apexd: collect keys from /system in onBootstrap()

collectApexKeys() in onBootstrap() scans only /system/apex.
The collected keys will be stored in memory and
onBootstrap() activates bootstrap apexes only from /system/apex.
Therefore, we don't have to collect keys from /product/apex or other
builtin directories.

Test: atest apexservice_test
Change-Id: I68d07c93a356ba3aec955031b4405b95e03c6469
3 files changed
tree: 2f9fd19b7a4a953be8566fa28bfe38dd8423abc8
  1. apexd/
  2. apexer/
  3. proto/
  4. shim/
  5. tests/
  6. CleanSpec.mk
  8. PREUPLOAD.cfg