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* Lc3Config.hpp
* Copyright 2021 HIMSA II K/S - Represented by EHIMA -
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __LC3_CONFIG_HPP_
#define __LC3_CONFIG_HPP_
#include <cstdint>
* The LC3 encoder and decoder have a common set of essential session
* configuration parameters - see LC3 specification Sections 2.2 "Encoder
* interfaces" and Section 2.4 "Decoder interfaces" (dr09r07). The set of common
* session configuration parameters is represented by an instance of class
* Lc3Config.
* Lc3Config is designed such that all parameters need to be
* providing when constructing an instance. Afterwards, success of creation,
* the actual parameter values, and derived parameter values are provided
* by corresponding const getter methods or public const fields.
* When parameters need to be changes, a new instance of Lc3Config has to be
* created.
* Instances of Lc3Config are provided to instances of Lc3Encoder and Lc3Decoder
* when constructing them.
* The main purpose of Lc3Config is to verify and handle common LC3 session
* configuration parameters in a consistent way.
class Lc3Config {
* Enumeration of supported frame durations N_ms = 7.5ms and N_ms = 10ms.
* Note: although the LC3 specification describes frame duration N_ms as
* a parameter with floating point values 7.5 and 10.0, we decided
* to make this parameter a discrete enumeration of supported
* frame durations. There are too many codec parts that need
* specifically listed constants dependent on the configured
* frame duration, so that it never will be possible to chose from a
* larger set of floating point values for N_ms.
* Making the data type of N_ms an enumeration supports
* straight forwards verification that meaningful parameters are given.
enum class FrameDuration { d10ms, d7p5ms };
// configuration error (see "getErrorStatus")
static const uint8_t ERROR_FREE = 0x00;
static const uint8_t INVALID_SAMPLING_RATE = 0x01;
static const uint8_t INVALID_FRAME_DURATION = 0x02;
static const uint8_t INVALID_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS = 0x04;
* Constructor of an instance of Lc3Config
* Parameters:
* (see also see LC3 specification Sections 2.2 "Encoder interfaces"
* and Section 2.4 "Decoder interfaces" (dr09r07) )
* Fs_ : Sampling frequency in Hz -> defines public constant Fs
* Supported values are
* 8000 Hz
* 16000 Hz
* 24000 Hz
* 32000 Hz
* 44100 Hz
* 48000 Hz
* N_ms_ : Frame duration given by value from enumeration FrameDuration (see
* above)
* -> defines public constant N_ms
* Supported values see enumeration FrameDuration.
* Nc_ : Number of channels -> defines public constant Nc
* Supported values are Nc > 0 and Nc < 256 such that device
* resources are not exhausted. Notes:
* - Exhausting device resources can mean that there is not enough
* memory to instantiate the corresponding number of encoders and/or decoders,
* but also that computing the encoders and/or decoders in real-time is not
* possible.
* - The parameter N_c_max described in the LC3 specifciation is
* not given here, since there is too little knowledge on the target devices
* where this code may be used.
Lc3Config(uint16_t Fs_, FrameDuration N_ms_, uint8_t Nc_);
// no default constructor supported
Lc3Config() = delete;
// Destructor
virtual ~Lc3Config();
* Getter "isValid" provides a convenience function that returns true when an
* instance of Lc3Config could be created without error.
bool isValid() const;
* Getter "getErrorStatus" provides details on the success of instantiating
* Lc3Config. The possible return values are listed as constants in this class
* (see configuration error constants above)
uint8_t getErrorStatus() const;
* Getter "getByteCountFromBitrate" provides the number of bytes available in
* one encoded frame of one channel (see "nbytes" as described in
* Section 3.2.5 "Bit budget and bitrate" (dr09r07) )
* The number of bytes "nbytes" to use for encoding a single channel is a
* required external input to each single channel LC3 encoder. The same number
* of bytes (now to be used for decoding) is also a required external input to
* each single channel LC3 decoder. The corresponding number of bits available
* in one frame is thus "nbits 8*nbytes". The codec works on a byte boundary,
* i.e. the variable "nbytes" shall be an integer number. A certain "bitrate"
* can be converted to a number of bytes "nbytes" where the number of bytes is
* rounded towards the nearest lower integer.
* The algorithm is verified from the bitrate corresponding to
* nbytes = 20 up to the bitrate corresponding to
* nbytes = 400 per channel for all sampling rates.
* The LC3 specification does not specify or recommend what bitrate to use for
* encoding a frame of audio samples. This is specified by the profiles making
* use of the LC3.
uint16_t getByteCountFromBitrate(
uint32_t bitrate) const; // meant for a single channel
* Getter "getBitrateFromByteCount" provides the bitrate of the codec in bits
* per second of one channel (see Section 3.2.5 "Bit budget and bitrate"
* (dr1.0r03) )
* This is a convenience utility and not directly used by the LC3
* implementation.
* The bitrate of the codec in bits per second is
* "bitrate = ceil(nbits / frame_duration) = ceil(nbits*Fs/NF) =
* ceil(8*nbytes*Fs/NF)".
* The LC3 specification does not specify or recommend what bitrate to use for
* encoding a frame of audio samples. This is specified by the profiles making
* use of the LC3.
uint32_t getBitrateFromByteCount(uint16_t nbytes) const;
* Getter "getFscal" provides a utility used within the LC3 implementation
* for easier parameter mapping when Fs == 44100
* (see Section 3.2.2 "Sampling rates" (dr1.0r03) )
double getFscal() const;
* Getter "getNmsValue" provides a utility used within the LC3 implementation
* that converts FrameDuration N_ms enumeration values to duration values in
* milliseconds.
double getNmsValue() const;
// internal utilities used for verifying the given input parameters and
// computing derived parameters
uint8_t getFs_ind(uint16_t Fs);
uint16_t getNF(uint16_t Fs, FrameDuration N_ms);
uint16_t getNE(uint16_t NF, FrameDuration N_ms);
// errors status set during construction and returned by getErrorStatus()
uint8_t errorStatus;
// configuration details -> see also Section 3.1.2 "Mathematical symbols"
// (dr09r07)
const uint16_t Fs; // Sampling rate (in Hz)
const uint8_t Fs_ind; // Sampling rate index (see also Section 3.2.2
// "Sampling rates" (dr09r07)
const FrameDuration N_ms; // Frame duration -> see Lc3Config constructor
// documentation Note: that the actual frame
// duration is longer by a factor of 480/441
// if the sampling rate is 44100 Hz
const uint16_t NF; // Number of samples processed in one frame of one channel
// (also known as frame size)
const uint16_t
NE; // Number of encoded spectral lines (per frame and channel)
const uint16_t Z; // Number of leading zeros in MDCT window
const uint8_t Nc; // Number of channels
const uint8_t N_b; // Number of bands
#endif // __LC3_CONFIG_HPP_