blob: 632eaff06319f921b2295d52e26a62689b85fee8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "common/list_map.h"
#include "os/log.h"
namespace bluetooth {
namespace common {
// An LRU map-cache the evict the oldest item when reaching capacity
// Usage:
// - keys are sorted from warmest to coldest
// - iterating through the cache won't warm up keys
// - operations on iterators won't warm up keys
// - find(), contains(), insert_or_assign() will warm up the key
// - insert_or_assign() will evict coldest key when cache reaches capacity
// Performance:
// - Key look-up and modification is O(1)
// - Memory consumption is:
// O(2*capacity*sizeof(K) + capacity*(sizeof(nullptr)+sizeof(V)))
// Template:
// - Key key type
// - T value type
// */
template <typename Key, typename T>
class LruCache {
using value_type = typename ListMap<Key, T>::value_type;
// different from c++17 node_type on purpose as we want node to be copyable
using node_type = typename ListMap<Key, T>::node_type;
using iterator = typename ListMap<Key, T>::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename ListMap<Key, T>::const_iterator;
// Constructor a LRU cache with |capacity|
explicit LruCache(size_t capacity) : capacity_(capacity) {
ASSERT_LOG(capacity_ != 0, "Unable to have 0 LRU Cache capacity");
// for move
LruCache(LruCache&& other) noexcept = default;
LruCache& operator=(LruCache&& other) noexcept = default;
// copy-constructor
// iterators in key_map_ cannot be copied directly
LruCache(const LruCache& other) : capacity_(other.capacity_), list_map_(other.list_map_) {}
// copy-assignment
// iterators in key_map_ cannot be copied directly
LruCache& operator=(const LruCache& other) {
if (&other == this) {
return *this;
capacity_ = other.capacity_;
list_map_ = other.list_map_;
return *this;
// comparison operators
bool operator==(const LruCache& rhs) const {
return capacity_ == rhs.capacity_ && list_map_ == rhs.list_map_;
bool operator!=(const LruCache& rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
~LruCache() {
// Clear the cache
void clear() {
// Find the value of a key, and move the key to the head of cache, if there is one. Return iterator to value if key
// exists, end() if not. Iterator might be invalidated when removed or evicted. Const version.
// LRU: Will warm up key
// LRU: Access to returned iterator won't move key in LRU
const_iterator find(const Key& key) const {
return const_cast<LruCache*>(this)->find(key);
// Find the value of a key, and move the key to the head of cache, if there is one. Return iterator to value if key
// exists, end() if not. Iterator might be invalidated when removed or evicted
// LRU: Will warm up key
// LRU: Access to returned iterator won't move key in LRU
iterator find(const Key& key) {
auto iter = list_map_.find(key);
if (iter == list_map_.end()) {
return end();
// move to front
list_map_.splice(list_map_.begin(), list_map_, iter);
return iter;
// Check if key exist in the cache. Return true if key exist in cache, false, if not
// LRU: Will warm up key
bool contains(const Key& key) const {
return find(key) != list_map_.end();
// Put a key-value pair to the head of cache, evict the oldest key if cache is at capacity. Eviction is based on key
// ONLY. Hence, updating a key will not evict the oldest key. Return evicted value if old value was evicted,
// std::nullopt if not. The return value will be evaluated to true in a boolean context if a value is contained by
// std::optional, false otherwise.
// LRU: Will warm up key
std::optional<node_type> insert_or_assign(const Key& key, T value) {
if (contains(key)) {
// contains() calls find() that moved the node to the head
list_map_.begin()->second = std::move(value);
return std::nullopt;
// remove tail if at capacity
std::optional<node_type> evicted_node = std::nullopt;
if (list_map_.size() == capacity_) {
evicted_node = list_map_.extract(std::prev(list_map_.end())->first);
// insert new one to front of list
list_map_.insert_or_assign(list_map_.begin(), key, std::move(value));
return evicted_node;
// Put a key-value pair to the head of cache, evict the oldest key if cache is at capacity. Eviction is based on key
// ONLY. Hence, updating a key will not evict the oldest key. This method tries to construct the value in-place. If
// the key already exist, this method only update the value. Return inserted iterator, whether insertion happens, and
// evicted value if old value was evicted or std::nullopt
// LRU: Will warm up key
template <class... Args>
std::tuple<iterator, bool, std::optional<node_type>> try_emplace(const Key& key, Args&&... args) {
if (contains(key)) {
// contains() calls find() that moved the node to the head
return std::make_tuple(end(), false, std::nullopt);
// remove tail if at capacity
std::optional<node_type> evicted_node = std::nullopt;
if (list_map_.size() == capacity_) {
evicted_node = list_map_.extract(std::prev(list_map_.end())->first);
// insert new one to front of list
auto pair = list_map_.try_emplace(list_map_.begin(), key, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return std::make_tuple(pair.first, pair.second, std::move(evicted_node));
// Delete a key from cache, return removed value if old value was evicted, std::nullopt if not. The return value will
// be evaluated to true in a boolean context if a value is contained by std::optional, false otherwise.
inline std::optional<node_type> extract(const Key& key) {
return list_map_.extract(key);
/// Remove an iterator pointed item from the lru cache and return the iterator immediately after the erased item
iterator erase(const_iterator iter) {
return list_map_.erase(iter);
// Return size of the cache
inline size_t size() const {
return list_map_.size();
// Iterator interface for begin
inline iterator begin() {
return list_map_.begin();
// Return iterator interface for begin, const
inline const_iterator begin() const {
return list_map_.begin();
// Return iterator interface for end
inline iterator end() {
return list_map_.end();
// Iterator interface for end, const
inline const_iterator end() const {
return list_map_.end();
size_t capacity_;
ListMap<Key, T> list_map_;
} // namespace common
} // namespace bluetooth