Revert "Revert "Fix wrong BR/EDR link key downgrades (P_256->P_192)""

This reverts commit d733c86cbc06ce0ec72216b9d41e172d1939c46f.

Function btm_sec_encrypt_change() is called at most places
with argument "encr_enable" treated as bool and not as per
(tHCI_ENCRYPT_MODE = 0/1/2) expected by the function. The
function has special handling for "encr_enable=1" to downgrade
the link key type for BR/EDR case. This gets executed even
when the caller/context did not mean/expect so. It appears
this handling in btm_sec_encrypt_change() is not necessary and
is removed by this commit to prevent accidental execution of it.

Test: Verified re-pairing with an iPhone works fine now

Issue Reproduction Steps:
1. Enable Bluetooth Hotspot on Android device (DUT).
2. Pair and connect an iPhone to DUT.
3. Forget this pairing on DUT.
4. On iPhone settings, click on old DUT's paired entry to connect.
5. iPhone notifies to click 'Forget Device' and try fresh pairing.
6. On iPhone, after doing 'Forget Device', discover DUT again.
7. Attempt pairing to DUT by clicking on discovered DUT entry.
   Pairing will be unsuccessful.

Issue Cause:
During re-pairing, DUT is seen to downgrade
BR/EDR link key unexpectedly from link key type 0x8

Log snippet (re-pairing time):
btm_sec_link_key_notification set new_encr_key_256 to 1
btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt: Storing link key. key_type=0x8, bond_type=1
btm_sec_encrypt_change new_encr_key_256 is 1
--On DUT, HCI_Encryption_Key_Refresh_Complete event noticed---
btm_sec_encrypt_change new_encr_key_256 is 0
updated link key type to 5
btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt: Storing link key. key_type=0x5, bond_type=1

This is a backport of the following patch: aosp/1890096

Bug: 258834033

Reason for revert: Reinstate original change for QPR
(cherry picked from
Merged-In: Iba0c220b82bcf6b15368762b7052a3987ccbc0c6
Change-Id: Iba0c220b82bcf6b15368762b7052a3987ccbc0c6
1 file changed
tree: e2423453a837be0e7a9961482969ce2f17f3cc59
  1. apex/
  2. audio_a2dp_hw/
  3. audio_bluetooth_hw/
  4. audio_hal_interface/
  5. audio_hearing_aid_hw/
  6. binder/
  7. bta/
  8. btcore/
  9. btif/
  10. build/
  11. common/
  12. conf/
  13. device/
  14. doc/
  15. embdrv/
  16. gd/
  17. hci/
  18. include/
  19. internal_include/
  20. linux_include/
  21. main/
  22. osi/
  23. packet/
  24. profile/
  25. proto/
  26. service/
  27. stack/
  28. test/
  29. tools/
  30. types/
  31. udrv/
  32. utils/
  33. vendor_libs/
  34. vnd/
  35. .clang-format
  36. .gitignore
  37. .gn
  38. .style.yapf
  39. Android.bp
  40. AndroidTestTemplate.xml
  43. EventLogTags.logtags
  45. NOTICE
  46. OWNERS
  47. PREUPLOAD.cfg

Fluoride Bluetooth stack

Building and running on AOSP

Just build AOSP - Fluoride is there by default.

Building and running on Linux

Instructions for Ubuntu, tested on 14.04 with Clang 3.5.0 and 16.10 with Clang 3.8.0

Download source

mkdir ~/fluoride
cd ~/fluoride
git clone

Install dependencies (require sudo access):

cd ~/fluoride/bt

Then fetch third party dependencies:

cd ~/fluoride/bt
mkdir third_party
cd third_party
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

And third party dependencies of third party dependencies:

cd fluoride/bt/third_party/libchrome/base/third_party
mkdir valgrind
cd valgrind
curl | base64 -d > valgrind.h
curl | base64 -d > memcheck.h

NOTE: If system/bt is checked out under AOSP, then create symbolic links instead of downloading sources

cd system/bt
mkdir third_party
cd third_party
ln -s ../../../external/aac aac
ln -s ../../../external/libchrome libchrome
ln -s ../../../external/libldac libldac
ln -s ../../../external/modp_b64 modp_b64
ln -s ../../../external/tinyxml2 tinyxml2
ln -s ../../../external/googletest googletest

Generate your build files

cd ~/fluoride/bt
gn gen out/Default


cd ~/fluoride/bt
ninja -C out/Default all

This will build all targets (the shared library, executables, tests, etc) and put them in out/Default. To build an individual target, replace “all” with the target of your choice, e.g. ninja -C out/Default net_test_osi.


cd ~/fluoride/bt/out/Default
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./bluetoothtbd -create-ipc-socket=fluoride

Eclipse IDE Support

  1. Follows the Chromium project Eclipse Setup Instructions until “Optional: Building inside Eclipse” section (don't do that section, we will set it up differently)

  2. Generate Eclipse settings:

cd system/bt
gn gen --ide=eclipse out/Default
  1. In Eclipse, do File->Import->C/C++->C/C++ Project Settings, choose the XML location under system/bt/out/Default

  2. Right click on the project. Go to Preferences->C/C++ Build->Builder Settings. Uncheck “Use default build command”, but instead using “ninja -C out/Default”

  3. Goto Behaviour tab, change clean command to “-t clean”