blob: 8e62d288557e555a13de64460b2cb92b69bc2f0f [file] [log] [blame]
pub mod iface_bluetooth_manager;
// TODO: This is a copy of RPCProxy that is in btstack create. Find a better home for this struct
// that avoids code duplication.
/// Signifies that the object may be a proxy to a remote RPC object.
pub trait RPCProxy {
/// Registers disconnect observer that will be notified when the remote object is disconnected.
fn register_disconnect(&mut self, f: Box<dyn Fn(u32) + Send>) -> u32;
/// Returns the ID of the object. For example this would be an object path in D-Bus RPC.
fn get_object_id(&self) -> String;
/// Unregisters callback with this id.
fn unregister(&mut self, id: u32) -> bool;