Upload 4.6 gnu-libstdc++

All previously uploaded ndk/?/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++
contains only 4.4.3 libstdc++ because it's the only compiler
in previous NDKs, until r8b where GCC 4.6 is introduced.

This CL upload both 4.4.3 and 4.6, and set 4.6 as the default.

build/core/binary.mk will be updated to use either one depending
one the version of compiler.

Change-Id: I4ffcaa750995959932393cbdb2a469c620f97166
1387 files changed
tree: 01610dec479020fa54355b283d31f8c58b1c59f3
  1. 4/
  2. 5/
  3. 6/
  4. 7/
  5. 8/
  6. Android.mk
  7. CleanSpec.mk