blob: 801736e74bb7264b0b240cb2ce33bbd350051e78 [file] [log] [blame]
//! D-Bus proxy implementations of the APIs.
use bt_topshim::btif::{BtSspVariant, BtTransport, Uuid128Bit};
use bt_topshim::profiles::gatt::GattStatus;
use btstack::bluetooth::{
BluetoothDevice, IBluetooth, IBluetoothCallback, IBluetoothConnectionCallback,
use btstack::bluetooth_gatt::{
BluetoothGattCharacteristic, BluetoothGattDescriptor, BluetoothGattService,
GattWriteRequestStatus, GattWriteType, IBluetoothGatt, IBluetoothGattCallback,
IScannerCallback, LePhy, ScanFilter, ScanSettings,
use dbus::arg::{AppendAll, RefArg};
use dbus::nonblock::SyncConnection;
use dbus_crossroads::Crossroads;
use dbus_projection::{impl_dbus_arg_enum, DisconnectWatcher};
use dbus_macros::{dbus_method, dbus_propmap, generate_dbus_exporter};
use manager_service::iface_bluetooth_manager::{
AdapterWithEnabled, IBluetoothManager, IBluetoothManagerCallback,
use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use crate::dbus_arg::{DBusArg, DBusArgError, RefArgToRust};
fn make_object_path(idx: i32, name: &str) -> dbus::Path {
dbus::Path::new(format!("/org/chromium/bluetooth/hci{}/{}", idx, name)).unwrap()
// Represents Uuid128Bit as an array in D-Bus.
impl DBusArg for Uuid128Bit {
type DBusType = Vec<u8>;
fn from_dbus(
data: Vec<u8>,
_conn: Option<Arc<SyncConnection>>,
_remote: Option<dbus::strings::BusName<'static>>,
_disconnect_watcher: Option<Arc<std::sync::Mutex<DisconnectWatcher>>>,
) -> Result<[u8; 16], Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
return Ok(data.try_into().unwrap());
fn to_dbus(data: [u8; 16]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
return Ok(data.to_vec());
pub struct BluetoothGattDescriptorDBus {
uuid: Uuid128Bit,
instance_id: i32,
permissions: i32,
pub struct BluetoothGattCharacteristicDBus {
uuid: Uuid128Bit,
instance_id: i32,
properties: i32,
permissions: i32,
key_size: i32,
write_type: GattWriteType,
descriptors: Vec<BluetoothGattDescriptor>,
pub struct BluetoothGattServiceDBus {
pub uuid: Uuid128Bit,
pub instance_id: i32,
pub service_type: i32,
pub characteristics: Vec<BluetoothGattCharacteristic>,
pub included_services: Vec<BluetoothGattService>,
pub struct BluetoothDeviceDBus {
address: String,
name: String,
struct ClientDBusProxy {
conn: Arc<SyncConnection>,
cr: Arc<Mutex<Crossroads>>,
bus_name: String,
objpath: dbus::Path<'static>,
interface: String,
impl ClientDBusProxy {
fn create_proxy(&self) -> dbus::nonblock::Proxy<Arc<SyncConnection>> {
let conn = self.conn.clone();
/// Calls a method and returns the dbus result.
fn method_withresult<A: AppendAll, T: 'static + dbus::arg::Arg + for<'z> dbus::arg::Get<'z>>(
member: &str,
args: A,
) -> Result<(T,), dbus::Error> {
let proxy = self.create_proxy();
// We know that all APIs return immediately, so we can block on it for simplicity.
return futures::executor::block_on(async {
proxy.method_call(self.interface.clone(), member, args).await
fn method<A: AppendAll, T: 'static + dbus::arg::Arg + for<'z> dbus::arg::Get<'z>>(
member: &str,
args: A,
) -> T {
let (ret,): (T,) = self.method_withresult(member, args).unwrap();
return ret;
fn method_noreturn<A: AppendAll>(&self, member: &str, args: A) {
// The real type should be Result<((),), _> since there is no return value. However, to
// meet trait constraints, we just use bool and never unwrap the result. This calls the
// method, waits for the response but doesn't actually attempt to parse the result (on
// unwrap).
let _: Result<(bool,), _> = self.method_withresult(member, args);
struct IBluetoothCallbackDBus {}
impl btstack::RPCProxy for IBluetoothCallbackDBus {
// Dummy implementations just to satisfy impl RPCProxy requirements.
fn register_disconnect(&mut self, _f: Box<dyn Fn(u32) + Send>) -> u32 {
fn get_object_id(&self) -> String {
fn unregister(&mut self, _id: u32) -> bool {
impl IBluetoothCallback for IBluetoothCallbackDBus {
fn on_address_changed(&self, addr: String) {}
fn on_device_found(&self, remote_device: BluetoothDevice) {}
fn on_discovering_changed(&self, discovering: bool) {}
fn on_ssp_request(
remote_device: BluetoothDevice,
cod: u32,
variant: BtSspVariant,
passkey: u32,
) {
fn on_bond_state_changed(&self, status: u32, address: String, state: u32) {}
struct IBluetoothConnectionCallbackDBus {}
impl btstack::RPCProxy for IBluetoothConnectionCallbackDBus {
// Dummy implementations just to satisfy impl RPCProxy requirements.
fn register_disconnect(&mut self, _f: Box<dyn Fn(u32) + Send>) -> u32 {
fn get_object_id(&self) -> String {
fn unregister(&mut self, _id: u32) -> bool {
impl IBluetoothConnectionCallback for IBluetoothConnectionCallbackDBus {
fn on_device_connected(&self, remote_device: BluetoothDevice) {}
fn on_device_disconnected(&self, remote_device: BluetoothDevice) {}
pub(crate) struct BluetoothDBus {
client_proxy: ClientDBusProxy,
impl BluetoothDBus {
pub(crate) fn new(
conn: Arc<SyncConnection>,
cr: Arc<Mutex<Crossroads>>,
index: i32,
) -> BluetoothDBus {
BluetoothDBus {
client_proxy: ClientDBusProxy {
conn: conn.clone(),
cr: cr,
bus_name: String::from("org.chromium.bluetooth"),
objpath: make_object_path(index, "adapter"),
interface: String::from("org.chromium.bluetooth.Bluetooth"),
// TODO(b/200732080): These are boilerplate codes, consider creating a macro to generate.
impl IBluetooth for BluetoothDBus {
fn register_callback(&mut self, callback: Box<dyn IBluetoothCallback + Send>) {
let path_string = callback.get_object_id();
let path = dbus::Path::new(path_string.clone()).unwrap();
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("RegisterCallback", (path,))
fn register_connection_callback(
&mut self,
callback: Box<dyn IBluetoothConnectionCallback + Send>,
) -> u32 {
let path_string = callback.get_object_id();
let path = dbus::Path::new(path_string.clone()).unwrap();
self.client_proxy.method("RegisterConnectionCallback", (path,))
fn unregister_connection_callback(&mut self, id: u32) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("UnregisterConnectionCallback", (id,))
fn enable(&mut self) -> bool {
// Not implemented by server
fn disable(&mut self) -> bool {
// Not implemented by server
fn get_address(&self) -> String {
self.client_proxy.method("GetAddress", ())
fn get_uuids(&self) -> Vec<Uuid128Bit> {
let result: Vec<Vec<u8>> = self.client_proxy.method("GetUuids", ());
<Vec<Uuid128Bit> as DBusArg>::from_dbus(result, None, None, None).unwrap()
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
self.client_proxy.method("GetName", ())
fn set_name(&self, name: String) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("SetName", (name,))
fn start_discovery(&self) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("StartDiscovery", ())
fn cancel_discovery(&self) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("CancelDiscovery", ())
fn is_discovering(&self) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("IsDiscovering", ())
fn get_discovery_end_millis(&self) -> u64 {
self.client_proxy.method("GetDiscoveryEndMillis", ())
fn create_bond(&self, device: BluetoothDevice, transport: BtTransport) -> bool {
(BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(), BtTransport::to_dbus(transport).unwrap()),
fn cancel_bond_process(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("CancelBondProcess", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),))
fn remove_bond(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("RemoveBond", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),))
fn get_bonded_devices(&self) -> Vec<BluetoothDevice> {
let props: Vec<dbus::arg::PropMap> = self.client_proxy.method("GetBondedDevices", ());
<Vec<BluetoothDevice> as DBusArg>::from_dbus(props, None, None, None).unwrap()
fn get_bond_state(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> u32 {
self.client_proxy.method("GetBondState", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),))
fn set_pin(&self, device: BluetoothDevice, accept: bool, len: u32, pin_code: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
.method("SetPin", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(), accept, len, pin_code))
fn set_passkey(
device: BluetoothDevice,
accept: bool,
len: u32,
passkey: Vec<u8>,
) -> bool {
.method("SetPasskey", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(), accept, len, passkey))
fn set_pairing_confirmation(&self, device: BluetoothDevice, accept: bool) -> bool {
.method("SetPairingConfirmation", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(), accept))
fn get_connection_state(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> u32 {
self.client_proxy.method("GetConnectionState", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),))
fn get_remote_uuids(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> Vec<Uuid128Bit> {
let result: Vec<Vec<u8>> = self
.method("GetRemoteUuids", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),));
<Vec<Uuid128Bit> as DBusArg>::from_dbus(result, None, None, None).unwrap()
fn fetch_remote_uuids(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("FetchRemoteUuids", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),))
fn sdp_search(&self, device: BluetoothDevice, uuid: Uuid128Bit) -> bool {
(BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(), Uuid128Bit::to_dbus(uuid).unwrap()),
fn connect_all_enabled_profiles(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> bool {
.method("ConnectAllEnabledProfiles", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),))
fn disconnect_all_enabled_profiles(&self, device: BluetoothDevice) -> bool {
.method("DisconnectAllEnabledProfiles", (BluetoothDevice::to_dbus(device).unwrap(),))
pub struct AdapterWithEnabledDbus {
hci_interface: i32,
enabled: bool,
pub(crate) struct BluetoothManagerDBus {
client_proxy: ClientDBusProxy,
impl BluetoothManagerDBus {
pub(crate) fn new(
conn: Arc<SyncConnection>,
cr: Arc<Mutex<Crossroads>>,
) -> BluetoothManagerDBus {
BluetoothManagerDBus {
client_proxy: ClientDBusProxy {
conn: conn.clone(),
cr: cr,
bus_name: String::from("org.chromium.bluetooth.Manager"),
objpath: dbus::Path::new("/org/chromium/bluetooth/Manager").unwrap(),
interface: String::from("org.chromium.bluetooth.Manager"),
pub(crate) fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
let result: Result<(bool,), _> = self.client_proxy.method_withresult("GetFlossEnabled", ());
return result.is_ok();
// TODO: These are boilerplate codes, consider creating a macro to generate.
impl IBluetoothManager for BluetoothManagerDBus {
fn start(&mut self, hci_interface: i32) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("Start", (hci_interface,))
fn stop(&mut self, hci_interface: i32) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("Stop", (hci_interface,))
fn get_adapter_enabled(&mut self, hci_interface: i32) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("GetAdapterEnabled", (hci_interface,))
fn register_callback(&mut self, callback: Box<dyn IBluetoothManagerCallback + Send>) {
let path_string = callback.get_object_id();
let path = dbus::Path::new(path_string.clone()).unwrap();
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("RegisterCallback", (path,))
fn get_floss_enabled(&mut self) -> bool {
self.client_proxy.method("GetFlossEnabled", ())
fn set_floss_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("SetFlossEnabled", (enabled,))
fn get_available_adapters(&mut self) -> Vec<AdapterWithEnabled> {
let props: Vec<dbus::arg::PropMap> = self.client_proxy.method("GetAvailableAdapters", ());
<Vec<AdapterWithEnabled> as DBusArg>::from_dbus(props, None, None, None).unwrap()
struct IBluetoothManagerCallbackDBus {}
impl manager_service::RPCProxy for IBluetoothManagerCallbackDBus {
// Placeholder implementations just to satisfy impl RPCProxy requirements.
fn register_disconnect(&mut self, _f: Box<dyn Fn(u32) + Send>) -> u32 {
fn get_object_id(&self) -> String {
fn unregister(&mut self, _id: u32) -> bool {
impl IBluetoothManagerCallback for IBluetoothManagerCallbackDBus {
fn on_hci_device_changed(&self, hci_interface: i32, present: bool) {}
fn on_hci_enabled_changed(&self, hci_interface: i32, enabled: bool) {}
pub(crate) struct BluetoothGattDBus {
client_proxy: ClientDBusProxy,
impl BluetoothGattDBus {
pub(crate) fn new(
conn: Arc<SyncConnection>,
cr: Arc<Mutex<Crossroads>>,
index: i32,
) -> BluetoothGattDBus {
BluetoothGattDBus {
client_proxy: ClientDBusProxy {
conn: conn.clone(),
cr: cr,
bus_name: String::from("org.chromium.bluetooth"),
objpath: make_object_path(index, "gatt"),
interface: String::from("org.chromium.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt"),
// TODO: These are boilerplate codes, consider creating a macro to generate.
impl IBluetoothGatt for BluetoothGattDBus {
fn register_scanner(&self, _callback: Box<dyn IScannerCallback + Send>) {
// TODO(b/200066804): implement
fn unregister_scanner(&self, _scanner_id: i32) {
// TODO(b/200066804): implement
fn start_scan(&self, _scanner_id: i32, _settings: ScanSettings, _filters: Vec<ScanFilter>) {
// TODO(b/200066804): implement
fn stop_scan(&self, _scanner_id: i32) {
// TODO(b/200066804): implement
fn register_client(
&mut self,
app_uuid: String,
callback: Box<dyn IBluetoothGattCallback + Send>,
eatt_support: bool,
) {
let path_string = callback.get_object_id();
let path = dbus::Path::new(path_string.clone()).unwrap();
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("RegisterClient", (app_uuid, path, eatt_support))
fn unregister_client(&mut self, client_id: i32) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("UnregisterClient", (client_id,))
fn client_connect(
client_id: i32,
addr: String,
is_direct: bool,
transport: i32,
opportunistic: bool,
phy: i32,
) {
(client_id, addr, is_direct, transport, opportunistic, phy),
fn client_disconnect(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("ClientDisconnect", (client_id, addr))
fn client_set_preferred_phy(
client_id: i32,
addr: String,
tx_phy: LePhy,
rx_phy: LePhy,
phy_options: i32,
) {
(client_id, addr, tx_phy.to_i32().unwrap(), rx_phy.to_i32().unwrap(), phy_options),
fn client_read_phy(&mut self, client_id: i32, addr: String) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("ClientReadPhy", (client_id, addr))
fn refresh_device(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("RefreshDevice", (client_id, addr))
fn discover_services(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("DiscoverServices", (client_id, addr))
fn discover_service_by_uuid(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String, uuid: String) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("DiscoverServiceByUuid", (client_id, addr, uuid))
fn read_characteristic(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String, handle: i32, auth_req: i32) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("ReadCharacteristic", (client_id, addr, handle, auth_req))
fn read_using_characteristic_uuid(
client_id: i32,
addr: String,
uuid: String,
start_handle: i32,
end_handle: i32,
auth_req: i32,
) {
(client_id, addr, uuid, start_handle, end_handle, auth_req),
fn write_characteristic(
client_id: i32,
addr: String,
handle: i32,
write_type: GattWriteType,
auth_req: i32,
value: Vec<u8>,
) -> GattWriteRequestStatus {
(client_id, addr, handle, write_type.to_i32().unwrap(), auth_req, value),
fn read_descriptor(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String, handle: i32, auth_req: i32) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("ReadDescriptor", (client_id, addr, handle, auth_req))
fn write_descriptor(
client_id: i32,
addr: String,
handle: i32,
auth_req: i32,
value: Vec<u8>,
) {
.method_noreturn("WriteDescriptor", (client_id, addr, handle, auth_req, value))
fn register_for_notification(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String, handle: i32, enable: bool) {
.method_noreturn("RegisterForNotification", (client_id, addr, handle, enable))
fn begin_reliable_write(&mut self, client_id: i32, addr: String) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("BeginReliableWrite", (client_id, addr))
fn end_reliable_write(&mut self, client_id: i32, addr: String, execute: bool) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("EndReliableWrite", (client_id, addr, execute))
fn read_remote_rssi(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("ReadRemoteRssi", (client_id, addr))
fn configure_mtu(&self, client_id: i32, addr: String, mtu: i32) {
self.client_proxy.method_noreturn("ConfigureMtu", (client_id, addr, mtu))
fn connection_parameter_update(
client_id: i32,
addr: String,
min_interval: i32,
max_interval: i32,
latency: i32,
timeout: i32,
min_ce_len: u16,
max_ce_len: u16,
) {
(client_id, addr, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout, min_ce_len, max_ce_len),
struct IBluetoothGattCallbackDBus {}
impl btstack::RPCProxy for IBluetoothGattCallbackDBus {
// Placeholder implementations just to satisfy impl RPCProxy requirements.
fn register_disconnect(&mut self, _f: Box<dyn Fn(u32) + Send>) -> u32 {
fn get_object_id(&self) -> String {
fn unregister(&mut self, _id: u32) -> bool {
impl IBluetoothGattCallback for IBluetoothGattCallbackDBus {
fn on_client_registered(&self, status: i32, client_id: i32) {}
fn on_client_connection_state(
status: i32,
client_id: i32,
connected: bool,
addr: String,
) {
fn on_phy_update(&self, addr: String, tx_phy: LePhy, rx_phy: LePhy, status: GattStatus) {}
fn on_phy_read(&self, addr: String, tx_phy: LePhy, rx_phy: LePhy, status: GattStatus) {}
fn on_search_complete(&self, addr: String, services: Vec<BluetoothGattService>, status: i32) {}
fn on_characteristic_read(&self, addr: String, status: i32, handle: i32, value: Vec<u8>) {}
fn on_characteristic_write(&self, addr: String, status: i32, handle: i32) {}
fn on_execute_write(&self, addr: String, status: i32) {}
fn on_descriptor_read(&self, addr: String, status: i32, handle: i32, value: Vec<u8>) {}
fn on_descriptor_write(&self, addr: String, status: i32, handle: i32) {}
fn on_notify(&self, addr: String, handle: i32, value: Vec<u8>) {}
fn on_read_remote_rssi(&self, addr: String, rssi: i32, status: i32) {}
fn on_configure_mtu(&self, addr: String, mtu: i32, status: i32) {}
fn on_connection_updated(
addr: String,
interval: i32,
latency: i32,
timeout: i32,
status: i32,
) {
fn on_service_changed(&self, addr: String) {}