Expose apex-info-list.xml in each mount namespaces

We need to generate separate apex-info-list for bootstrap mode.

Bootstrap mount namespace has a different set of activated apexes. For
other processes (e.g. linkerconfig) which run in the bootstrap mount
namespace and also want to read apex-info-list, we'd better have a
separate apex-info-list xml file.

However, emitting xml would cause boottime regression. In practice such
early processes might not want non-activated apexes and scanning
non-activated apexes from various partitions would cost. Therefore,
bootstrap apex-info-list xml only contains list of activated apex-info.

To support separate apex-info-list xml file, apexd emits mount-namespace-
specific apex-info-list.xml first and then bind-mounts it to

Bug: 158964569
Test: m & boot
      nsenter -m/proc/1/ns/mnt more /apex/apex-info-list.xml
       => should be equal to /apex/.default-apex-info-list.xml
      nsenter -m/proc/2/ns/mnt more /apex/apex-info-list.xml
       => should be equal to /apex/.bootstrap-apex-info-list.xml
Change-Id: Ie569821c39f006ae4abf9d6f187ee90eea4dd133
1 file changed