blob: 5f93f70273efc9c721c1c56759aa69e6f1409fe9 [file] [log] [blame]
libcxx_includes = [
ndk_prebuilt_static_stl {
name: "ndk_libandroid_support",
// libandroid_support headers are exported by libc++ rather than by
// libandroid_support itself because it's the only way we can enforce the
// correct ordering of the includes (libc++ first, libandroid_support
// second).
arch: {
arm64: {
enabled: false,
x86_64: {
enabled: false,
ndk_prebuilt_static_stl {
name: "ndk_libc++abi",
// The LLVM libunwind unwinder. This unwinder is only used for arm32.
ndk_prebuilt_static_stl {
name: "ndk_libunwind",
enabled: false,
arch: {
arm: {
enabled: true,
ndk_prebuilt_static_stl {
name: "ndk_libc++_static",
export_include_dirs: libcxx_includes,
multilib: {
lib32: {
export_include_dirs: [
ndk_prebuilt_shared_stl {
name: "ndk_libc++_shared",
export_include_dirs: libcxx_includes,
multilib: {
lib32: {
export_include_dirs: [