blob: fc42703773d236d7320d5484368cab49cc4df539 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothCodecConfig;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothCodecStatus;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
import android.bluetooth.IBluetoothVcp;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.util.Log;
public class StreamAudioService extends ProfileService {
private static final boolean DBG = true;
private static final String TAG = "APM: StreamAudioService:";
public static final int LE_AUDIO_UNICAST = 26;
public static final String CoordinatedAudioServiceName = "";
public static final int COORDINATED_AUDIO_UNICAST = AcmService.ACM_AUDIO_UNICAST;
private static StreamAudioService sStreamAudioService;
private ActiveDeviceManagerService mActiveDeviceManager;
private MediaAudio mMediaAudio;
private VolumeManager mVolumeManager;
private final Object mVolumeManagerLock = new Object();
protected void create() {
Log.i(TAG, "create()");
private static final int BAP = 0x01;
private static final int GCP = 0x02;
private static final int WMCP = 0x04;
private static final int VMCP = 0x08;
private static final int BAP_CALL = 0x10;
private static final int MEDIA_CONTEXT = 1;
private static final int VOICE_CONTEXT = 2;
protected boolean start() {
if(sStreamAudioService != null) {
Log.i(TAG, "StreamAudioService already started");
return true;
Log.i(TAG, "start()");
mActiveDeviceManager = ActiveDeviceManagerService.get(this);
mMediaAudio = MediaAudio.init(this);
DeviceProfileMap dpm = DeviceProfileMap.getDeviceProfileMapInstance();
CallAudio mCallAudio = CallAudio.init(this);
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
mVolumeManager = VolumeManager.init(this);
Log.i(TAG, "start() complete");
return true;
protected boolean stop() {
Log.w(TAG, "stop() called");
if (sStreamAudioService == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "stop() called before start()");
return true;
if (mActiveDeviceManager != null) {
DeviceProfileMap dMap = DeviceProfileMap.getDeviceProfileMapInstance();
return true;
protected void cleanup() {
Log.i(TAG, "cleanup()");
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
mVolumeManager = null;
public boolean connectLeStream(BluetoothDevice device, int profile) {
AcmService mAcmService = AcmService.getAcmService();
int mContext = getContext(profile);
if(mContext == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "No valid context for profiles passed");
return false;
return mAcmService.connect(device, mContext, getAcmProfileID(profile), MEDIA_CONTEXT);
//return mAcmService.connect(device, VOICE_CONTEXT, BAP_CALL, VOICE_CONTEXT);
//return mAcmService.connect(device, MEDIA_CONTEXT, BAP|WMCP, MEDIA_CONTEXT);
public boolean disconnectLeStream(BluetoothDevice device, boolean callAudio, boolean mediaAudio) {
AcmService mAcmService = AcmService.getAcmService();
if(callAudio && mediaAudio)
return mAcmService.disconnect(device, VOICE_CONTEXT | MEDIA_CONTEXT);
//return mAcmService.disconnect(device, VOICE_CONTEXT);
//return mAcmService.disconnect(device, MEDIA_CONTEXT);
else if(mediaAudio)
return mAcmService.disconnect(device, MEDIA_CONTEXT);
else if(callAudio)
return mAcmService.disconnect(device, VOICE_CONTEXT);
return false;
public boolean startStream(BluetoothDevice device) {
AcmService mAcmService = AcmService.getAcmService();
return mAcmService.StartStream(device, VOICE_CONTEXT);
public boolean stopStream(BluetoothDevice device) {
AcmService mAcmService = AcmService.getAcmService();
return mAcmService.StopStream(device, VOICE_CONTEXT);
public int setActiveDevice(BluetoothDevice device, int profile, boolean playReq) {
AcmService mAcmService = AcmService.getAcmService();
if (mAcmService == null && device == null) {
Log.w(TAG, ": device is null, fake success.");
return mActiveDeviceManager.SHO_SUCCESS;
if(ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_MEDIA == profile) {
return mAcmService.setActiveDevice(device, MEDIA_CONTEXT, BAP, playReq);
} else if(ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_GCP == profile){
return mAcmService.setActiveDevice(device, MEDIA_CONTEXT, GCP, playReq);
} else if(ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_RECORDING == profile){
return mAcmService.setActiveDevice(device, MEDIA_CONTEXT, WMCP, playReq);
} else {
return mAcmService.setActiveDevice(device, VOICE_CONTEXT, BAP_CALL, playReq);
//return mAcmService.setActiveDevice(device, MEDIA_CONTEXT, BAP, playReq);
public void setCodecConfig(BluetoothDevice device, String codecID, int channelMode) {
AcmService mAcmService = AcmService.getAcmService();
mAcmService.ChangeCodecConfigPreference(device, codecID);
public BluetoothDevice getDeviceGroup(BluetoothDevice device){
AcmService mAcmService = AcmService.getAcmService();
return mAcmService.getGroup(device);
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothDevice device, int state, int audioType, boolean primeDevice) {
MediaAudio mMediaAudio = MediaAudio.get();
CallAudio mCallAudio = CallAudio.get();
int profile = ApmConst.AudioFeatures.MAX_AUDIO_FEATURES;
if(audioType == ApmConst.AudioFeatures.CALL_AUDIO) {
mCallAudio.onConnStateChange(device, state, ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_CALL);
} else if(audioType == ApmConst.AudioFeatures.MEDIA_AUDIO) {
boolean isCsipDevice = (device != null) &&
mMediaAudio.onConnStateChange(device, state, ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_MEDIA, primeDevice);
mMediaAudio.onConnStateChange(device, state, ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_MEDIA);
public void onStreamStateChange(BluetoothDevice device, int state, int audioType) {
MediaAudio mMediaAudio = MediaAudio.get();
CallAudio mCallAudio = CallAudio.get();
if(audioType == ApmConst.AudioFeatures.MEDIA_AUDIO)
mMediaAudio.onStreamStateChange(device, state);
else if(audioType == ApmConst.AudioFeatures.CALL_AUDIO)
mCallAudio.onAudioStateChange(device, state);
public void onActiveDeviceChange(BluetoothDevice device, int audioType) {
if (mActiveDeviceManager != null)
mActiveDeviceManager.onActiveDeviceChange(device, audioType);
public void onMediaCodecConfigChange(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothCodecStatus codecStatus, int audioType) {
MediaAudio mMediaAudio = MediaAudio.get();
mMediaAudio.onCodecConfigChange(device, codecStatus, ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_MEDIA);
public void onMediaCodecConfigChange(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothCodecStatus codecStatus, int audioType, boolean updateAudio) {
MediaAudio mMediaAudio = MediaAudio.get();
mMediaAudio.onCodecConfigChange(device, codecStatus, ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_MEDIA, updateAudio);
public void setCallAudioParam(String param) {
CallAudio mCallAudio = CallAudio.get();
public void setCallAudioOn(boolean on) {
CallAudio mCallAudio = CallAudio.get();
public int getVcpConnState(BluetoothDevice device) {
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
if (mVolumeManager == null)
return BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;
return mVolumeManager.getConnectionState(device);
public int getConnectionMode(BluetoothDevice device) {
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
if (mVolumeManager == null)
return BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;
return mVolumeManager.getConnectionMode(device);
public void setAbsoluteVolume(BluetoothDevice device, int volume) {
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
if (mVolumeManager != null)
mVolumeManager.updateBroadcastVolume(device, volume);
public int getAbsoluteVolume(BluetoothDevice device) {
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
if (mVolumeManager == null)
return 7;
return mVolumeManager.getBassVolume(device);
public void setMute(BluetoothDevice device, boolean muteStatus) {
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
if (mVolumeManager != null)
mVolumeManager.setMute(device, muteStatus);
public boolean isMute(BluetoothDevice device) {
synchronized (mVolumeManagerLock) {
if (mVolumeManager == null)
return false;
return mVolumeManager.getMuteStatus(device);
private int getContext(int profileID) {
int context = 0;
if((DeviceProfileMap.getLeMediaProfiles() & profileID) > 0) {
context = (context|MEDIA_CONTEXT);
if((DeviceProfileMap.getLeCallProfiles() & profileID) > 0) {
context = (context|VOICE_CONTEXT);
return context;
private int getAcmProfileID (int ProfileID) {
int AcmProfileID = 0;
if((ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_MEDIA & ProfileID) == ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_MEDIA)
AcmProfileID = BAP;
if((ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_CALL & ProfileID) == ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_CALL)
AcmProfileID = AcmProfileID | BAP_CALL;
if((ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_GCP & ProfileID) == ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_GCP)
AcmProfileID = AcmProfileID | GCP;
if((ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_RECORDING & ProfileID) == ApmConst.AudioProfiles.BAP_RECORDING)
AcmProfileID = AcmProfileID | WMCP;
return AcmProfileID;
protected IProfileServiceBinder initBinder() {
return new LeAudioUnicastBinder(this);
private static class LeAudioUnicastBinder extends IBluetoothVcp.Stub implements IProfileServiceBinder {
StreamAudioService mService;
LeAudioUnicastBinder(StreamAudioService service) {
mService = service;
public void cleanup() {
public int getConnectionState(BluetoothDevice device) {
if(mService == null)
return BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;
return mService.getVcpConnState(device);
public int getConnectionMode(BluetoothDevice device) {
if(mService != null) {
return mService.getConnectionMode(device);
return 0;
public void setAbsoluteVolume(BluetoothDevice device, int volume) {
if(mService != null) {
mService.setAbsoluteVolume(device, volume);
public int getAbsoluteVolume(BluetoothDevice device) {
if(mService == null)
return 7;
return mService.getAbsoluteVolume(device);
public void setMute (BluetoothDevice device, boolean enableMute) {
if(mService != null) {
mService.setMute(device, enableMute);
public boolean isMute(BluetoothDevice device) {
if(mService != null) {
return mService.isMute(device);
return false;
public static StreamAudioService getStreamAudioService() {
return sStreamAudioService;
private static synchronized void setStreamAudioService(StreamAudioService instance) {
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, "setStreamAudioService(): set to: " + instance);
sStreamAudioService = instance;