tree: 8e412f5563102777ba38f6773d180a97f5c89954 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .gitignore
  2. chre_api_annotations.json
  4. parser_defines.h
  6. requirements.txt

CHRE API Parser + Code Generator for CHPP

Since one of the main use cases of CHPP is to support remoting a CHRE PAL implementation to a peripheral component, we leverage the CHRE PAL API definitions for the platform-specific implementation of those services, such as the WWAN service. However, the structures used in the CHRE PAL APIs are the same as those used in the CHRE API for nanoapps, which are not inherently serializable, as they include things like pointers to other structures. So we must create slightly updated versions of these to send over the wire with CHPP.

The script in this directory parses CHRE APIs according to instructions given in chre_api_annotations.json and generates structures and conversion code used for serialization and deserialization.

TODO: add schema definition/documentation for chre_api_annotations.json

TODO: add serialization format description (fixed header + offset from beginning of payload + size)


Written to Python 3.8.2, but most versions of Python 3 should work.

Requires pyclibrary - see requirements.txt.