blob: b83f2b1a4703a2ebd19f2355bfab35b05bce5e6a [file] [log] [blame]
// THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED BY development/vndk/snapshot/
prebuilt_etc {
name: "llndk.libraries.28.txt",
target: {
android_arm64: {
src: "arm64/configs/llndk.libraries.28.txt",
android_arm: {
src: "arm/configs/llndk.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86_64: {
src: "x86_64/configs/llndk.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86: {
src: "x86/configs/llndk.libraries.28.txt",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "vndksp.libraries.28.txt",
target: {
android_arm64: {
src: "arm64/configs/vndksp.libraries.28.txt",
android_arm: {
src: "arm/configs/vndksp.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86_64: {
src: "x86_64/configs/vndksp.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86: {
src: "x86/configs/vndksp.libraries.28.txt",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "vndkcore.libraries.28.txt",
target: {
android_arm64: {
src: "arm64/configs/vndkcore.libraries.28.txt",
android_arm: {
src: "arm/configs/vndkcore.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86_64: {
src: "x86_64/configs/vndkcore.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86: {
src: "x86/configs/vndkcore.libraries.28.txt",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "vndkprivate.libraries.28.txt",
target: {
android_arm64: {
src: "arm64/configs/vndkprivate.libraries.28.txt",
android_arm: {
src: "arm/configs/vndkprivate.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86_64: {
src: "x86_64/configs/vndkprivate.libraries.28.txt",
android_x86: {
src: "x86/configs/vndkprivate.libraries.28.txt",
// Some vendor prebuilts reference and
// and expect the 3.0.0-beta3 version.
// The new version of protobuf will be installed as
// /vendor/lib64/ The VNDK doesn't
// help here because we compile old devices against master and not
// an old VNDK snapshot. We need to continue to provide a vendor
// until all products in master get updated
// prebuilts or are obsoleted.
// TODO(b/142220143): should these modules get moved somewhere else?
cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
name: "libprotobuf-cpp-lite-vendorcompat",
stem: "libprotobuf-cpp-lite",
vendor: true,
// These are already stripped, and restripping them just issues diagnostics.
strip: {
none: true,
target: {
android_arm64: {
srcs: ["arm64/arch-arm64-armv8-a/shared/vndk-core/"],
android_arm: {
srcs: ["arm/arch-arm-armv7-a-neon/shared/vndk-core/"],
android_x86_64: {
srcs: ["x86_64/arch-x86_64-x86_64/shared/vndk-core/"],
android_x86: {
srcs: ["x86/arch-x86-x86/shared/vndk-core/"],
shared_libs: [
cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
name: "libprotobuf-cpp-full-vendorcompat",
stem: "libprotobuf-cpp-full",
vendor: true,
// These are already stripped, and restripping them just issues diagnostics.
strip: {
none: true,
target: {
android_arm64: {
srcs: ["arm64/arch-arm64-armv8-a/shared/vndk-core/"],
android_arm: {
srcs: ["arm/arch-arm-armv7-a-neon/shared/vndk-core/"],
android_x86_64: {
srcs: ["x86_64/arch-x86_64-x86_64/shared/vndk-core/"],
android_x86: {
srcs: ["x86/arch-x86-x86/shared/vndk-core/"],
shared_libs: [