blob: 92eeef173a1d095ec49ed5e93fdc765c10892b7c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bluetooth/uuid.h>
#include <vector>
#define BT_PROFILE_CSIP_CLIENT_ID "csip_client"
/** Callback when app has registered with CSIP Client module
typedef void (* btcsip_csip_app_registered_callback)(uint8_t status, uint8_t app_id,
const bluetooth::Uuid& app_uuid);
/** Callback when connection state is changed for CSIP Profile
typedef void (* btcsip_csip_connection_state_callback)(uint8_t app_id, RawAddress& bd_addr,
uint8_t state, uint8_t status);
/** Callback when new set has been identified on remote device
typedef void (* btcsip_new_set_found_callback) (uint8_t set_id, RawAddress& bd_addr,
uint8_t size, uint8_t* sirk,
const bluetooth::Uuid& p_srvc_uuid,
bool lock_support);
/** Callback when new set member has been identified
typedef void (* btcsip_new_set_member_found_callback) (uint8_t set_id,
RawAddress& bd_addr);
/** Callback for lock status changed event to requesting client
typedef void (* btcsip_lock_state_changed_callback) (uint8_t app_id, uint8_t set_id,
uint8_t value, uint8_t status,
std::vector<RawAddress> addr);
/** Callback when lock is available on earlier denying set member
typedef void (* btcsip_lock_available_callback) (uint8_t app_id, uint8_t set_id,
RawAddress& bd_addr);
/** Callback when size of coordinated set has been changed
typedef void (* btcsip_set_size_changed_callback) (uint8_t set_id, uint8_t size,
RawAddress& bd_addr);
/** Callback when SIRK of coordinated set has been changed
typedef void (* btcsip_set_sirk_changed_callback) (uint8_t set_id, uint8_t* sirk,
RawAddress& bd_addr);
/** BT-CSIP callback structure. */
typedef struct {
size_t size;
btcsip_csip_app_registered_callback app_registered_cb;
btcsip_csip_connection_state_callback conn_state_cb;
btcsip_new_set_found_callback new_set_found_cb;
btcsip_new_set_member_found_callback new_set_member_cb;
btcsip_lock_state_changed_callback lock_status_cb;
btcsip_lock_available_callback lock_available_cb;
btcsip_set_size_changed_callback size_changed_cb;
btcsip_set_sirk_changed_callback sirk_changed_cb;
} btcsip_callbacks_t;
/** Represents the standard BT-CSIP interface. */
typedef struct {
/** set to sizeof(BtCsipInterface) */
size_t size;
/** Register the BtCsipInterface callbacks
bt_status_t (*init) (btcsip_callbacks_t* callbacks);
/** CSIP opportunistic gatt client connection*/
bt_status_t (*connect) (uint8_t app_id, RawAddress *bd_addr);
/** disconnect csip gatt connection */
bt_status_t (*disconnect) (uint8_t app_id, RawAddress *bd_addr );
/** register app/module with CSIP profile*/
bt_status_t (*register_csip_app) (const bluetooth::Uuid& app_uuid);
/** unregister app/module with CSIP profile */
bt_status_t (*unregister_csip_app) (uint8_t app_id);
/** change lock value */
bt_status_t (*set_lock_value) (uint8_t app_id, uint8_t set_id, uint8_t lock_value,
std::vector<RawAddress> devices);
/** Closes the interface. */
void (*cleanup) (void);
} btcsip_interface_t;