blob: 714c95cde3bb49568b1de6ce0bb1480a45c95209 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
* Entrypoints called into Gabeldorsche from legacy stack
* Any marshalling/unmarshalling, data transformation of APIs to
* or from the Gabeldorsche stack may be placed here.
* The idea is to effectively provide a binary interface to prevent cross
* contamination of data structures and the like between the stacks.
* **ABSOLUTELY** No reference to Gabeldorsche stack other than well defined
* interfaces may be made here
#include "osi/include/future.h"
namespace bluetooth {
namespace os {
class Handler;
namespace activity_attribution {
class ActivityAttribution;
namespace neighbor {
class ConnectabilityModule;
class DiscoverabilityModule;
class InquiryModule;
class NameModule;
class PageModule;
namespace hci {
class Controller;
class HciLayer;
class AclManager;
class LeAdvertisingManager;
class LeScanningManager;
class VendorSpecificEventManager;
namespace l2cap {
namespace classic {
class L2capClassicModule;
} // namespace classic
namespace le {
class L2capLeModule;
} // namespace le
} // namespace l2cap
namespace security {
class SecurityModule;
namespace storage {
class StorageModule;
namespace shim {
class Dumpsys;
/* This returns a handler that might be used in shim to receive callbacks from
* within the stack. */
os::Handler* GetGdShimHandler();
hci::LeAdvertisingManager* GetAdvertising();
bluetooth::hci::Controller* GetController();
neighbor::DiscoverabilityModule* GetDiscoverability();
neighbor::ConnectabilityModule* GetConnectability();
Dumpsys* GetDumpsys();
neighbor::InquiryModule* GetInquiry();
hci::HciLayer* GetHciLayer();
l2cap::classic::L2capClassicModule* GetL2capClassicModule();
l2cap::le::L2capLeModule* GetL2capLeModule();
neighbor::NameModule* GetName();
neighbor::PageModule* GetPage();
hci::LeScanningManager* GetScanning();
bluetooth::security::SecurityModule* GetSecurityModule();
storage::StorageModule* GetStorage();
hci::AclManager* GetAclManager();
hci::VendorSpecificEventManager* GetVendorSpecificEventManager();
activity_attribution::ActivityAttribution* GetActivityAttribution();
} // namespace shim
} // namespace bluetooth