blob: 44d27aa49b03e96a123824e28fa32af29c80ebfe [file] [log] [blame]
//! Starts the facade services that allow us to test the Bluetooth stack
extern crate clap;
use clap::{App, Arg};
extern crate lazy_static;
use bt_topshim::btif;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use grpcio::*;
use log::debug;
use nix::sys::signal;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
mod adapter_service;
mod media_service;
// This is needed for linking, libbt_shim_bridge needs symbols defined by
// bt_shim, however bt_shim depends on rust crates (future, tokio) that
// we use too, if we build and link them separately we ends with duplicate
// symbols. To solve that we build bt_shim with bt_topshim_facade so the rust
// compiler share the transitive dependencies.
// The `::*` is here to circuvent the single_component_path_imports from
// clippy that is denied on the rust command line so we can't just allow it.
// This is fine for now since bt_shim doesn't export anything
use bt_shim::*;
fn main() {
let sigint = install_sigint();
let rt = Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap());
rt.block_on(async_main(Arc::clone(&rt), sigint));
async fn async_main(rt: Arc<Runtime>, mut sigint: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()>) {
let matches = App::new("bluetooth_topshim_facade")
.about("The bluetooth topshim stack, with testing facades enabled and exposed via gRPC.")
let grpc_port = value_t!(matches, "grpc-port", u16).unwrap();
let _rootcanal_port = value_t!(matches, "rootcanal-port", u16).ok();
let env = Arc::new(Environment::new(2));
let btif_intf = Arc::new(Mutex::new(btif::get_btinterface().unwrap()));
// AdapterServiceImpl::create initializes the stack; not the best practice because the side effect is hidden
let adapter_service_impl =
adapter_service::AdapterServiceImpl::create(rt.clone(), btif_intf.clone());
let media_service_impl = media_service::MediaServiceImpl::create(rt.clone(), btif_intf.clone());
let start_stack_now = value_t!(matches, "start-stack-now", bool).unwrap();
if start_stack_now {
let mut server = ServerBuilder::new(env)
.bind("", grpc_port)
// TODO: remove as this is a temporary nix-based hack to catch SIGINT
fn install_sigint() -> mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()> {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
*SIGINT_TX.lock().unwrap() = Some(tx);
let sig_action = signal::SigAction::new(
unsafe {
signal::sigaction(signal::SIGINT, &sig_action).unwrap();
lazy_static! {
static ref SIGINT_TX: Mutex<Option<mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>>> = Mutex::new(None);
extern "C" fn handle_sigint(_: i32) {
let mut sigint_tx = SIGINT_TX.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(tx) = &*sigint_tx {
debug!("Stopping gRPC root server due to SIGINT");
*sigint_tx = None;