Increasing LE Properties to broadcast.

Use case: Remote BD_NAME is not broadcasted when BLE device
pairing is done by using NFC where we broadcasted only UUID.

Connect with BLE device by using NFC and check the remote name.

Failure: Remote device name is not available.

Root cause: BD_NAME is not broadcasted when BLE device pairing
is done.

Fix: Added property to broadcast remote BD_NAME also as part
BLE device pairing using NFC.

Change-Id: Ie6cda489aabff15a0ebbc692a16f9428729a7dba
diff --git a/btif/include/btif_common.h b/btif/include/btif_common.h
index 04e8cf6..ff8f1e0 100644
--- a/btif/include/btif_common.h
+++ b/btif/include/btif_common.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 #define ASSERTC(cond, msg, val) if (!(cond)) { LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, \
-    "### ASSERT : %s line %d %s (%d) ###", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, val);}
+    "### ASSERT : %s %s line %d %s (%d) ###", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, msg, val);}
 /* Calculate start of event enumeration; id is top 8 bits of event */
 #define BTIF_SIG_START(id)       ((id) << 8)
diff --git a/btif/src/ b/btif/src/
index e30105e..ca599f7 100644
--- a/btif/src/
+++ b/btif/src/
@@ -1563,10 +1563,11 @@
              bt_uuid_t  uuid;
              int i = 0;
              int j = 15;
+             int num_properties = 0;
              if (p_data->disc_ble_res.service.uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_LE_HID)
                 BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG("%s: Found HOGP UUID",__FUNCTION__);
-                bt_property_t prop;
+                bt_property_t prop[2];
                 bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr;
                 char temp[256];
                 bt_status_t ret;
@@ -1586,17 +1587,30 @@
                 LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s uuid:%s", __func__, temp);
                 bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_data->disc_ble_res.bd_addr);
-                prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS;
-                prop.val = uuid.uu;
-                prop.len = MAX_UUID_SIZE;
+                prop[0].type = BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS;
+                prop[0].val = uuid.uu;
+                prop[0].len = MAX_UUID_SIZE;
                 /* Also write this to the NVRAM */
-                ret = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bd_addr, &prop);
+                ret = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bd_addr, &prop[0]);
                 ASSERTC(ret == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "storing remote services failed", ret);
+                num_properties++;
+                /* Remote name update */
+                if (strnlen((const char *) p_data->disc_ble_res.bd_name, BD_NAME_LEN))
+                {
+                    prop[1].type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME;
+                    prop[1].val = p_data->disc_ble_res.bd_name;
+                    prop[1].len = strnlen((char *)p_data->disc_ble_res.bd_name, BD_NAME_LEN);
+                    ret = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bd_addr, &prop[1]);
+                    ASSERTC(ret == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "failed to save remote device property", ret);
+                    num_properties++;
+                }
                 /* Send the event to the BTIF */
                 HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, remote_device_properties_cb,
-                                 BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, 1, &prop);
+                                 BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, num_properties, prop);