blob: b2499b49499a4906d90e181493788ee24cf1f702 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "connection_manager.h"
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/location.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "internal_include/bt_trace.h"
#include "main/shim/shim.h"
#include "osi/include/alarm.h"
#include "osi/include/log.h"
#include "stack/btm/btm_ble_bgconn.h"
#include "stack/include/l2c_api.h"
#include "types/raw_address.h"
#define DIRECT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (30 * 1000) /* 30 seconds */
struct closure_data {
base::OnceClosure user_task;
base::Location posted_from;
static void alarm_closure_cb(void* p) {
closure_data* data = (closure_data*)p;
VLOG(1) << "executing timer scheduled at %s" << data->posted_from.ToString();
delete data;
// Periodic alarms are not supported, because we clean up data in callback
void alarm_set_closure(const base::Location& posted_from, alarm_t* alarm,
uint64_t interval_ms, base::OnceClosure user_task) {
closure_data* data = new closure_data;
data->posted_from = posted_from;
data->user_task = std::move(user_task);
VLOG(1) << "scheduling timer %s" << data->posted_from.ToString();
alarm_set_on_mloop(alarm, interval_ms, alarm_closure_cb, data);
using unique_alarm_ptr = std::unique_ptr<alarm_t, decltype(&alarm_free)>;
namespace connection_manager {
// ids of clients doing background connection to given device
std::set<tAPP_ID> doing_bg_conn;
// Apps trying to do direct connection.
std::map<tAPP_ID, unique_alarm_ptr> doing_direct_conn;
namespace {
// Maps address to apps trying to connect to it
std::map<RawAddress, tAPPS_CONNECTING> bgconn_dev;
bool anyone_connecting(
const std::map<RawAddress, tAPPS_CONNECTING>::iterator it) {
return (!it->second.doing_bg_conn.empty() ||
} // namespace
/** background connection device from the list. Returns pointer to the device
* record, or nullptr if not found */
std::set<tAPP_ID> get_apps_connecting_to(const RawAddress& address) {
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
return (it != bgconn_dev.end()) ? it->second.doing_bg_conn
: std::set<tAPP_ID>();
/** Add a device from the background connection list. Returns true if device
* added to the list, or already in list, false otherwise */
bool background_connect_add(uint8_t app_id, const RawAddress& address) {
if (bluetooth::shim::is_gd_l2cap_enabled()) {
return L2CA_ConnectFixedChnl(L2CAP_ATT_CID, address);
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
bool in_acceptlist = false;
if (it != bgconn_dev.end()) {
// device already in the acceptlist, just add interested app to the list
if (it->second.doing_bg_conn.count(app_id)) {
LOG(INFO) << "App id=" << loghex(app_id)
<< "already doing background connection to " << address;
return true;
// Already in acceptlist ?
if (anyone_connecting(it)) {
in_acceptlist = true;
if (!in_acceptlist) {
// the device is not in the acceptlist
if (!BTM_AcceptlistAdd(address)) return false;
// create endtry for address, and insert app_id.
return true;
/** Removes all registrations for connection for given device.
* Returns true if anything was removed, false otherwise */
bool remove_unconditional(const RawAddress& address) {
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
if (it == bgconn_dev.end()) return false;
return true;
/** Removes the registrations for connection for given device.
* but does not change the controller acceptlist. Used for
* shim purposes.
* Returns true if anything was removed, false otherwise */
bool remove_unconditional_from_shim(const RawAddress& address) {
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
if (it == bgconn_dev.end()) return false;
return true;
/** Remove device from the background connection device list or listening to
* advertising list. Returns true if device was on the list and was succesfully
* removed */
bool background_connect_remove(uint8_t app_id, const RawAddress& address) {
VLOG(2) << __func__;
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
if (it == bgconn_dev.end()) return false;
if (!it->second.doing_bg_conn.erase(app_id)) return false;
if (anyone_connecting(it)) return true;
// no more apps interested - remove from acceptlist and delete record
return true;
/** deregister all related background connetion device. */
void on_app_deregistered(uint8_t app_id) {
auto it = bgconn_dev.begin();
auto end = bgconn_dev.end();
/* update the BG conn device list */
while (it != end) {
if (anyone_connecting(it)) {
it = bgconn_dev.erase(it);
static void remove_all_clients_with_pending_connections(
const RawAddress& address) {
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
while (it != bgconn_dev.end() && !it->second.doing_direct_conn.empty()) {
uint8_t app_id = it->second.doing_direct_conn.begin()->first;
direct_connect_remove(app_id, address);
it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
void on_connection_complete(const RawAddress& address) {
LOG_INFO("Le connection completed to device:%s", address.ToString().c_str());
void on_connection_timed_out_from_shim(const RawAddress& address) {
on_connection_timed_out(0x00, address);
/** Reset bg device list. If called after controller reset, set |after_reset| to
* true, as there is no need to wipe controller acceptlist in this case. */
void reset(bool after_reset) {
if (!after_reset) BTM_AcceptlistClear();
void wl_direct_connect_timeout_cb(uint8_t app_id, const RawAddress& address) {
on_connection_timed_out(app_id, address);
// TODO: this would free the timer, from within the timer callback, which is
// bad.
direct_connect_remove(app_id, address);
/** Add a device to the direcgt connection list. Returns true if device
* added to the list, false otherwise */
bool direct_connect_add(uint8_t app_id, const RawAddress& address) {
if (bluetooth::shim::is_gd_l2cap_enabled()) {
return L2CA_ConnectFixedChnl(L2CAP_ATT_CID, address);
bool in_acceptlist = false;
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
if (it != bgconn_dev.end()) {
// app already trying to connect to this particular device
if (it->second.doing_direct_conn.count(app_id)) {
LOG(INFO) << "direct connect attempt from app_id=" << loghex(app_id)
<< " already in progress";
return false;
// are we already in the acceptlist ?
if (anyone_connecting(it)) {
LOG_WARN("Background connection attempt already in progress app_id=%x",
in_acceptlist = true;
bool params_changed = BTM_SetLeConnectionModeToFast();
if (!in_acceptlist) {
if (!BTM_AcceptlistAdd(address)) {
// if we can't add to acceptlist, turn parameters back to slow.
LOG_WARN("Unable to add le device to acceptlist");
if (params_changed) BTM_SetLeConnectionModeToSlow();
return false;
// Setup a timer
alarm_t* timeout = alarm_new("wl_conn_params_30s");
base::BindOnce(&wl_direct_connect_timeout_cb, app_id, address));
app_id, unique_alarm_ptr(timeout, &alarm_free));
return true;
static bool any_direct_connect_left() {
for (const auto& tmp : bgconn_dev) {
if (!tmp.second.doing_direct_conn.empty()) return true;
return false;
bool direct_connect_remove(uint8_t app_id, const RawAddress& address) {
auto it = bgconn_dev.find(address);
if (it == bgconn_dev.end()) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to find background connection to remove");
return false;
auto app_it = it->second.doing_direct_conn.find(app_id);
if (app_it == it->second.doing_direct_conn.end()) {
LOG_WARN("Unable to find direct connection to remove");
return false;
// this will free the alarm
// if we removed last direct connection, lower the scan parameters used for
// connecting
if (!any_direct_connect_left()) {
if (anyone_connecting(it)) {
return true;
// no more apps interested - remove from acceptlist
return true;
void dump(int fd) {
dprintf(fd, "\nconnection_manager state:\n");
if (bgconn_dev.empty()) {
dprintf(fd, "\tno Low Energy connection attempts\n");
dprintf(fd, "\tdevices attempting connection: %d", (int)bgconn_dev.size());
for (const auto& entry : bgconn_dev) {
dprintf(fd, "\n\t * %s: ", entry.first.ToString().c_str());
if (!entry.second.doing_direct_conn.empty()) {
dprintf(fd, "\n\t\tapps doing direct connect: ");
for (const auto& id : entry.second.doing_direct_conn) {
dprintf(fd, "%d, ", id.first);
if (!entry.second.doing_bg_conn.empty()) {
dprintf(fd, "\n\t\tapps doing background connect: ");
for (const auto& id : entry.second.doing_bg_conn) {
dprintf(fd, "%d, ", id);
dprintf(fd, "\n");
} // namespace connection_manager