blob: 948cf044197c2320398c54a2c9d9809dd9e80f56 [file] [log] [blame]
use core::iter::TrustedLen;
use core::ptr::{self};
use super::{SpecExtend, Vec};
/// Another specialization trait for Vec::from_iter
/// necessary to manually prioritize overlapping specializations
/// see [`SpecFromIter`](super::SpecFromIter) for details.
pub(super) trait SpecFromIterNested<T, I> {
fn from_iter(iter: I) -> Self;
impl<T, I> SpecFromIterNested<T, I> for Vec<T>
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
default fn from_iter(mut iterator: I) -> Self {
// Unroll the first iteration, as the vector is going to be
// expanded on this iteration in every case when the iterable is not
// empty, but the loop in extend_desugared() is not going to see the
// vector being full in the few subsequent loop iterations.
// So we get better branch prediction.
let mut vector = match {
None => return Vec::new(),
Some(element) => {
let (lower, _) = iterator.size_hint();
let mut vector = Vec::with_capacity(lower.saturating_add(1));
unsafe {
ptr::write(vector.as_mut_ptr(), element);
// must delegate to spec_extend() since extend() itself delegates
// to spec_from for empty Vecs
<Vec<T> as SpecExtend<T, I>>::spec_extend(&mut vector, iterator);
impl<T, I> SpecFromIterNested<T, I> for Vec<T>
I: TrustedLen<Item = T>,
fn from_iter(iterator: I) -> Self {
let mut vector = match iterator.size_hint() {
(_, Some(upper)) => Vec::with_capacity(upper),
// TrustedLen contract guarantees that `size_hint() == (_, None)` means that there
// are more than `usize::MAX` elements.
// Since the previous branch would eagerly panic if the capacity is too large
// (via `with_capacity`) we do the same here.
_ => panic!("capacity overflow"),
// reuse extend specialization for TrustedLen