blob: 579367ab848bb79e9ecfea86bb738cd51bba8ff9 [file] [log] [blame]
* LongTermPostfilter.cpp
* Copyright 2021 HIMSA II K/S - Represented by EHIMA -
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "LongTermPostfilter.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "LongTermPostfilterCoefficients.hpp"
namespace Lc3Enc {
LongTermPostfilter::LongTermPostfilter(const Lc3Config& lc3Config_,
uint16_t nbits)
: lc3Config(lc3Config_),
len12p8((lc3Config.N_ms == Lc3Config::FrameDuration::d10ms) ? 128 : 96),
len6p4((lc3Config.N_ms == Lc3Config::FrameDuration::d10ms) ? 64 : 48),
D_LTPF((lc3Config.N_ms == Lc3Config::FrameDuration::d10ms) ? 24 : 44),
P_times_res_fac((lc3Config.Fs == 8000) ? 192000 / 8000 / 2
: getP(lc3Config.Fs)),
gain_ltpf_on(getGainLtpfOn(nbits, lc3Config_)),
datapoints(nullptr) {
x_s_extended = new double[240 / P + lc3Config.NF];
for (uint16_t n = 0; n < 240 / P + lc3Config.NF; n++) {
x_s_extended[n] = 0;
x_tilde_12p8D_extended = new double[len12p8 + D_LTPF + Nmem12p8D];
for (uint16_t n = 0; n < len12p8 + D_LTPF + Nmem12p8D; n++) {
x_tilde_12p8D_extended[n] = 0;
h50_mem[0] = 0.0;
h50_mem[1] = 0.0;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 64 + k_max; n++) {
x_6p4_extended[n] = 0;
LongTermPostfilter::~LongTermPostfilter() {
if (nullptr != x_s_extended) {
delete[] x_s_extended;
if (nullptr != x_tilde_12p8D_extended) {
delete[] x_tilde_12p8D_extended;
uint8_t LongTermPostfilter::getP(uint16_t fs) {
// Note: we assume that the calling code ensures that
// only valid fs values are provided
if (fs == 44100) {
return 4;
} else {
return 192000 / fs;
uint8_t LongTermPostfilter::getGainLtpfOn(uint16_t nbits,
const Lc3Config& lc3Config) {
// this is derived from pseudo-code in section (d1.0r03) referenced
// by Errata 15013; since the encode just needs to check gain_ltpf != 0,
// the full code needed in the decoder is reduced to the simple computation of
// gain_ltpf_on instead of gain_ltpf
uint16_t t_nbits = (lc3Config.N_ms == Lc3Config::FrameDuration::d7p5ms)
? round(nbits * 10 / 7.5)
: nbits;
if (t_nbits < 560 + lc3Config.Fs_ind * 80) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
LongTermPostfilter& LongTermPostfilter::operator=(
const LongTermPostfilter& src) {
// TODO we should assert, that NF is equal in src and *this!
T_prev = src.T_prev;
mem_pitch = src.mem_pitch;
mem_ltpf_active = src.mem_ltpf_active;
mem_nc = src.mem_nc;
mem_mem_nc = src.mem_mem_nc;
for (uint16_t n = 0; n < 240 / P + lc3Config.NF; n++) {
x_s_extended[n] = src.x_s_extended[n];
for (uint16_t n = 0; n < len12p8 + D_LTPF + Nmem12p8D; n++) {
x_tilde_12p8D_extended[n] = src.x_tilde_12p8D_extended[n];
h50_mem[0] = src.h50_mem[0];
h50_mem[1] = src.h50_mem[1];
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 64 + k_max; n++) {
x_6p4_extended[n] = src.x_6p4_extended[n];
return *this;
uint8_t LongTermPostfilter::pitchDetection(float& normcorr) {
// Pitch detection algorithm (d09r02_F2F)
const double* x_tilde_12p8D = &x_tilde_12p8D_extended[Nmem12p8D];
const double h_2[5] = {0.1236796411180537, 0.2353512128364889,
0.2819382920909148, 0.2353512128364889,
double* x_6p4 = &x_6p4_extended[k_max]; // define current view on this signal
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < len6p4; n++) {
x_6p4[n] = 0;
for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
x_6p4[n] += x_tilde_12p8D[2 * n + k - 3] * h_2[k];
double R_6p4[k_max - k_min + 1];
double R_w_6p4[k_max - k_min + 1];
for (uint8_t k = k_min; k <= k_max; k++) {
R_6p4[k - k_min] = 0;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < len6p4; n++) {
R_6p4[k - k_min] += x_6p4[n] * x_6p4[n - k];
double w = 1 - 0.5 * (k - k_min) / (1.0 * (k_max - k_min));
R_w_6p4[k - k_min] = w * R_6p4[k - k_min];
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
datapoints->log("R_6p4", &R_6p4[0], sizeof(double) * (k_max - k_min + 1));
datapoints->log("R_w_6p4", &R_w_6p4[0],
sizeof(double) * (k_max - k_min + 1));
uint8_t T1 = k_min;
double R_w_6p4_max = R_w_6p4[0];
for (uint8_t k = k_min + 1; k <= k_max; k++) {
if (R_w_6p4[k - k_min] > R_w_6p4_max) {
R_w_6p4_max = R_w_6p4[k - k_min];
T1 = k;
// the following is not working with the static const members
// const uint8_t k_s_min = std::max( k_min, static_cast<uint8_t>(T_prev-4));
// const uint8_t k_s_max = std::min( k_max, static_cast<uint8_t>(T_prev+4) );
uint8_t k_s_min = (k_min < (T_prev - 4)) ? (T_prev - 4) : k_min;
uint8_t k_s_max = (k_max > (T_prev + 4)) ? (T_prev + 4) : k_max;
uint8_t T2 = k_s_min;
double R_6p4_max = R_6p4[k_s_min - k_min];
for (uint8_t k = k_s_min + 1; k <= k_s_max; k++) {
if (R_6p4[k - k_min] > R_6p4_max) {
R_6p4_max = R_6p4[k - k_min];
T2 = k;
// compute normalized correlation
const uint8_t corr_len = len6p4;
float normvalue0 = compute_normvalue(x_6p4, corr_len, 0);
float normvalue1 = compute_normvalue(x_6p4, corr_len, T1);
float normvalue = sqrt(normvalue0 * normvalue1);
float normcorr1 = 0; // is this a proper initialization?
if (normvalue > 0) {
normcorr1 = R_6p4[T1 - k_min] / normvalue;
if (normcorr1 < 0) // implements max(0,normcorr1) from eq. (90) in
// (d09r06_KLG_AY_NH_FhG, 2019-12-20)
normcorr1 = 0;
float normcorr2 = normcorr1;
if (T1 != T2) {
float normvalue2 = compute_normvalue(x_6p4, corr_len, T2);
normvalue = sqrt(normvalue0 * normvalue2);
if (normvalue > 0) {
normcorr2 = R_6p4[T2 - k_min] / normvalue;
if (normcorr2 < 0) // implements max(0,normcorr2) from eq. (90) in
// (d09r06_KLG_AY_NH_FhG, 2019-12-20)
normcorr2 = 0;
uint8_t T_curr = T1;
normcorr = normcorr1;
if (normcorr2 > 0.85 * normcorr1) {
T_curr = T2;
normcorr = normcorr2;
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
datapoints->log("T1", &T1, sizeof(T1));
datapoints->log("T2", &T2, sizeof(T2));
datapoints->log("T_curr", &T_curr, sizeof(T_curr));
datapoints->log("T_prev", &T_prev, sizeof(T_prev));
datapoints->log("normcorr1", &normcorr1, sizeof(normcorr1));
datapoints->log("normcorr2", &normcorr2, sizeof(normcorr2));
datapoints->log("normcorr", &normcorr, sizeof(normcorr));
return T_curr;
float LongTermPostfilter::interp(const float* R_12p8, uint8_t pitch_int_rel,
int8_t d) {
float interp_d = 0;
for (int8_t m = -4; m <= 4; m++) {
int8_t n = 4 * m - d;
if ((-16 < n) && (n < 16)) {
interp_d += R_12p8[pitch_int_rel + m] * tab_ltpf_interp_R[n + 15];
return interp_d;
void LongTermPostfilter::pitchLagParameter(uint8_t T_curr, uint8_t& pitch_int,
int8_t& pitch_fr) {
// LTPF pitch-lag parameter (d09r02_F2F)
uint8_t k_ss_min = (32 > (2 * T_curr - 4)) ? 32 : (2 * T_curr - 4);
uint8_t k_ss_max = (228 < (2 * T_curr + 4)) ? 228 : (2 * T_curr + 4);
const double* x_tilde_12p8D = &x_tilde_12p8D_extended[Nmem12p8D];
float R_12p8[k_ss_max + 4 - (k_ss_min - 4) + 1];
float R_12p8_max = 0;
pitch_int = k_ss_min;
for (uint8_t k = (k_ss_min - 4); k <= k_ss_max + 4; k++) {
float corrv = 0;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < len12p8; n++) {
corrv += x_tilde_12p8D[n] * x_tilde_12p8D[n - k];
R_12p8[k - (k_ss_min - 4)] = corrv;
if ((corrv > R_12p8_max) && (k >= k_ss_min) && (k <= k_ss_max)) {
R_12p8_max = corrv;
pitch_int = k;
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
"R12.8", &R_12p8[0],
sizeof(float) * 17); // Note: sometimes less than 17 values are given;
// ignore this for debugging purpose
uint8_t pitch_int_rel = pitch_int - (k_ss_min - 4);
pitch_fr = 0;
if (32 == pitch_int) {
float interp_d_max = 0;
for (int8_t d = 0; d <= 3; d++) {
float interp_d = interp(R_12p8, pitch_int_rel, d);
if (interp_d > interp_d_max) {
interp_d_max = interp_d;
pitch_fr = d;
} else if ((127 > pitch_int) && (pitch_int > 32)) {
float interp_d_max = 0;
for (int8_t d = -3; d <= 3; d++) {
float interp_d = interp(R_12p8, pitch_int_rel, d);
if (interp_d > interp_d_max) {
interp_d_max = interp_d;
pitch_fr = d;
} else if ((157 > pitch_int) && (pitch_int >= 127)) {
float interp_d_max = 0;
for (int8_t d = -2; d <= 2; d += 2) {
float interp_d = interp(R_12p8, pitch_int_rel, d);
if (interp_d > interp_d_max) {
interp_d_max = interp_d;
pitch_fr = d;
if (pitch_fr < 0) {
pitch_fr += 4;
if (127 > pitch_int) {
pitch_index = 4 * static_cast<uint16_t>(pitch_int) + pitch_fr - 128;
} else if ((157 > pitch_int) && (pitch_int >= 127)) {
pitch_index = 2 * static_cast<uint16_t>(pitch_int) + pitch_fr / 2 + 126;
} else {
pitch_index = static_cast<uint16_t>(pitch_int) + 283;
float LongTermPostfilter::x_i_n_d(int16_t n, int8_t d) {
const double* x_tilde_12p8D = &x_tilde_12p8D_extended[Nmem12p8D];
float result = 0;
for (int8_t k = -2; k <= 2; k++) {
int8_t h_i_index = 4 * k - d;
if ((-8 < h_i_index) && (h_i_index < 8)) {
result += x_tilde_12p8D[n - k] * tab_ltpf_interp_x12k8[h_i_index + 7];
return result;
void LongTermPostfilter::activationBit(uint8_t pitch_int, uint8_t pitch_fr,
uint8_t near_nyquist_flag, float& nc,
float& pitch) {
// Note: given tests confirm that float is sufficient (at least for 16 bit PCM
// input)
float nc_numerator = 0;
float nc_norm1 = 0;
float nc_norm2 = 0;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < len12p8; n++) {
float x_i_n_0 = x_i_n_d(n, 0);
float x_i_n_shifted =
x_i_n_d(static_cast<int16_t>(n) - static_cast<int16_t>(pitch_int),
nc_numerator += x_i_n_0 * x_i_n_shifted;
nc_norm1 += x_i_n_0 * x_i_n_0;
nc_norm2 += x_i_n_shifted * x_i_n_shifted;
float nc_denominator = sqrt(nc_norm1 * nc_norm2);
nc = 0; // Is this ok? Or should we set other values for nc_denominator==0
if (nc_denominator > 0) {
nc = nc_numerator / nc_denominator;
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
datapoints->log("nc_num", &nc_numerator, sizeof(nc_numerator));
datapoints->log("nc_den", &nc_denominator, sizeof(nc_denominator));
datapoints->log("nc", &nc,
sizeof(nc)); // somewhat redundant to "nc_ltpf", but never
// zeroed due to pitch_present
pitch = pitch_int + pitch_fr / 4.0;
// part of LTPF activation bit including Errata 15013 (see d1.0r03)
// and Errate 15250
if ((gain_ltpf_on != 0) && (near_nyquist_flag == 0)) {
if (((mem_ltpf_active == 0) &&
((lc3Config.N_ms == Lc3Config::FrameDuration::d10ms) ||
(mem_mem_nc > 0.94)) &&
(mem_nc > 0.94) && (nc > 0.94)) ||
((mem_ltpf_active == 1) && (nc > 0.9)) ||
((mem_ltpf_active == 1) && (fabs(pitch - mem_pitch) < 2) &&
((nc - mem_nc) > -0.1) && (nc > 0.84))) {
ltpf_active = 1;
} else {
ltpf_active = 0;
} else {
ltpf_active = 0;
void LongTermPostfilter::run(const int16_t* const x_s_,
uint8_t near_nyquist_flag) {
// Time-domain signals (d09r02_F2F)
// ...just some Notes on dependencies on samples in the previous block
// shift x_s_extended by one frame and append new input "x_s_"
for (uint16_t m = 0; m < 240 / P; m++) {
x_s_extended[m] = x_s_extended[lc3Config.NF + m];
for (uint16_t m = 240 / P; m < (240 / P + lc3Config.NF); m++) {
x_s_extended[m] = x_s_[m - 240 / P];
double* x_s = &x_s_extended[240 / P];
// shift x_tilde_12p8D_extended by one frame
for (uint16_t n = 0; n < D_LTPF + Nmem12p8D; n++) {
x_tilde_12p8D_extended[n] = x_tilde_12p8D_extended[n + len12p8];
// shift x_6p4_extended by one frame
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < k_max; n++) {
x_6p4_extended[n] = x_6p4_extended[n + len6p4];
// Resampling (d09r02_F2F)
double* h_12p8 = &tab_resamp_filter[119];
double* x_12p8 = &x_tilde_12p8D_extended[D_LTPF + Nmem12p8D];
for (int16_t n = 0; n < len12p8; n++) {
x_12p8[n] = 0;
for (int16_t k = -120 / P; k <= 120 / P; k++) {
const int16_t index_x_s = (15 * n) / P + k - 120 / P;
const int16_t index_h = P * k - ((15 * n) % P);
if ((-120 < index_h) && (index_h < 120)) {
x_12p8[n] += x_s[index_x_s] * h_12p8[index_h];
x_12p8[n] *= P_times_res_fac; // P x res_fac according to Errata 15217
// High-pass filtering (d09r02_F2F)
filterH50(x_12p8); // in-place
// Pitch detection algorithm (d09r06_FhG)
float normcorr = 0;
uint8_t T_curr = pitchDetection(normcorr);
// LTPF pitch-lag parameter (d09r02_F2F)
uint8_t pitch_int;
int8_t pitch_fr;
pitchLagParameter(T_curr, pitch_int, pitch_fr);
// LTPF activation bit (d09r06_FhG)
float nc = 0;
float pitch = 0;
activationBit(pitch_int, pitch_fr, near_nyquist_flag, nc, pitch);
// LTPF Bitstream (d09r06_KLG_AY_NH_FhG, 2019-12-20)
pitch_present = (normcorr > 0.6) ? 1 : 0;
nbits_LTPF = (0 == pitch_present) ? 1 : 11;
if (0 == pitch_present) {
// resetting of these variables not found explicitly within the
// specification, but the specified intermediate encoder results suggest
// that the reset is needed here
pitch_index = 0;
nc = 0;
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
datapoints->log("pitch_int", &pitch_int, sizeof(pitch_int));
datapoints->log("pitch_fr", &pitch_fr, sizeof(pitch_fr));
datapoints->log("nc_ltpf", &nc, sizeof(nc));
datapoints->log("mem_ltpf_active", &mem_ltpf_active,
datapoints->log("mem_nc_ltpf", &mem_nc, sizeof(mem_nc));
// prepare states for next run
T_prev = T_curr;
mem_mem_nc = mem_nc;
if (0 == pitch_present) {
mem_pitch = 0;
mem_ltpf_active = 0;
mem_nc = 0;
} else {
mem_pitch = pitch;
mem_ltpf_active = ltpf_active; // is it ok to set this here?
mem_nc = nc;
float LongTermPostfilter::compute_normvalue(const double* const x, uint8_t L,
uint8_t T) {
float normvalue = 0;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < L; n++) {
normvalue += x[n - T] * x[n - T];
return normvalue;
void LongTermPostfilter::filterH50(double* xy) // operate in-place
// TODO: check whether this implementation in Direct-Form_II
// is appropriate here (mainly in terms of robustness)
const double b0 = 0.9827947082978771;
const double b1 = -1.965589416595754;
const double b2 = 0.9827947082978771;
const double a1 = -1.9652933726226904;
const double a2 = 0.9658854605688177;
double* x = xy;
double* y = xy;
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < len12p8; n++) {
double v = x[n] - a1 * h50_mem[0] - a2 * h50_mem[1];
y[n] = b0 * v + b1 * h50_mem[0] + b2 * h50_mem[1];
h50_mem[1] = h50_mem[0];
h50_mem[0] = v;
void LongTermPostfilter::registerDatapoints(DatapointContainer* datapoints_) {
datapoints = datapoints_;
if (nullptr != datapoints) {
sizeof(double) * (len12p8 + 1));
datapoints->addDatapoint("x_tilde_12.8D_ext", &x_tilde_12p8D_extended[0],
sizeof(double) * (len12p8 + D_LTPF + Nmem12p8D));
datapoints->addDatapoint("x_6p4", &x_6p4_extended[k_max],
sizeof(double) * 64);
datapoints->addDatapoint("pitch_index", &pitch_index, sizeof(pitch_index));
datapoints->addDatapoint("pitch_present", &pitch_present,
datapoints->addDatapoint("ltpf_active", &ltpf_active, sizeof(ltpf_active));
datapoints->addDatapoint("nbits_LTPF", &nbits_LTPF, sizeof(nbits_LTPF));
} // namespace Lc3Enc