blob: dd4590b52cca5c62ff83184fa0bd97e56db06f21 [file] [log] [blame]
* SpectralNoiseShaping.cpp
* Copyright 2021 HIMSA II K/S - Represented by EHIMA -
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "SpectralNoiseShaping.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include "BandIndexTables.hpp"
namespace Lc3Enc {
static const uint8_t g_tilt_table[5] = {
14, // fs= 8000
18, // fs=16000
22, // fs=24000
26, // fs=32000
30 // fs=44100, 48000
static const double w[6] = {1.0 / 12, 2.0 / 12, 3.0 / 12,
3.0 / 12, 2.0 / 12, 1.0 / 12};
SpectralNoiseShaping::SpectralNoiseShaping(const Lc3Config& lc3Config_,
const int* const I_fs_)
: lc3Config(lc3Config_),
datapoints(nullptr) {
X_S = new double[lc3Config.NE];
SpectralNoiseShaping::~SpectralNoiseShaping() {
if (nullptr != X_S) {
delete[] X_S;
uint8_t SpectralNoiseShaping::get_ind_LF() { return snsQuantization.ind_LF; }
uint8_t SpectralNoiseShaping::get_ind_HF() { return snsQuantization.ind_HF; }
uint8_t SpectralNoiseShaping::get_shape_j() { return snsQuantization.shape_j; }
uint8_t SpectralNoiseShaping::get_Gind() { return snsQuantization.Gind; }
int32_t SpectralNoiseShaping::get_LS_indA() { return snsQuantization.LS_indA; }
int32_t SpectralNoiseShaping::get_LS_indB() { return snsQuantization.LS_indB; }
uint32_t SpectralNoiseShaping::get_index_joint_j() {
return snsQuantization.index_joint_j;
void SpectralNoiseShaping::run(const double* const X, const double* E_B,
bool F_att) {
// SNS analysis (d09r06_FhG)
// Padding (d09r06_FhG)
const uint8_t n2 = N_b - lc3Config.N_b;
double E_B_patched[N_b]; // TODO: can we optimize out this buffer that is
// needed for a rare case only?
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
// Note: at the inverse operation (see end of this function) there is a
// factor 0.5.
// Is this definition consistent?
E_B_patched[i * 2 + 0] = E_B[i];
E_B_patched[i * 2 + 1] = E_B[i];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < lc3Config.N_b - n2; i++) {
E_B_patched[2 * n2 + i] = E_B[n2 + i];
// Smoothing (d09r02_F2F)
double E_local[N_b]; // Note: memory will be re-used step-by-step
double* E_S = E_local;
E_S[0] = 0.75 * E_B_patched[0] + 0.25 * E_B_patched[1];
for (uint8_t b = 1; b < N_b - 1; b++) {
E_S[b] = 0.25 * E_B_patched[b - 1] + 0.5 * E_B_patched[b] +
0.25 * E_B_patched[b + 1];
E_S[N_b - 1] = 0.25 * E_B_patched[N_b - 2] + 0.75 * E_B_patched[N_b - 1];
// Pre-emphasis (d09r02_F2F)
double* E_P = E_local;
const double fix_exponent_part = g_tilt / static_cast<double>(10 * 63);
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < N_b; b++) {
E_P[b] = E_S[b] * pow(10.0, b * fix_exponent_part);
// Noise floor (d09r02_F2F)
double E_total = 0;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < N_b; b++) {
E_total += E_P[b];
E_total /= 64;
E_total *= pow(10.0, -40 / 10);
double noiseFloor = pow(2.0, -32);
if (E_total > noiseFloor) {
noiseFloor = E_total;
double* E_P2 = E_local;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < N_b; b++) {
E_P2[b] = (E_P[b] > noiseFloor) ? E_P[b] : noiseFloor;
// Logarithm (d09r02_F2F)
double* E_L = E_local;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < N_b; b++) {
E_L[b] = log2(1e-31 + E_P2[b]) / 2;
// Band energy grouping (d09r02_F2F)
double E_L4[Nscales];
uint8_t b2 = 0;
E_L4[b2] = w[0] * E_L[0];
for (uint8_t k = 1; k <= 5; k++) {
E_L4[b2] += w[k] * E_L[4 * b2 + k - 1];
for (b2 = 1; b2 < 15; b2++) {
E_L4[b2] = 0;
for (uint8_t k = 0; k <= 5; k++) {
E_L4[b2] += w[k] * E_L[4 * b2 + k - 1];
b2 = 15;
E_L4[b2] = w[5] * E_L[63];
for (uint8_t k = 0; k <= 4; k++) {
E_L4[b2] += w[k] * E_L[4 * b2 + k - 1];
// Mean removal and scaling, attack handling (d09r06_FhG)
double E4_total = 0;
for (uint8_t b2 = 0; b2 < Nscales; b2++) {
E4_total += E_L4[b2];
E4_total /= Nscales;
double scf_buffer[Nscales];
double* scf_0 = scf;
if (F_att) {
scf_0 = scf_buffer;
for (uint8_t b2 = 0; b2 < Nscales; b2++) {
scf_0[b2] = 0.85 * (E_L4[b2] - E4_total);
if (F_att) {
// Note:
// This section is not covered by intermediate encoder output
// in section C.3. "Encoder intermediate output" (d09r02_F2F)
double* scf_1 = scf;
scf_1[0] = (scf_0[0] + scf_0[1] + scf_0[2]) / 3;
scf_1[1] = (scf_0[0] + scf_0[1] + scf_0[2] + scf_0[3]) / 4;
for (uint8_t n = 2; n <= 13; n++) {
scf_1[n] = 0;
for (int8_t m = -2; m <= 2; m++) {
scf_1[n] += scf_0[n + m];
scf_1[n] /= 5;
scf_1[14] = (scf_0[12] + scf_0[13] + scf_0[14] + scf_0[15]) / 4;
scf_1[15] = (scf_0[13] + scf_0[14] + scf_0[15]) / 3;
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
datapoints->log("scf_0", scf_0, sizeof(double) * Nscales);
datapoints->log("scf_1", scf_1, sizeof(double) * Nscales);
double scf_1_total = 0;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < Nscales; b++) {
scf_1_total += scf_1[b];
scf_1_total /= Nscales;
const double f_att =
(lc3Config.N_ms == Lc3Config::FrameDuration::d10ms) ? 0.5 : 0.3;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < Nscales; n++) {
scf[n] = f_att * (scf_1[n] - scf_1_total);
// SNS quantization (d09r02_F2F);
// SNS scale factors interpolation (d09r02_F2F)
const double* scfQ = snsQuantization.scfQ;
double scfQint[N_b];
scfQint[0] = scfQ[0];
scfQint[1] = scfQ[0];
for (uint8_t n = 0; n <= 14; n++) {
scfQint[4 * n + 2] = scfQ[n] + (1.0 / 8.0 * (scfQ[n + 1] - scfQ[n]));
scfQint[4 * n + 3] = scfQ[n] + (3.0 / 8.0 * (scfQ[n + 1] - scfQ[n]));
scfQint[4 * n + 4] = scfQ[n] + (5.0 / 8.0 * (scfQ[n + 1] - scfQ[n]));
scfQint[4 * n + 5] = scfQ[n] + (7.0 / 8.0 * (scfQ[n + 1] - scfQ[n]));
scfQint[62] = scfQ[15] + 1 / 8.0 * (scfQ[15] - scfQ[14]);
scfQint[63] = scfQ[15] + 3 / 8.0 * (scfQ[15] - scfQ[14]);
// add special handling for N_b_in=60 (happens for 7.5ms and fs=8kHz)
// (see end of section SNS scale factors interpolation (d09r06_FhG)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
scfQint[i] = (scfQint[2 * i] + scfQint[2 * i + 1]) / 2;
if (n2 != 0) {
// code is consistent with Errata 15012 (see d1.0r03)
for (uint8_t i = n2; i < lc3Config.N_b; i++) {
scfQint[i] = scfQint[i + n2];
// The scale factors are transformed back into the linear domain
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < lc3Config.N_b; b++) {
g_SNS[b] = exp2(-scfQint[b]);
// Spectral shaping (d09r02_F2F)
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < lc3Config.N_b; b++) {
for (uint16_t k = I_fs[b]; k < I_fs[b + 1]; k++) {
X_S[k] = X[k] * g_SNS[b];
void SpectralNoiseShaping::registerDatapoints(DatapointContainer* datapoints_) {
datapoints = datapoints_;
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
datapoints->addDatapoint("scf", &scf[0], sizeof(double) * Nscales);
datapoints->addDatapoint("g_sns", &g_SNS[0], sizeof(double) * N_b);
datapoints->addDatapoint("X_S", &X_S[0], sizeof(double) * lc3Config.NE);
} // namespace Lc3Enc