blob: 0d1d1a37bd5180229b1decc674e815f94f2f3e6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <binder/IBinder.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/Singleton.h>
#include <utils/SortedVector.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <ui/BlurRegion.h>
#include <ui/ConfigStoreTypes.h>
#include <ui/DisplayedFrameStats.h>
#include <ui/FrameStats.h>
#include <ui/GraphicTypes.h>
#include <ui/PixelFormat.h>
#include <ui/Rotation.h>
#include <gui/CpuConsumer.h>
#include <gui/ISurfaceComposer.h>
#include <gui/ITransactionCompletedListener.h>
#include <gui/LayerState.h>
#include <gui/SurfaceControl.h>
#include <gui/WindowInfosListenerReporter.h>
#include <math/vec3.h>
namespace android {
class HdrCapabilities;
class ISurfaceComposerClient;
class IGraphicBufferProducer;
class IRegionSamplingListener;
class ITunnelModeEnabledListener;
class Region;
struct SurfaceControlStats {
SurfaceControlStats(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, nsecs_t latchTime, nsecs_t acquireTime,
const sp<Fence>& presentFence, const sp<Fence>& prevReleaseFence,
uint32_t hint, FrameEventHistoryStats eventStats, uint32_t currentMaxAcquiredBufferCount)
: surfaceControl(sc),
currentMaxAcquiredBufferCount(currentMaxAcquiredBufferCount) {}
sp<SurfaceControl> surfaceControl;
nsecs_t latchTime = -1;
nsecs_t acquireTime = -1;
sp<Fence> presentFence;
sp<Fence> previousReleaseFence;
uint32_t transformHint = 0;
FrameEventHistoryStats frameEventStats;
uint32_t currentMaxAcquiredBufferCount = 0;
using TransactionCompletedCallbackTakesContext =
std::function<void(void* /*context*/, nsecs_t /*latchTime*/,
const sp<Fence>& /*presentFence*/,
const std::vector<SurfaceControlStats>& /*stats*/)>;
using TransactionCompletedCallback =
std::function<void(nsecs_t /*latchTime*/, const sp<Fence>& /*presentFence*/,
const std::vector<SurfaceControlStats>& /*stats*/)>;
using ReleaseBufferCallback =
std::function<void(const ReleaseCallbackId&, const sp<Fence>& /*releaseFence*/,
uint32_t transformHint, uint32_t currentMaxAcquiredBufferCount)>;
using SurfaceStatsCallback =
std::function<void(void* /*context*/, nsecs_t /*latchTime*/,
const sp<Fence>& /*presentFence*/,
const SurfaceStats& /*stats*/)>;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SurfaceComposerClient : public RefBase
friend class Composer;
SurfaceComposerClient(const sp<ISurfaceComposerClient>& client);
virtual ~SurfaceComposerClient();
// Always make sure we could initialize
status_t initCheck() const;
// Return the connection of this client
sp<IBinder> connection() const;
// Forcibly remove connection before all references have gone away.
void dispose();
// callback when the composer is dies
status_t linkToComposerDeath(const sp<IBinder::DeathRecipient>& recipient,
void* cookie = nullptr, uint32_t flags = 0);
// Get transactional state of given display.
static status_t getDisplayState(const sp<IBinder>& display, ui::DisplayState*);
// Get immutable information about given physical display.
static status_t getStaticDisplayInfo(const sp<IBinder>& display, ui::StaticDisplayInfo*);
// Get dynamic information about given physical display.
static status_t getDynamicDisplayInfo(const sp<IBinder>& display, ui::DynamicDisplayInfo*);
// Shorthand for the active display mode from getDynamicDisplayInfo().
// TODO(b/180391891): Update clients to use getDynamicDisplayInfo and remove this function.
static status_t getActiveDisplayMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, ui::DisplayMode*);
// Sets the refresh rate boundaries for the display.
static status_t setDesiredDisplayModeSpecs(
const sp<IBinder>& displayToken, ui::DisplayModeId defaultMode,
bool allowGroupSwitching, float primaryRefreshRateMin, float primaryRefreshRateMax,
float appRequestRefreshRateMin, float appRequestRefreshRateMax);
// Gets the refresh rate boundaries for the display.
static status_t getDesiredDisplayModeSpecs(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken,
ui::DisplayModeId* outDefaultMode,
bool* outAllowGroupSwitching,
float* outPrimaryRefreshRateMin,
float* outPrimaryRefreshRateMax,
float* outAppRequestRefreshRateMin,
float* outAppRequestRefreshRateMax);
// Get the coordinates of the display's native color primaries
static status_t getDisplayNativePrimaries(const sp<IBinder>& display,
ui::DisplayPrimaries& outPrimaries);
// Sets the active color mode for the given display
static status_t setActiveColorMode(const sp<IBinder>& display,
ui::ColorMode colorMode);
// Switches on/off Auto Low Latency Mode on the connected display. This should only be
// called if the connected display supports Auto Low Latency Mode as reported by
// #getAutoLowLatencyModeSupport
static void setAutoLowLatencyMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, bool on);
// Turns Game mode on/off on the connected display. This should only be called
// if the display supports Game content type, as reported by #getGameContentTypeSupport
static void setGameContentType(const sp<IBinder>& display, bool on);
/* Triggers screen on/off or low power mode and waits for it to complete */
static void setDisplayPowerMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, int mode);
/* Returns the composition preference of the default data space and default pixel format,
* as well as the wide color gamut data space and wide color gamut pixel format.
* If the wide color gamut data space is V0_SRGB, then it implies that the platform
* has no wide color gamut support.
static status_t getCompositionPreference(ui::Dataspace* defaultDataspace,
ui::PixelFormat* defaultPixelFormat,
ui::Dataspace* wideColorGamutDataspace,
ui::PixelFormat* wideColorGamutPixelFormat);
* Gets whether SurfaceFlinger can support protected content in GPU composition.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
static bool getProtectedContentSupport();
* Gets the context priority of surface flinger's render engine.
static int getGPUContextPriority();
* Uncaches a buffer in ISurfaceComposer. It must be uncached via a transaction so that it is
* in order with other transactions that use buffers.
static void doUncacheBufferTransaction(uint64_t cacheId);
// Queries whether a given display is wide color display.
static status_t isWideColorDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& display, bool* outIsWideColorDisplay);
* Returns whether brightness operations are supported on a display.
* displayToken
* The token of the display.
* Returns whether brightness operations are supported on a display or not.
static bool getDisplayBrightnessSupport(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken);
* Sets the brightness of a display.
* displayToken
* The token of the display whose brightness is set.
* brightness
* A number between 0.0 (minimum brightness) and 1.0 (maximum brightness), or -1.0f to
* turn the backlight off.
* Returns NO_ERROR upon success. Otherwise,
* NAME_NOT_FOUND if the display handle is invalid, or
* BAD_VALUE if the brightness value is invalid, or
* INVALID_OPERATION if brightness operaetions are not supported.
static status_t setDisplayBrightness(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken,
const gui::DisplayBrightness& brightness);
static status_t addHdrLayerInfoListener(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken,
const sp<gui::IHdrLayerInfoListener>& listener);
static status_t removeHdrLayerInfoListener(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken,
const sp<gui::IHdrLayerInfoListener>& listener);
* Sends a power boost to the composer. This function is asynchronous.
* boostId
* boost id according to android::hardware::power::Boost
* Returns NO_ERROR upon success.
static status_t notifyPowerBoost(int32_t boostId);
* Sets the global configuration for all the shadows drawn by SurfaceFlinger. Shadow follows
* material design guidelines.
* ambientColor
* Color to the ambient shadow. The alpha is premultiplied.
* spotColor
* Color to the spot shadow. The alpha is premultiplied. The position of the spot shadow
* depends on the light position.
* lightPosY/lightPosZ
* Position of the light used to cast the spot shadow. The X value is always the display
* width / 2.
* lightRadius
* Radius of the light casting the shadow.
static status_t setGlobalShadowSettings(const half4& ambientColor, const half4& spotColor,
float lightPosY, float lightPosZ, float lightRadius);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// surface creation / destruction
static sp<SurfaceComposerClient> getDefault();
//! Create a surface
sp<SurfaceControl> createSurface(const String8& name, // name of the surface
uint32_t w, // width in pixel
uint32_t h, // height in pixel
PixelFormat format, // pixel-format desired
uint32_t flags = 0, // usage flags
const sp<IBinder>& parentHandle = nullptr, // parentHandle
LayerMetadata metadata = LayerMetadata(), // metadata
uint32_t* outTransformHint = nullptr);
status_t createSurfaceChecked(const String8& name, // name of the surface
uint32_t w, // width in pixel
uint32_t h, // height in pixel
PixelFormat format, // pixel-format desired
sp<SurfaceControl>* outSurface,
uint32_t flags = 0, // usage flags
const sp<IBinder>& parentHandle = nullptr, // parentHandle
LayerMetadata metadata = LayerMetadata(), // metadata
uint32_t* outTransformHint = nullptr);
//! Create a surface
sp<SurfaceControl> createWithSurfaceParent(const String8& name, // name of the surface
uint32_t w, // width in pixel
uint32_t h, // height in pixel
PixelFormat format, // pixel-format desired
uint32_t flags = 0, // usage flags
Surface* parent = nullptr, // parent
LayerMetadata metadata = LayerMetadata(), // metadata
uint32_t* outTransformHint = nullptr);
// Creates a mirrored hierarchy for the mirrorFromSurface. This returns a SurfaceControl
// which is a parent of the root of the mirrored hierarchy.
// Real Hierarchy Mirror
// SC (value that's returned)
// |
// A A'
// | |
// B B'
sp<SurfaceControl> mirrorSurface(SurfaceControl* mirrorFromSurface);
//! Create a virtual display
static sp<IBinder> createDisplay(const String8& displayName, bool secure);
//! Destroy a virtual display
static void destroyDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& display);
//! Get stable IDs for connected physical displays
static std::vector<PhysicalDisplayId> getPhysicalDisplayIds();
static status_t getPrimaryPhysicalDisplayId(PhysicalDisplayId*);
static std::optional<PhysicalDisplayId> getInternalDisplayId();
//! Get token for a physical display given its stable ID
static sp<IBinder> getPhysicalDisplayToken(PhysicalDisplayId displayId);
static sp<IBinder> getInternalDisplayToken();
static status_t enableVSyncInjections(bool enable);
static status_t injectVSync(nsecs_t when);
struct SCHash {
std::size_t operator()(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc) const {
return std::hash<SurfaceControl *>{}(sc.get());
struct IBinderHash {
std::size_t operator()(const sp<IBinder>& iBinder) const {
return std::hash<IBinder*>{}(iBinder.get());
struct TCLHash {
std::size_t operator()(const sp<ITransactionCompletedListener>& tcl) const {
return std::hash<IBinder*>{}((tcl) ? IInterface::asBinder(tcl).get() : nullptr);
struct CallbackInfo {
// All the callbacks that have been requested for a TransactionCompletedListener in the
// Transaction
std::unordered_set<CallbackId, CallbackIdHash> callbackIds;
// All the SurfaceControls that have been modified in this TransactionCompletedListener's
// process that require a callback if there is one or more callbackIds set.
std::unordered_set<sp<SurfaceControl>, SCHash> surfaceControls;
class Transaction : public Parcelable {
static std::atomic<uint32_t> idCounter;
int64_t generateId();
std::unordered_map<sp<IBinder>, ComposerState, IBinderHash> mComposerStates;
SortedVector<DisplayState> mDisplayStates;
std::unordered_map<sp<ITransactionCompletedListener>, CallbackInfo, TCLHash>
uint64_t mId;
uint32_t mForceSynchronous = 0;
uint32_t mTransactionNestCount = 0;
bool mAnimation = false;
bool mEarlyWakeupStart = false;
bool mEarlyWakeupEnd = false;
// Indicates that the Transaction contains a buffer that should be cached
bool mContainsBuffer = false;
// mDesiredPresentTime is the time in nanoseconds that the client would like the transaction
// to be presented. When it is not possible to present at exactly that time, it will be
// presented after the time has passed.
// If the client didn't pass a desired presentation time, mDesiredPresentTime will be
// populated to the time setBuffer was called, and mIsAutoTimestamp will be set to true.
// Desired present times that are more than 1 second in the future may be ignored.
// When a desired present time has already passed, the transaction will be presented as soon
// as possible.
// Transactions from the same process are presented in the same order that they are applied.
// The desired present time does not affect this ordering.
int64_t mDesiredPresentTime = 0;
bool mIsAutoTimestamp = true;
// The vsync id provided by Choreographer.getVsyncId and the input event id
FrameTimelineInfo mFrameTimelineInfo;
// If not null, transactions will be queued up using this token otherwise a common token
// per process will be used.
sp<IBinder> mApplyToken = nullptr;
InputWindowCommands mInputWindowCommands;
int mStatus = NO_ERROR;
layer_state_t* getLayerState(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc);
DisplayState& getDisplayState(const sp<IBinder>& token);
void cacheBuffers();
void registerSurfaceControlForCallback(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc);
void setReleaseBufferCallback(layer_state_t*, const ReleaseCallbackId&,
void removeReleaseBufferCallback(layer_state_t*);
virtual ~Transaction() = default;
Transaction(Transaction const& other);
// Factory method that creates a new Transaction instance from the parcel.
static std::unique_ptr<Transaction> createFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel);
status_t writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const override;
status_t readFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel) override;
// Clears the contents of the transaction without applying it.
void clear();
status_t apply(bool synchronous = false);
// Merge another transaction in to this one, clearing other
// as if it had been applied.
Transaction& merge(Transaction&& other);
Transaction& show(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc);
Transaction& hide(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc);
Transaction& setPosition(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
float x, float y);
Transaction& setSize(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
Transaction& setLayer(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
int32_t z);
// Sets a Z order relative to the Surface specified by "relativeTo" but
// without becoming a full child of the relative. Z-ordering works exactly
// as if it were a child however.
// As a nod to sanity, only non-child surfaces may have a relative Z-order.
// This overrides any previous call and is overriden by any future calls
// to setLayer.
// If the relative is removed, the Surface will have no layer and be
// invisible, until the next time set(Relative)Layer is called.
Transaction& setRelativeLayer(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const sp<SurfaceControl>& relativeTo, int32_t z);
Transaction& setFlags(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
uint32_t flags, uint32_t mask);
Transaction& setTransparentRegionHint(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const Region& transparentRegion);
Transaction& setAlpha(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
float alpha);
Transaction& setMatrix(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
float dsdx, float dtdx, float dtdy, float dsdy);
Transaction& setCrop(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const Rect& crop);
Transaction& setCornerRadius(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, float cornerRadius);
Transaction& setBackgroundBlurRadius(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
int backgroundBlurRadius);
Transaction& setBlurRegions(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const std::vector<BlurRegion>& regions);
Transaction& setLayerStack(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, uint32_t layerStack);
Transaction& setMetadata(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, uint32_t key, const Parcel& p);
/// Reparents the current layer to the new parent handle. The new parent must not be null.
Transaction& reparent(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const sp<SurfaceControl>& newParent);
Transaction& setColor(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const half3& color);
// Sets the background color of a layer with the specified color, alpha, and dataspace
Transaction& setBackgroundColor(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const half3& color,
float alpha, ui::Dataspace dataspace);
Transaction& setTransform(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, uint32_t transform);
Transaction& setTransformToDisplayInverse(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
bool transformToDisplayInverse);
Transaction& setBuffer(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer,
const ReleaseCallbackId& id = ReleaseCallbackId::INVALID_ID,
ReleaseBufferCallback callback = nullptr);
Transaction& setCachedBuffer(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, int32_t bufferId);
Transaction& setAcquireFence(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const sp<Fence>& fence);
Transaction& setDataspace(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, ui::Dataspace dataspace);
Transaction& setHdrMetadata(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const HdrMetadata& hdrMetadata);
Transaction& setSurfaceDamageRegion(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const Region& surfaceDamageRegion);
Transaction& setApi(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, int32_t api);
Transaction& setSidebandStream(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const sp<NativeHandle>& sidebandStream);
Transaction& setDesiredPresentTime(nsecs_t desiredPresentTime);
Transaction& setColorSpaceAgnostic(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const bool agnostic);
// Sets information about the priority of the frame.
Transaction& setFrameRateSelectionPriority(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, int32_t priority);
Transaction& addTransactionCallback(TransactionCompletedCallbackTakesContext callback,
void* callbackContext, CallbackId::Type callbackType);
Transaction& addTransactionCompletedCallback(
TransactionCompletedCallbackTakesContext callback, void* callbackContext);
Transaction& addTransactionCommittedCallback(
TransactionCompletedCallbackTakesContext callback, void* callbackContext);
Transaction& notifyProducerDisconnect(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc);
// Set the framenumber generated by the graphics producer to mimic BufferQueue behaviour.
Transaction& setFrameNumber(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, uint64_t frameNumber);
Transaction& setInputWindowInfo(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const gui::WindowInfo& info);
Transaction& setFocusedWindow(const gui::FocusRequest& request);
Transaction& syncInputWindows();
// Set a color transform matrix on the given layer on the built-in display.
Transaction& setColorTransform(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const mat3& matrix,
const vec3& translation);
Transaction& setGeometry(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const Rect& source, const Rect& dst, int transform);
Transaction& setShadowRadius(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, float cornerRadius);
Transaction& setFrameRate(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, float frameRate,
int8_t compatibility, int8_t changeFrameRateStrategy);
// Set by window manager indicating the layer and all its children are
// in a different orientation than the display. The hint suggests that
// the graphic producers should receive a transform hint as if the
// display was in this orientation. When the display changes to match
// the layer orientation, the graphic producer may not need to allocate
// a buffer of a different size.
Transaction& setFixedTransformHint(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, int32_t transformHint);
// Sets the frame timeline vsync id received from choreographer that corresponds
// to the transaction, and the input event id that identifies the input event that caused
// the current frame.
Transaction& setFrameTimelineInfo(const FrameTimelineInfo& frameTimelineInfo);
// Indicates that the consumer should acquire the next frame as soon as it
// can and not wait for a frame to become available. This is only relevant
// in shared buffer mode.
Transaction& setAutoRefresh(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, bool autoRefresh);
// Sets that this surface control and its children are trusted overlays for input
Transaction& setTrustedOverlay(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, bool isTrustedOverlay);
// Queues up transactions using this token in SurfaceFlinger. By default, all transactions
// from a client are placed on the same queue. This can be used to prevent multiple
// transactions from blocking each other.
Transaction& setApplyToken(const sp<IBinder>& token);
* Provides the stretch effect configured on a container that the
* surface is rendered within.
* @param sc target surface the stretch should be applied to
* @param stretchEffect the corresponding stretch effect to be applied
* to the surface. This can be directly on the surface itself or
* configured from a parent of the surface in which case the
* StretchEffect provided has parameters mapping the position of
* the surface within the container that has the stretch configured
* on it
* @return The transaction being constructed
Transaction& setStretchEffect(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const StretchEffect& stretchEffect);
Transaction& setBufferCrop(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, const Rect& bufferCrop);
Transaction& setDestinationFrame(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc,
const Rect& destinationFrame);
Transaction& setDropInputMode(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, gui::DropInputMode mode);
status_t setDisplaySurface(const sp<IBinder>& token,
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer);
void setDisplayLayerStack(const sp<IBinder>& token, uint32_t layerStack);
void setDisplayFlags(const sp<IBinder>& token, uint32_t flags);
/* setDisplayProjection() defines the projection of layer stacks
* to a given display.
* - orientation defines the display's orientation.
* - layerStackRect defines which area of the window manager coordinate
* space will be used.
* - displayRect defines where on the display will layerStackRect be
* mapped to. displayRect is specified post-orientation, that is
* it uses the orientation seen by the end-user.
void setDisplayProjection(const sp<IBinder>& token, ui::Rotation orientation,
const Rect& layerStackRect, const Rect& displayRect);
void setDisplaySize(const sp<IBinder>& token, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
void setAnimationTransaction();
void setEarlyWakeupStart();
void setEarlyWakeupEnd();
status_t clearLayerFrameStats(const sp<IBinder>& token) const;
status_t getLayerFrameStats(const sp<IBinder>& token, FrameStats* outStats) const;
static status_t clearAnimationFrameStats();
static status_t getAnimationFrameStats(FrameStats* outStats);
static status_t overrideHdrTypes(const sp<IBinder>& display,
const std::vector<ui::Hdr>& hdrTypes);
static status_t onPullAtom(const int32_t atomId, std::string* outData, bool* success);
static void setDisplayProjection(const sp<IBinder>& token, ui::Rotation orientation,
const Rect& layerStackRect, const Rect& displayRect);
inline sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> getClient() { return mClient; }
static status_t getDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(const sp<IBinder>& display,
ui::PixelFormat* outFormat,
ui::Dataspace* outDataspace,
uint8_t* outComponentMask);
static status_t setDisplayContentSamplingEnabled(const sp<IBinder>& display, bool enable,
uint8_t componentMask, uint64_t maxFrames);
static status_t getDisplayedContentSample(const sp<IBinder>& display, uint64_t maxFrames,
uint64_t timestamp, DisplayedFrameStats* outStats);
static status_t addRegionSamplingListener(const Rect& samplingArea,
const sp<IBinder>& stopLayerHandle,
const sp<IRegionSamplingListener>& listener);
static status_t removeRegionSamplingListener(const sp<IRegionSamplingListener>& listener);
static status_t addFpsListener(int32_t taskId, const sp<gui::IFpsListener>& listener);
static status_t removeFpsListener(const sp<gui::IFpsListener>& listener);
static status_t addTunnelModeEnabledListener(
const sp<gui::ITunnelModeEnabledListener>& listener);
static status_t removeTunnelModeEnabledListener(
const sp<gui::ITunnelModeEnabledListener>& listener);
status_t addWindowInfosListener(const sp<gui::WindowInfosListener>& windowInfosListener);
status_t removeWindowInfosListener(const sp<gui::WindowInfosListener>& windowInfosListener);
virtual void onFirstRef();
mutable Mutex mLock;
status_t mStatus;
sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> mClient;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScreenshotClient {
static status_t captureDisplay(const DisplayCaptureArgs& captureArgs,
const sp<IScreenCaptureListener>& captureListener);
static status_t captureDisplay(uint64_t displayOrLayerStack,
const sp<IScreenCaptureListener>& captureListener);
static status_t captureLayers(const LayerCaptureArgs& captureArgs,
const sp<IScreenCaptureListener>& captureListener);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JankDataListener : public VirtualLightRefBase {
virtual ~JankDataListener() = 0;
virtual void onJankDataAvailable(const std::vector<JankData>& jankData) = 0;
class TransactionCompletedListener : public BnTransactionCompletedListener {
int64_t getNextIdLocked() REQUIRES(mMutex);
std::mutex mMutex;
// This lock needs to be recursive so we can unregister a callback from within that callback.
std::recursive_mutex mSurfaceStatsListenerMutex;
bool mListening GUARDED_BY(mMutex) = false;
int64_t mCallbackIdCounter GUARDED_BY(mMutex) = 1;
struct CallbackTranslation {
TransactionCompletedCallback callbackFunction;
std::unordered_map<sp<IBinder>, sp<SurfaceControl>, SurfaceComposerClient::IBinderHash>
struct SurfaceStatsCallbackEntry {
SurfaceStatsCallbackEntry(void* context, void* cookie, SurfaceStatsCallback callback)
: context(context),
callback(callback) {}
void* context;
void* cookie;
SurfaceStatsCallback callback;
std::unordered_map<CallbackId, CallbackTranslation, CallbackIdHash> mCallbacks
std::multimap<int32_t, sp<JankDataListener>> mJankListeners GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
std::unordered_map<ReleaseCallbackId, ReleaseBufferCallback, ReleaseBufferCallbackIdHash>
mReleaseBufferCallbacks GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
// This is protected by mSurfaceStatsListenerMutex, but GUARDED_BY isn't supported for
// std::recursive_mutex
std::multimap<int32_t, SurfaceStatsCallbackEntry> mSurfaceStatsListeners;
static sp<TransactionCompletedListener> getInstance();
static sp<ITransactionCompletedListener> getIInstance();
void startListeningLocked() REQUIRES(mMutex);
CallbackId addCallbackFunction(
const TransactionCompletedCallback& callbackFunction,
const std::unordered_set<sp<SurfaceControl>, SurfaceComposerClient::SCHash>&
CallbackId::Type callbackType);
void addSurfaceControlToCallbacks(
const sp<SurfaceControl>& surfaceControl,
const std::unordered_set<CallbackId, CallbackIdHash>& callbackIds);
* Adds a jank listener to be informed about SurfaceFlinger's jank classification for a specific
* surface. Jank classifications arrive as part of the transaction callbacks about previous
* frames submitted to this Surface.
void addJankListener(const sp<JankDataListener>& listener, sp<SurfaceControl> surfaceControl);
* Removes a jank listener previously added to addJankCallback.
void removeJankListener(const sp<JankDataListener>& listener);
void addSurfaceStatsListener(void* context, void* cookie, sp<SurfaceControl> surfaceControl,
SurfaceStatsCallback listener);
void removeSurfaceStatsListener(void* context, void* cookie);
void setReleaseBufferCallback(const ReleaseCallbackId&, ReleaseBufferCallback);
void removeReleaseBufferCallback(const ReleaseCallbackId&);
// BnTransactionCompletedListener overrides
void onTransactionCompleted(ListenerStats stats) override;
void onReleaseBuffer(ReleaseCallbackId, sp<Fence> releaseFence, uint32_t transformHint,
uint32_t currentMaxAcquiredBufferCount) override;
// For Testing Only
static void setInstance(const sp<TransactionCompletedListener>&);
ReleaseBufferCallback popReleaseBufferCallbackLocked(const ReleaseCallbackId&);
static sp<TransactionCompletedListener> sInstance;
} // namespace android