blob: 3704d80531bc89cff7a9ed2a2f1d5819670bacdf [file] [log] [blame]
//! Backtrace strategy for MSVC platforms.
//! This module contains the ability to generate a backtrace on MSVC using one
//! of two possible methods. The `StackWalkEx` function is primarily used if
//! possible, but not all systems have that. Failing that the `StackWalk64`
//! function is used instead. Note that `StackWalkEx` is favored because it
//! handles debuginfo internally and returns inline frame information.
//! Note that all dbghelp support is loaded dynamically, see `src/`
//! for more information about that.
use super::super::{dbghelp, windows::*};
use core::ffi::c_void;
use core::mem;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum StackFrame {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Frame {
pub(crate) stack_frame: StackFrame,
base_address: *mut c_void,
// we're just sending around raw pointers and reading them, never interpreting
// them so this should be safe to both send and share across threads.
unsafe impl Send for Frame {}
unsafe impl Sync for Frame {}
impl Frame {
pub fn ip(&self) -> *mut c_void {
self.addr_pc().Offset as *mut _
pub fn sp(&self) -> *mut c_void {
self.addr_stack().Offset as *mut _
pub fn symbol_address(&self) -> *mut c_void {
pub fn module_base_address(&self) -> Option<*mut c_void> {
fn addr_pc(&self) -> &ADDRESS64 {
match self.stack_frame {
StackFrame::New(ref new) => &new.AddrPC,
StackFrame::Old(ref old) => &old.AddrPC,
fn addr_pc_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ADDRESS64 {
match self.stack_frame {
StackFrame::New(ref mut new) => &mut new.AddrPC,
StackFrame::Old(ref mut old) => &mut old.AddrPC,
fn addr_frame_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ADDRESS64 {
match self.stack_frame {
StackFrame::New(ref mut new) => &mut new.AddrFrame,
StackFrame::Old(ref mut old) => &mut old.AddrFrame,
fn addr_stack(&self) -> &ADDRESS64 {
match self.stack_frame {
StackFrame::New(ref new) => &new.AddrStack,
StackFrame::Old(ref old) => &old.AddrStack,
fn addr_stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ADDRESS64 {
match self.stack_frame {
StackFrame::New(ref mut new) => &mut new.AddrStack,
StackFrame::Old(ref mut old) => &mut old.AddrStack,
#[repr(C, align(16))] // required by `CONTEXT`, is a FIXME in winapi right now
struct MyContext(CONTEXT);
pub unsafe fn trace(cb: &mut dyn FnMut(&super::Frame) -> bool) {
// Allocate necessary structures for doing the stack walk
let process = GetCurrentProcess();
let thread = GetCurrentThread();
let mut context = mem::zeroed::<MyContext>();
RtlCaptureContext(&mut context.0);
// Ensure this process's symbols are initialized
let dbghelp = match dbghelp::init() {
Ok(dbghelp) => dbghelp,
Err(()) => return, // oh well...
// On x86_64 and ARM64 we opt to not use the default `Sym*` functions from
// dbghelp for getting the function table and module base. Instead we use
// the `RtlLookupFunctionEntry` function in kernel32 which will account for
// JIT compiler frames as well. These should be equivalent, but using
// `Rtl*` allows us to backtrace through JIT frames.
// Note that `RtlLookupFunctionEntry` only works for in-process backtraces,
// but that's all we support anyway, so it all lines up well.
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] {
use core::ptr;
unsafe extern "system" fn function_table_access(_process: HANDLE, addr: DWORD64) -> PVOID {
let mut base = 0;
RtlLookupFunctionEntry(addr, &mut base, ptr::null_mut()).cast()
unsafe extern "system" fn get_module_base(_process: HANDLE, addr: DWORD64) -> DWORD64 {
let mut base = 0;
RtlLookupFunctionEntry(addr, &mut base, ptr::null_mut());
} else {
let function_table_access = dbghelp.SymFunctionTableAccess64();
let get_module_base = dbghelp.SymGetModuleBase64();
let process_handle = GetCurrentProcess();
// Attempt to use `StackWalkEx` if we can, but fall back to `StackWalk64`
// since it's in theory supported on more systems.
match (*dbghelp.dbghelp()).StackWalkEx() {
Some(StackWalkEx) => {
let mut frame = super::Frame {
inner: Frame {
stack_frame: StackFrame::New(mem::zeroed()),
base_address: 0 as _,
let image = init_frame(&mut frame.inner, &context.0);
let frame_ptr = match &mut frame.inner.stack_frame {
StackFrame::New(ptr) => ptr as *mut STACKFRAME_EX,
_ => unreachable!(),
while StackWalkEx(
image as DWORD,
&mut context.0 as *mut CONTEXT as *mut _,
) == TRUE
frame.inner.base_address = get_module_base(process_handle, frame.ip() as _) as _;
if !cb(&frame) {
None => {
let mut frame = super::Frame {
inner: Frame {
stack_frame: StackFrame::Old(mem::zeroed()),
base_address: 0 as _,
let image = init_frame(&mut frame.inner, &context.0);
let frame_ptr = match &mut frame.inner.stack_frame {
StackFrame::Old(ptr) => ptr as *mut STACKFRAME64,
_ => unreachable!(),
while dbghelp.StackWalk64()(
image as DWORD,
&mut context.0 as *mut CONTEXT as *mut _,
) == TRUE
frame.inner.base_address = get_module_base(process_handle, frame.ip() as _) as _;
if !cb(&frame) {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
fn init_frame(frame: &mut Frame, ctx: &CONTEXT) -> WORD {
frame.addr_pc_mut().Offset = ctx.Rip as u64;
frame.addr_pc_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Offset = ctx.Rsp as u64;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.addr_frame_mut().Offset = ctx.Rbp as u64;
frame.addr_frame_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
fn init_frame(frame: &mut Frame, ctx: &CONTEXT) -> WORD {
frame.addr_pc_mut().Offset = ctx.Eip as u64;
frame.addr_pc_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Offset = ctx.Esp as u64;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.addr_frame_mut().Offset = ctx.Ebp as u64;
frame.addr_frame_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
fn init_frame(frame: &mut Frame, ctx: &CONTEXT) -> WORD {
frame.addr_pc_mut().Offset = ctx.Pc as u64;
frame.addr_pc_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Offset = ctx.Sp as u64;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
unsafe {
frame.addr_frame_mut().Offset = ctx.u.s().Fp as u64;
frame.addr_frame_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
fn init_frame(frame: &mut Frame, ctx: &CONTEXT) -> WORD {
frame.addr_pc_mut().Offset = ctx.Pc as u64;
frame.addr_pc_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Offset = ctx.Sp as u64;
frame.addr_stack_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;
unsafe {
frame.addr_frame_mut().Offset = ctx.R11 as u64;
frame.addr_frame_mut().Mode = AddrModeFlat;