blob: 605e859dcc6f5cce6c791a5312b01ab5daeaf7a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <base/eintr_wrapper.h>
#include <base/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/string_util.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "counter.h"
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::MockFunction;
using ::testing::StrictMock;
namespace chromeos_metrics {
static const char kTestRecordFile[] = "record-file";
static const char kDoesNotExistFile[] = "/does/not/exist";
class RecordTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
EXPECT_EQ(0, record_.tag());
EXPECT_EQ(0, record_.count());
// The record under test.
TaggedCounter::Record record_;
class TaggedCounterTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, counter_.filename_);
EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == counter_.reporter_);
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, counter_.reporter_handle_);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordInvalid, counter_.record_state_);
counter_.Init(kTestRecordFile, &Reporter, this);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestRecordFile, counter_.filename_);
EXPECT_TRUE(Reporter == counter_.reporter_);
EXPECT_EQ(this, counter_.reporter_handle_);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordInvalid, counter_.record_state_);
// The test fixture object will be used by the log message handler.
test_ = this;
virtual void TearDown() {
test_ = NULL;
file_util::Delete(FilePath(kTestRecordFile), false);
// Asserts that the record file contains the specified contents.
testing::AssertionResult AssertRecord(const char* expr_tag,
const char* expr_count,
int expected_tag,
int expected_count) {
int fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open(kTestRecordFile, O_RDONLY));
if (fd < 0) {
testing::Message msg;
msg << "Unable to open " << kTestRecordFile;
return testing::AssertionFailure(msg);
TaggedCounter::Record record;
if (!file_util::ReadFromFD(fd, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&record),
sizeof(record))) {
testing::Message msg;
msg << "Unable to read " << sizeof(record) << " bytes from "
<< kTestRecordFile;
return testing::AssertionFailure(msg);
if (record.tag() != expected_tag || record.count() != expected_count) {
testing::Message msg;
msg << "actual record (" << record.tag() << ", " << record.count()
<< ") expected (" << expected_tag << ", " << expected_count << ")";
return testing::AssertionFailure(msg);
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
// Returns true if the persistent record file does not exist or is
// empty, false otherwise.
bool AssertNoOrEmptyRecordFile() {
FilePath record_file(counter_.filename_);
int64 record_file_size;
return !file_util::PathExists(record_file) ||
(file_util::GetFileSize(record_file, &record_file_size) &&
record_file_size == 0);
// Adds a reporter call expectation that the specified tag/count
// callback will be generated.
void ExpectReporterCall(int tag, int count) {
EXPECT_CALL(reporter_, Call(_, tag, count))
// The reporter callback forwards the call to the reporter mock so
// that we can set call expectations.
static void Reporter(void* handle, int tag, int count) {
TaggedCounterTest* test = static_cast<TaggedCounterTest*>(handle);
test->reporter_.Call(handle, tag, count);
// Collects log messages in the |log_| member string so that they
// can be analyzed for errors and expected behavior.
static bool HandleLogMessages(int severity, const std::string& str) {
// Returning true would mute the log.
return false;
// Returns true if the counter log contains |pattern|, false otherwise.
bool LogContains(const std::string& pattern) {
return log_.find(pattern) != std::string::npos;
// The TaggedCounter object under test.
TaggedCounter counter_;
// The accumulated counter log.
std::string log_;
// Reporter mock to set callback expectations on.
StrictMock<MockFunction<void(void* handle, int tag, int count)> > reporter_;
// Pointer to the current test fixture.
static TaggedCounterTest* test_;
// static
TaggedCounterTest* TaggedCounterTest::test_ = NULL;
TEST_F(RecordTest, Init) {
record_.Init(/* tag */ 5, /* count */ -1);
EXPECT_EQ(5, record_.tag());
EXPECT_EQ(0, record_.count());
record_.Init(/* tag */ -2, /* count */ 10);
EXPECT_EQ(-2, record_.tag());
EXPECT_EQ(10, record_.count());
TEST_F(RecordTest, Add) {
record_.Add(/* count */ -1);
EXPECT_EQ(0, record_.count());
record_.Add(/* count */ 5);
EXPECT_EQ(5, record_.count());
record_.Add(/* count */ 10);
EXPECT_EQ(15, record_.count());
record_.Add(/* count */ -2);
EXPECT_EQ(15, record_.count());
record_.Add(/* count */ INT_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(INT_MAX, record_.count());
record_.Add(/* count */ 1);
EXPECT_EQ(INT_MAX, record_.count());
TEST_F(TaggedCounterTest, BadFileLocation) {
// Checks that the counter doesn't die badly if the file can't be
// created.
/* reporter */ NULL, /* reporter_handle */ NULL);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 10, /* count */ 20);
EXPECT_TRUE(LogContains("Unable to open the persistent counter file: "
"No such file or directory"));
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordInvalid, counter_.record_state_);
file_util::Delete(FilePath(kDoesNotExistFile), false);
TEST_F(TaggedCounterTest, Flush) {
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordNull, counter_.record_state_);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 40, /* count */ 60);
ExpectReporterCall(/* tag */ 40, /* count */ 60);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordNull, counter_.record_state_);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 41, /* count */ 70);
counter_.record_.Init(/* tag */ 0, /* count */ 0);
counter_.record_state_ = TaggedCounter::kRecordInvalid;
ExpectReporterCall(/* tag */ 41, /* count */ 70);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordNull, counter_.record_state_);
TEST_F(TaggedCounterTest, InitFromFile) {
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 30, /* count */ 50);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 30, /* seconds */ 50);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
counter_.Init(kTestRecordFile, &Reporter, this);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 30, /* count */ 40);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 30, /* seconds */ 90);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
counter_.Init(kTestRecordFile, &Reporter, this);
ExpectReporterCall(/* tag */ 30, /* count */ 90);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 31, /* count */ 60);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 31, /* seconds */ 60);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
ExpectReporterCall(/* tag */ 31, /* count */ 60);
counter_.Init(kTestRecordFile, &Reporter, this);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 32, /* count */ 0);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 32, /* seconds */ 0);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
TEST_F(TaggedCounterTest, Update) {
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 20, /* count */ 30);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 20, /* seconds */ 30);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 20, /* count */ 40);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 20, /* seconds */ 70);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
ExpectReporterCall(/* tag */ 20, /* count */ 70);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 21, /* count */ 15);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 21, /* seconds */ 15);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
ExpectReporterCall(/* tag */ 21, /* count */ 15);
counter_.Update(/* tag */ 22, /* count */ 0);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(AssertRecord, /* day */ 22, /* seconds */ 0);
EXPECT_EQ(TaggedCounter::kRecordValid, counter_.record_state_);
} // namespace chromeos_metrics
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();