Hearing Aid: Remove std::promise from suspend / resume calls, and stop audio ticks by no devices

The Hearing Aid uses the stack main thread to be the media task thread.
This thread handles events / feeds audio data sequentially, and won't
have a race condition within the single thread. The promise is a bit
redundant, but wasted time to cause a potential deadlock that the caller
waits for the task thread finished which needed the caller's resource.

This CL also stops the audio ticks when no devices available, and no
need to wait for next timer expired. Besides, move all timer controls
into the media task thread, so timer is started / stopped at the same
thread, too.

Bug: 134996542
Test: add big delay within functions, and check no abnormal manually
Change-Id: If0b279a191d86b30db41a682dc7f0ad9470cb10e
Merged-In: If0b279a191d86b30db41a682dc7f0ad9470cb10e
(cherry picked from commit 90ba872a726b4b66c0b6af29e602dfee65edb710)
3 files changed
tree: 9b7b21eecda03d3dbfb1407ad07b42e380c99025
  1. audio_a2dp_hw/
  2. audio_bluetooth_hw/
  3. audio_hal_interface/
  4. audio_hearing_aid_hw/
  5. binder/
  6. bta/
  7. btcore/
  8. btif/
  9. build/
  10. common/
  11. conf/
  12. device/
  13. doc/
  14. embdrv/
  15. gd/
  16. hci/
  17. include/
  18. internal_include/
  19. linux_include/
  20. main/
  21. osi/
  22. packet/
  23. profile/
  24. proto/
  25. service/
  26. stack/
  27. test/
  28. tools/
  29. types/
  30. udrv/
  31. utils/
  32. vendor_libs/
  33. vnd/
  34. .clang-format
  35. .gitignore
  36. .gn
  37. Android.bp
  38. AndroidTestTemplate.xml
  39. BUILD.gn
  40. CleanSpec.mk
  41. EventLogTags.logtags
  43. NOTICE
  44. OWNERS
  45. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  46. README.md

Fluoride Bluetooth stack

Building and running on AOSP

Just build AOSP - Fluoride is there by default.

Building and running on Linux

Instructions for Ubuntu, tested on 14.04 with Clang 3.5.0 and 16.10 with Clang 3.8.0

Download source

mkdir ~/fluoride
cd ~/fluoride
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt

Install dependencies (require sudo access):

cd ~/fluoride/bt

Then fetch third party dependencies:

cd ~/fluoride/bt
mkdir third_party
cd third_party
git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/aac
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libchrome
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libldac
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/modp_b64
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/tinyxml2

And third party dependencies of third party dependencies:

cd fluoride/bt/third_party/libchrome/base/third_party
mkdir valgrind
cd valgrind
curl https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/base/+/master/third_party/valgrind/valgrind.h?format=TEXT | base64 -d > valgrind.h
curl https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/base/+/master/third_party/valgrind/memcheck.h?format=TEXT | base64 -d > memcheck.h

NOTE: If system/bt is checked out under AOSP, then create symbolic links instead of downloading sources

cd system/bt
mkdir third_party
cd third_party
ln -s ../../../external/aac aac
ln -s ../../../external/libchrome libchrome
ln -s ../../../external/libldac libldac
ln -s ../../../external/modp_b64 modp_b64
ln -s ../../../external/tinyxml2 tinyxml2
ln -s ../../../external/googletest googletest

Generate your build files

cd ~/fluoride/bt
gn gen out/Default


cd ~/fluoride/bt
ninja -C out/Default all

This will build all targets (the shared library, executables, tests, etc) and put them in out/Default. To build an individual target, replace “all” with the target of your choice, e.g. ninja -C out/Default net_test_osi.


cd ~/fluoride/bt/out/Default
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./bluetoothtbd -create-ipc-socket=fluoride

Eclipse IDE Support

  1. Follows the Chromium project Eclipse Setup Instructions until “Optional: Building inside Eclipse” section (don't do that section, we will set it up differently)

  2. Generate Eclipse settings:

cd system/bt
gn gen --ide=eclipse out/Default
  1. In Eclipse, do File->Import->C/C++->C/C++ Project Settings, choose the XML location under system/bt/out/Default

  2. Right click on the project. Go to Preferences->C/C++ Build->Builder Settings. Uncheck “Use default build command”, but instead using “ninja -C out/Default”

  3. Goto Behaviour tab, change clean command to “-t clean”