blob: e8d221d585d90568b5e4d22e631ff6e52fc4d3ee [file] [log] [blame]
// List of clang-tidy checks that are reported as errors.
// Please keep this list ordered lexicographically.
tidy_errors = [
cc_defaults {
name: "apex_flags_defaults",
cflags: [
// Some extra flags.
tidy: true,
tidy_checks: tidy_errors,
tidy_checks_as_errors: tidy_errors,
tidy_flags: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libapexd-deps",
defaults: ["libapex-deps"],
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
whole_static_libs: [""],
aidl_interface {
name: "apex_aidl_interface",
unstable: true,
srcs: [
local_include_dir: "aidl",
backend: {
java: {
sdk_version: "28",
ndk: {
enabled: false,
cc_binary {
name: "apexd",
defaults: [
srcs: [
static_libs: [
init_rc: ["apexd.rc"],
// Just like the init, apexd should be able to run without
// any APEX activated. To do so, it uses the bootstrap linker
// and the bootstrap bionic libraries.
bootstrap: true,
cc_library_static {
name: "libapexd",
defaults: [
srcs: [
export_include_dirs: ["."],
// Don't add shared/static libs here; add to libapexd_defaults instead.
cc_library_static {
name: "libapexd_checkpoint_vold",
defaults: ["apex_flags_defaults"],
srcs: [ "apexd_checkpoint_vold.cpp" ],
static_libs: [
export_include_dirs: ["."],
cc_defaults {
name: "libapexservice-deps",
shared_libs: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libapexservice",
defaults: [
srcs: ["apexservice.cpp"],
static_libs: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libapex-deps",
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
static: {
whole_static_libs: ["libc++fs"],
shared: {
static_libs: ["libc++fs"],
cc_library_static {
name: "libapex",
defaults: [
srcs: [
host_supported: true,
target: {
darwin: {
enabled: false,
header_libs: [
export_header_lib_headers: [
genrule {
// Generates an apex which has a different manifest outside the filesystem
// image.
name: "gen_bad_apexes",
out: ["apex.apexd_test_manifest_mismatch.apex"],
srcs: [":apex.apexd_test"],
tools: ["soong_zip", "zipalign", "conv_apex_manifest"],
cmd: "unzip -q $(in) -d $(genDir) && " +
"$(location conv_apex_manifest) setprop version 137 $(genDir)/apex_manifest.pb && " +
"$(location soong_zip) -d -C $(genDir) -D $(genDir) " +
"-s apex_manifest.pb -s apex_payload.img -s apex_pubkey " +
"-o $(genDir)/unaligned.apex && " +
"$(location zipalign) -f 4096 $(genDir)/unaligned.apex " +
genrule {
// Generates an apex with a corrupted filesystem image, which should cause
// dm-verity verification to fail
name: "gen_corrupt_apex",
out: ["apex.apexd_test_corrupt_apex.apex"],
srcs: [":apex.apexd_test"],
tools: ["soong_zip", "zipalign"],
cmd: "unzip -q $(in) -d $(genDir) && " +
"dd if=/dev/zero of=$(genDir)/apex_payload.img conv=notrunc bs=1024 seek=16 count=1 && " +
"$(location soong_zip) -d -C $(genDir) -D $(genDir) " +
"-s apex_manifest.pb -s apex_payload.img -s apex_pubkey " +
"-o $(genDir)/unaligned.apex && " +
"$(location zipalign) -f 4096 $(genDir)/unaligned.apex " +
cc_test {
name: "ApexTestCases",
defaults: [
require_root: true,
cflags: [
// Otherwise libgmock won't compile.
data: [
srcs: [
host_supported: false,
compile_multilib: "first",
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
test_suites: ["device-tests"],
test_config: "AndroidTest.xml",
cc_test {
name: "flattened_apex_test",
defaults: [
srcs: ["flattened_apex_test.cpp"],
host_supported: false,
compile_multilib: "first",
static_libs: [
test_suites: ["device-tests"],
test_config: "flattened_apex_test_config.xml",