_t> main_thread_id_ = std::nullopt;
+    std::atomic<bool> terminate_loop_ = false;
+  private:
+    uint64_t fdevent_id_ = 0;
+    std::mutex run_queue_mutex_;
+    std::deque<std::function<void()>> run_queue_ GUARDED_BY(run_queue_mutex_);
+struct fdevent {
+    uint64_t id;
+    unique_fd fd;
+    int force_eof = 0;
+    uint16_t state = 0;
+    uint16_t events = 0;
+    std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout;
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_active;
+    std::variant<fd_func, fd_func2> func;
+    void* arg = nullptr;
+// Backwards compatibility shims that forward to the global fdevent_context.
+fdevent* fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func func, void* arg);
+fdevent* fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func2 func, void* arg);
+unique_fd fdevent_release(fdevent* fde);
+void fdevent_destroy(fdevent* fde);
+void fdevent_set(fdevent *fde, unsigned events);
+void fdevent_add(fdevent *fde, unsigned events);
+void fdevent_del(fdevent *fde, unsigned events);
+void fdevent_set_timeout(fdevent* fde, std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout);
+void fdevent_loop();
+void check_main_thread();
+// Queue an operation to run on the main thread.
+void fdevent_run_on_main_thread(std::function<void()> fn);
+// The following functions are used only for tests.
+void fdevent_terminate_loop();
+size_t fdevent_installed_count();
+void fdevent_reset();
diff --git a/adb/fdevent/fdevent_poll.cpp b/adb/fdevent/fdevent_poll.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75ea081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adb/fdevent/fdevent_poll.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "sysdeps.h"
+#include "fdevent_poll.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <deque>
+#include <functional>
+#include <list>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <optional>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <variant>
+#include <vector>
+#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
+#include <android-base/file.h>
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
+#include <android-base/threads.h>
+#include "adb_io.h"
+#include "adb_trace.h"
+#include "adb_unique_fd.h"
+#include "adb_utils.h"
+#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "sysdeps/chrono.h"
+static void fdevent_interrupt(int fd, unsigned, void*) {
+    char buf[BUFSIZ];
+    ssize_t rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(adb_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)));
+    if (rc == -1) {
+        PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to read from fdevent interrupt fd";
+    }
+fdevent_context_poll::fdevent_context_poll() {
+    int s[2];
+    if (adb_socketpair(s) != 0) {
+        PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to create fdevent interrupt socketpair";
+    }
+    if (!set_file_block_mode(s[0], false) || !set_file_block_mode(s[1], false)) {
+        PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to make fdevent interrupt socket nonblocking";
+    }
+    this->interrupt_fd_.reset(s[0]);
+    fdevent* fde = this->Create(unique_fd(s[1]), fdevent_interrupt, nullptr);
+    CHECK(fde != nullptr);
+    this->Add(fde, FDE_READ);
+fdevent_context_poll::~fdevent_context_poll() {
+    this->Destroy(this->interrupt_fde_);
+void fdevent_context_poll::Register(fdevent* fde) {
+    auto pair = poll_node_map_.emplace(fde->fd.get(), PollNode(fde));
+    CHECK(pair.second) << "install existing fd " << fde->fd.get();
+void fdevent_context_poll::Unregister(fdevent* fde) {
+    if (fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE) {
+        poll_node_map_.erase(fde->fd.get());
+        if (fde->state & FDE_PENDING) {
+            pending_list_.remove(fde);
+        }
+        fde->state = 0;
+        fde->events = 0;
+    }
+void fdevent_context_poll::Set(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) {
+    CheckMainThread();
+    events &= FDE_EVENTMASK;
+    if ((fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) == events) {
+        return;
+    }
+    CHECK(fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE);
+    auto it = poll_node_map_.find(fde->fd.get());
+    CHECK(it != poll_node_map_.end());
+    PollNode& node = it->second;
+    if (events & FDE_READ) {
+ |= POLLIN;
+    } else {
+ &= ~POLLIN;
+    }
+    if (events & FDE_WRITE) {
+    } else {
+ &= ~POLLOUT;
+    }
+    fde->state = (fde->state & FDE_STATEMASK) | events;
+    D("fdevent_set: %s, events = %u", dump_fde(fde).c_str(), events);
+    if (fde->state & FDE_PENDING) {
+        // If we are pending, make sure we don't signal an event that is no longer wanted.
+        fde->events &= events;
+        if (fde->events == 0) {
+            pending_list_.remove(fde);
+            fde->state &= ~FDE_PENDING;
+        }
+    }
+static std::string dump_pollfds(const std::vector<adb_pollfd>& pollfds) {
+    std::string result;
+    for (const auto& pollfd : pollfds) {
+        std::string op;
+        if ( & POLLIN) {
+            op += "R";
+        }
+        if ( & POLLOUT) {
+            op += "W";
+        }
+        android::base::StringAppendF(&result, " %d(%s)", pollfd.fd, op.c_str());
+    }
+    return result;
+static std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> calculate_timeout(fdevent_context_poll* ctx) {
+    std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> result = std::nullopt;
+    auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+    ctx->CheckMainThread();
+    for (const auto& [fd, pollnode] : ctx->poll_node_map_) {
+        UNUSED(fd);
+        auto timeout_opt = pollnode.fde->timeout;
+        if (timeout_opt) {
+            auto deadline = pollnode.fde->last_active + *timeout_opt;
+            auto time_left = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(deadline - now);
+            if (time_left < std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) {
+                time_left = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero();
+            }
+            if (!result) {
+                result = time_left;
+            } else {
+                result = std::min(*result, time_left);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+static void fdevent_process(fdevent_context_poll* ctx) {
+    std::vector<adb_pollfd> pollfds;
+    for (const auto& pair : ctx->poll_node_map_) {
+        pollfds.push_back(pair.second.pollfd);
+    }
+    CHECK_GT(pollfds.size(), 0u);
+    D("poll(), pollfds = %s", dump_pollfds(pollfds).c_str());
+    auto timeout = calculate_timeout(ctx);
+    int timeout_ms;
+    if (!timeout) {
+        timeout_ms = -1;
+    } else {
+        timeout_ms = timeout->count();
+    }
+    int ret = adb_poll(&pollfds[0], pollfds.size(), timeout_ms);
+    if (ret == -1) {
+        PLOG(ERROR) << "poll(), ret = " << ret;
+        return;
+    }
+    auto post_poll = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+    for (const auto& pollfd : pollfds) {
+        if (pollfd.revents != 0) {
+            D("for fd %d, revents = %x", pollfd.fd, pollfd.revents);
+        }
+        unsigned events = 0;
+        if (pollfd.revents & POLLIN) {
+            events |= FDE_READ;
+        }
+        if (pollfd.revents & POLLOUT) {
+            events |= FDE_WRITE;
+        }
+        if (pollfd.revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) {
+            // We fake a read, as the rest of the code assumes that errors will
+            // be detected at that point.
+            events |= FDE_READ | FDE_ERROR;
+        }
+#if defined(__linux__)
+        if (pollfd.revents & POLLRDHUP) {
+            events |= FDE_READ | FDE_ERROR;
+        }
+        auto it = ctx->poll_node_map_.find(pollfd.fd);
+        CHECK(it != ctx->poll_node_map_.end());
+        fdevent* fde = it->second.fde;
+        if (events == 0) {
+            // Check for timeout.
+            if (fde->timeout) {
+                auto deadline = fde->last_active + *fde->timeout;
+                if (deadline < post_poll) {
+                    events |= FDE_TIMEOUT;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (events != 0) {
+            CHECK_EQ(fde->fd.get(), pollfd.fd);
+            fde->events |= events;
+            fde->last_active = post_poll;
+            D("%s got events %x", dump_fde(fde).c_str(), events);
+            fde->state |= FDE_PENDING;
+            ctx->pending_list_.push_back(fde);
+        }
+    }
+template <class T>
+struct always_false : std::false_type {};
+static void fdevent_call_fdfunc(fdevent* fde) {
+    unsigned events = fde->events;
+    fde->events = 0;
+    CHECK(fde->state & FDE_PENDING);
+    fde->state &= (~FDE_PENDING);
+    D("fdevent_call_fdfunc %s", dump_fde(fde).c_str());
+    std::visit(
+            [&](auto&& f) {
+                using F = std::decay_t<decltype(f)>;
+                if constexpr (std::is_same_v<fd_func, F>) {
+                    f(fde->fd.get(), events, fde->arg);
+                } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<fd_func2, F>) {
+                    f(fde, events, fde->arg);
+                } else {
+                    static_assert(always_false<F>::value, "non-exhaustive visitor");
+                }
+            },
+            fde->func);
+static void fdevent_check_spin(fdevent_context_poll* ctx, uint64_t cycle) {
+    // Check to see if we're spinning because we forgot about an fdevent
+    // by keeping track of how long fdevents have been continuously pending.
+    struct SpinCheck {
+        fdevent* fde;
+        android::base::boot_clock::time_point timestamp;
+        uint64_t cycle;
+    };
+    // TODO: Move this into the base fdevent_context.
+    static auto& g_continuously_pending = *new std::unordered_map<uint64_t, SpinCheck>();
+    static auto last_cycle = android::base::boot_clock::now();
+    auto now = android::base::boot_clock::now();
+    if (now - last_cycle > 10ms) {
+        // We're not spinning.
+        g_continuously_pending.clear();
+        last_cycle = now;
+        return;
+    }
+    last_cycle = now;
+    for (auto* fde : ctx->pending_list_) {
+        auto it = g_continuously_pending.find(fde->id);
+        if (it == g_continuously_pending.end()) {
+            g_continuously_pending[fde->id] =
+                    SpinCheck{.fde = fde, .timestamp = now, .cycle = cycle};
+        } else {
+            it->second.cycle = cycle;
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto it = g_continuously_pending.begin(); it != g_continuously_pending.end();) {
+        if (it->second.cycle != cycle) {
+            it = g_continuously_pending.erase(it);
+        } else {
+            // Use an absurdly long window, since all we really care about is
+            // getting a bugreport eventually.
+            if (now - it->second.timestamp > 300s) {
+                LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT)
+                        << "detected spin in fdevent: " << dump_fde(it->second.fde);
+#if defined(__linux__)
+                int fd = it->second.fde->fd.get();
+                std::string fd_path = android::base::StringPrintf("/proc/self/fd/%d", fd);
+                std::string path;
+                if (!android::base::Readlink(fd_path, &path)) {
+                    PLOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "readlink of fd " << fd << " failed";
+                }
+                LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "fd " << fd << " = " << path;
+                abort();
+            }
+            ++it;
+        }
+    }
+void fdevent_context_poll::Loop() {
+    main_thread_id_ = android::base::GetThreadId();
+    uint64_t cycle = 0;
+    while (true) {
+        if (terminate_loop_) {
+            break;
+        }
+        D("--- --- waiting for events");
+        fdevent_process(this);
+        fdevent_check_spin(this, cycle++);
+        while (!pending_list_.empty()) {
+            fdevent* fde = pending_list_.front();
+            pending_list_.pop_front();
+            fdevent_call_fdfunc(fde);
+        }
+        this->FlushRunQueue();
+    }
+    main_thread_id_.reset();
+size_t fdevent_context_poll::InstalledCount() {
+    // We always have an installed fde for interrupt.
+    return poll_node_map_.size() - 1;
+void fdevent_context_poll::Interrupt() {
+    int rc = adb_write(this->interrupt_fd_, "", 1);
+    // It's possible that we get EAGAIN here, if lots of notifications came in while handling.
+    if (rc == 0) {
+        PLOG(FATAL) << "fdevent interrupt fd was closed?";
+    } else if (rc == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) {
+        PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to write to fdevent interrupt fd";
+    }
diff --git a/adb/fdevent/fdevent_poll.h b/adb/fdevent/fdevent_poll.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db08301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adb/fdevent/fdevent_poll.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#pragma once
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "sysdeps.h"
+#include <deque>
+#include <list>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
+#include "adb_unique_fd.h"
+#include "fdevent.h"
+struct PollNode {
+  fdevent* fde;
+  adb_pollfd pollfd;
+  explicit PollNode(fdevent* fde) : fde(fde) {
+      memset(&pollfd, 0, sizeof(pollfd));
+      pollfd.fd = fde->fd.get();
+#if defined(__linux__)
+      // Always enable POLLRDHUP, so the host server can take action when some clients disconnect.
+      // Then we can avoid leaving many sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state. See http://b/23314034.
+  }
+struct fdevent_context_poll : public fdevent_context {
+    fdevent_context_poll();
+    virtual ~fdevent_context_poll();
+    virtual void Register(fdevent* fde) final;
+    virtual void Unregister(fdevent* fde) final;
+    virtual void Set(fdevent* fde, unsigned events) final;
+    virtual void Loop() final;
+    virtual size_t InstalledCount() final;
+  protected:
+    virtual void Interrupt() final;
+  public:
+    // All operations to fdevent should happen only in the main thread.
+    // That's why we don't need a lock for fdevent.
+    std::unordered_map<int, PollNode> poll_node_map_;
+    std::list<fdevent*> pending_list_;
+    unique_fd interrupt_fd_;
+    fdevent* interrupt_fde_ = nullptr;
diff --git a/adb/fdevent_test.cpp b/adb/fdevent/fdevent_test.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from adb/fdevent_test.cpp
rename to adb/fdevent/fdevent_test.cpp
diff --git a/adb/fdevent_test.h b/adb/fdevent/fdevent_test.h
similarity index 95%
rename from adb/fdevent_test.h
rename to adb/fdevent/fdevent_test.h
index 24bce59..2139d0f 100644
--- a/adb/fdevent_test.h
+++ b/adb/fdevent/fdevent_test.h
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
     size_t GetAdditionalLocalSocketCount() {
-        // dummy socket installed in PrepareThread() + fdevent_run_on_main_thread socket
-        return 2;
+        // dummy socket installed in PrepareThread()
+        return 1;
     void TerminateThread() {
diff --git a/adb/socket.h b/adb/socket.h
index b8c559a..4276851 100644
--- a/adb/socket.h
+++ b/adb/socket.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include "adb_unique_fd.h"
-#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent.h"
 #include "types.h"
 class atransport;
diff --git a/adb/socket_test.cpp b/adb/socket_test.cpp
index 5e28f76..1601ff0 100644
--- a/adb/socket_test.cpp
+++ b/adb/socket_test.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent.h"
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include "adb.h"
 #include "adb_io.h"
-#include "fdevent_test.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent_test.h"
 #include "socket.h"
 #include "sysdeps.h"
 #include "sysdeps/chrono.h"
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps.h b/adb/sysdeps.h
index 78abba5..b0e7fa0 100644
--- a/adb/sysdeps.h
+++ b/adb/sysdeps.h
@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@
 #include <memory>   // unique_ptr
 #include <string>
-#include "fdevent.h"
 #define OS_PATH_SEPARATORS "\\/"
 #define OS_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
diff --git a/adb/transport.cpp b/adb/transport.cpp
index 841865a..8bc925f 100644
--- a/adb/transport.cpp
+++ b/adb/transport.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 #include "adb_io.h"
 #include "adb_trace.h"
 #include "adb_utils.h"
-#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent.h"
 #include "sysdeps/chrono.h"
 using android::base::ScopedLockAssertion;
diff --git a/adb/transport_test.cpp b/adb/transport_test.cpp
index b66f8fa..00beb3a 100644
--- a/adb/transport_test.cpp
+++ b/adb/transport_test.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include "adb.h"
-#include "fdevent_test.h"
+#include "fdevent/fdevent_test.h"
 struct TransportTest : public FdeventTest {};