| SWIG Copyright and Authors |
| -------------------------- |
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| Copyright (c) 1995-2011 The SWIG Developers |
| Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Arizona Board of Regents (University of Arizona). |
| Copyright (c) 1998-2005 University of Chicago. |
| Copyright (c) 1995-1998 The University of Utah and the Regents of the University of California |
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| Portions also copyrighted by: |
| Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc |
| Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan |
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| Active SWIG Developers: |
| William Fulton (wsf@fultondesigns.co.uk) (SWIG core, Java, C#, Windows, Cygwin) |
| Olly Betts (olly@survex.com) (PHP) |
| Joseph Wang (joequant@gmail.com) (R) |
| Xavier Delacour (xavier.delacour@gmail.com) (Octave) |
| David Nadlinger (code@klickverbot.at) (D) |
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| Past SWIG developers and major contributors include: |
| Dave Beazley (dave-swig@dabeaz.com) (SWIG core, Python, Tcl, Perl) |
| Henning Thielemann (swig@henning-thielemann.de) (Modula3) |
| Matthias Köppe (mkoeppe@mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de) (Guile, MzScheme) |
| Luigi Ballabio (luigi.ballabio@fastwebnet.it) (STL wrapping) |
| Mikel Bancroft (mikel@franz.com) (Allegro CL) |
| Surendra Singhi (efuzzyone@netscape.net) (CLISP, CFFI) |
| Marcelo Matus (mmatus@acms.arizona.edu) (SWIG core, Python, UTL[python,perl,tcl,ruby]) |
| Art Yerkes (ayerkes@speakeasy.net) (Ocaml) |
| Lyle Johnson (lyle@users.sourceforge.net) (Ruby) |
| Charlie Savage (cfis@interserv.com) (Ruby) |
| Thien-Thi Nguyen (ttn@glug.org) (build/test/misc) |
| Richard Palmer (richard@magicality.org) (PHP) |
| Sam Liddicott - Ananova Ltd (saml@liddicott.com) (PHP) |
| Tim Hockin - Sun Microsystems (thockin@sun.com) (PHP) |
| Kevin Ruland (PHP) |
| Shibukawa Yoshiki (Japanese Translation) |
| Jason Stewart (jason@openinformatics.com) (Perl5) |
| Loic Dachary (Perl5) |
| David Fletcher (Perl5) |
| Gary Holt (Perl5) |
| Masaki Fukushima (Ruby) |
| Scott Michel (scottm@cs.ucla.edu) (Java directors) |
| Tiger Feng (songyanf@cs.uchicago.edu) (SWIG core) |
| Mark Rose (mrose@stm.lbl.gov) (Directors) |
| Jonah Beckford (beckford@usermail.com) (CHICKEN) |
| Ahmon Dancy (dancy@franz.com) (Allegro CL) |
| Dirk Gerrits (Allegro CL) |
| Neil Cawse (C#) |
| Harco de Hilster (Java) |
| Alexey Dyachenko (dyachenko@fromru.com) (Tcl) |
| Bob Techentin (Tcl) |
| Martin Froehlich <MartinFroehlich@ACM.org> (Guile) |
| Marcio Luis Teixeira <marciot@holly.colostate.edu> (Guile) |
| Duncan Temple Lang (R) |
| Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@frugalware.org> (PHP directors) |
| Mark Gossage (mark@gossage.cjb.net) (Lua) |
| Raman Gopalan (ramangopalan@gmail.com) (eLua) |
| Gonzalo Garramuno (ggarra@advancedsl.com.ar) (Ruby, Ruby's UTL) |
| John Lenz (Guile, MzScheme updates, Chicken module, runtime system) |
| Ian Lance Taylor (Go) |
| Vadim Zeitlin (PCRE) |
| Stefan Zager (szager@gmail.com) (Python) |
| |
| Past contributors include: |
| James Michael DuPont, Clark McGrew, Dustin Mitchell, Ian Cooke, Catalin Dumitrescu, Baran |
| Kovuk, Oleg Tolmatcev, Tal Shalif, Lluis Padro, Chris Seatory, Igor Bely, Robin Dunn, |
| Edward Zimmermann, David Ascher, Dominique Dumont, Pier Giorgio Esposito, Hasan Baran Kovuk, |
| Klaus Wiederänders, Richard Beare, Hans Oesterholt. |
| (See CHANGES and CHANGES.current and the bug tracker for a more complete list). |
| |
| Past students: |
| Songyan Feng (Chicago). |
| Xinghua Shi (Chicago). |
| Jing Cao (Chicago). |
| Aquinas Hobor (Chicago). |
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| Historically, the following people contributed to early versions of SWIG. |
| Peter Lomdahl, Brad Holian, Shujia Zhou, Niels Jensen, and Tim Germann |
| at Los Alamos National Laboratory were the first users. Patrick |
| Tullmann at the University of Utah suggested the idea of automatic |
| documentation generation. John Schmidt and Kurtis Bleeker at the |
| University of Utah tested out the early versions. Chris Johnson |
| supported SWIG's developed at the University of Utah. John Buckman, |
| Larry Virden, and Tom Schwaller provided valuable input on the first |
| releases and improving the portability of SWIG. David Fletcher and |
| Gary Holt have provided a great deal of input on improving SWIG's |
| Perl5 implementation. Kevin Butler contributed the first Windows NT |
| port. |
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| Early bug reports and patches: |
| Adam Hupp, Arthur Smyles, Brad Clements, Brett Williams, Buck Hodges, |
| Burkhard Kloss, Chia-Liang Kao, Craig Files, Dennis Marsa, Dieter Baron, |
| Drake Diedrich, Fleur Diana Dragan, Gary Pennington, Geoffrey Hort, Gerald Williams, |
| Greg Anderson, Greg Kochanski, Greg Troxel, Henry Rowley, Irina Kotlova, |
| Israel Taller, James Bailey, Jim Fulton, Joel Reed, Jon Travis, |
| Junio Hamano, Justin Heyes-Jones, Karl Forner, Keith Davidson, |
| Krzysztof Kozminski, Larry Virden, Luke J Crook, Magnus Ljung, Marc Zonzon, |
| Mark Howson, Micahel Scharf, Michel Sanner, Mike Romberg, Mike Simons, |
| Mike Weiblen, Paul Brannan, Ram Bhamidipaty, Reinhard Fobbe, Rich Wales, |
| Richard Salz, Roy Lecates, Rudy Albachten, Scott Drummonds |
| Scott Michel, Shaun Lowry, Steve Galser, Tarn Weisner Burton, |
| Thomas Weidner, Tony Seward, Uwe Steinmann, Vadim Chugunov, Wyss Clemens, |
| Zhong Ren. |
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