Add JDK 1.8.0_152-android-4343112-1 to staging

Add new JDK prebuilts to staging that add support for the
-XDskipDuplicateBridges=true flag to avoid duplicate bridges when
using Turbine, and add a backport for a JDK bug to fix a libcore

Once they have been picked up by Goma another patch will move
them into place for active use.

Bug: 62408076
Bug: 65645120
Test: m -j checkbuild
Change-Id: I67c62657459a22e8a6b350f4168313aae240f3db
376 files changed
tree: 03dacb390e3969f62cb5b73afce7721fe523e32d
  1. darwin-x86/
  2. linux-x86/
  3. staging/
  4. manifest.xml