blob: be78edd553f7456aff9c8ef2c4acfad28f68e155 [file] [log] [blame]
// stackViewer displays a flame-graph like view (extended to show callers).
// stacks - report.StackSet
// nodes - List of names for each source in report.StackSet
function stackViewer(stacks, nodes) {
'use strict';
// Constants used in rendering.
const ROW = 20;
const PADDING = 2;
const MIN_WIDTH = 4;
const MIN_TEXT_WIDTH = 16;
const TEXT_MARGIN = 2;
const FONT_SIZE = 12;
const MIN_FONT_SIZE = 8;
// Mapping from unit to a list of display scales/labels.
// List should be ordered by increasing unit size.
const UNITS = new Map([
['B', [
['B', 1],
['kB', Math.pow(2, 10)],
['MB', Math.pow(2, 20)],
['GB', Math.pow(2, 30)],
['TB', Math.pow(2, 40)],
['PB', Math.pow(2, 50)]]],
['s', [
['ns', 1e-9],
['ยตs', 1e-6],
['ms', 1e-3],
['s', 1],
['hrs', 60*60]]]]);
// Fields
let pivots = []; // Indices of currently selected data.Sources entries.
let matches = new Set(); // Indices of sources that match search
let elems = new Map(); // Mapping from source index to display elements
let displayList = []; // List of boxes to display.
let actionMenuOn = false; // Is action menu visible?
let actionTarget = null; // Box on which action menu is operating.
let diff = false; // Are we displaying a diff?
for (const stack of stacks.Stacks) {
if (stack.Value < 0) {
diff = true;
// Setup to allow measuring text width.
const textSizer = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'textsizer';
const textContext = textSizer.getContext('2d');
// Get DOM elements.
const chart = find('stack-chart');
const search = find('search');
const actions = find('action-menu');
const actionTitle = find('action-title');
const detailBox = find('current-details');
window.addEventListener('resize', render);
window.addEventListener('popstate', render);
search.addEventListener('keydown', handleSearchKey);
// Withdraw action menu when clicking outside, or when item selected.
document.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
if (!actions.contains( {
actions.addEventListener('click', hideActionMenu);
// Initialize menus and other general UI elements.
viewer(new URL(window.location.href), nodes, {
hiliter: (n, on) => { return hilite(n, on); },
current: () => {
let r = new Map();
for (let p of pivots) {
r.set(p, true);
return r;
// Helper functions follow:
// hilite changes the highlighting of elements corresponding to specified src.
function hilite(src, on) {
if (on) {
} else {
toggleClass(src, 'hilite', on);
return true;
// Display action menu (triggered by right-click on a frame)
function showActionMenu(e, box) {
if (box.src == 0) return; // No action menu for root
e.preventDefault(); // Disable browser context menu
const src = stacks.Sources[box.src];
actionTitle.innerText = src.Display[src.Display.length-1];
const menu = actions; = 'block';
// Compute position so menu stays visible and near the mouse.
const x = Math.min(e.clientX - 10, document.body.clientWidth - menu.clientWidth);
const y = Math.min(e.clientY - 10, document.body.clientHeight - menu.clientHeight); = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
// Set menu links to operate on clicked box.
setHrefParam('action-source', 'f', box.src);
setHrefParam('action-source-tab', 'f', box.src);
setHrefParam('action-focus', 'f', box.src);
setHrefParam('action-ignore', 'i', box.src);
setHrefParam('action-hide', 'h', box.src);
setHrefParam('action-showfrom', 'sf', box.src);
toggleClass(box.src, 'hilite2', true);
actionTarget = box;
actionMenuOn = true;
function hideActionMenu() { = 'none';
actionMenuOn = false;
if (actionTarget != null) {
toggleClass(actionTarget.src, 'hilite2', false);
// setHrefParam updates the specified parameter in the href of an <a>
// element to make it operate on the specified src.
function setHrefParam(id, param, src) {
const elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (!elem) return;
let url = new URL(elem.href);
url.hash = '';
// Copy params from this page's URL.
const params = url.searchParams;
for (const p of new URLSearchParams( {
params.set(p[0], p[1]);
// Update params to include src.
let v = stacks.Sources[src].RE;
if (param != 'f' && param != 'sf') { // old f,sf values are overwritten
// Add new source to current parameter value.
const old = params.get(param);
if (old && old != '') {
v += '|' + old;
params.set(param, v);
elem.href = url.toString();
// Capture Enter key in the search box to make it pivot instead of focus.
function handleSearchKey(e) {
if (e.key != 'Enter') return;
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Disable normal enter key handling
const val = search.value;
try {
new RegExp(search.value);
} catch (error) {
return; // TODO: Display error state in search box
function switchPivots(regexp) {
// Switch URL without hitting the server.
const url = new URL(document.URL);
url.searchParams.set('p', regexp);
history.pushState('', '', url.toString()); // Makes back-button work
matches = new Set();
search.value = '';
function handleEnter(box, div) {
if (actionMenuOn) return;
const src = stacks.Sources[box.src];
div.title = details(box) + ' โ”‚ ' + src.FullName + (src.Inlined ? "\n(inlined)" : "");
detailBox.innerText = summary(box.sumpos, box.sumneg);
// Highlight all boxes that have the same source as box.
toggleClass(box.src, 'hilite2', true);
function handleLeave(box) {
if (actionMenuOn) return;
detailBox.innerText = '';
toggleClass(box.src, 'hilite2', false);
// Return list of sources that match the regexp given by the 'p' URL parameter.
function urlPivots() {
const pivots = [];
const params = (new URL(document.URL)).searchParams;
const val = params.get('p');
if (val !== null && val != '') {
try {
const re = new RegExp(val);
for (let i = 0; i < stacks.Sources.length; i++) {
const src = stacks.Sources[i];
if (re.test(src.UniqueName) || re.test(src.FileName)) {
} catch (error) {}
if (pivots.length == 0) {
return pivots;
// render re-generates the stack display.
function render() {
pivots = urlPivots();
// Get places where pivots occur.
let places = [];
for (let pivot of pivots) {
const src = stacks.Sources[pivot];
for (let p of src.Places) {
const width = chart.clientWidth;
actionTarget = null;
const [pos, neg] = totalValue(places);
const total = pos + neg;
const xscale = (width-2*PADDING) / total; // Converts from profile value to X pixels
const x = PADDING;
const y = 0;
displayList.length = 0;
renderStacks(0, xscale, x, y, places, +1); // Callees
renderStacks(0, xscale, x, y-ROW, places, -1); // Callers (ROW left for separator)
display(xscale, pos, neg, displayList);
// renderStacks creates boxes with top-left at x,y with children drawn as
// nested stacks (below or above based on the sign of direction).
// Returns the largest y coordinate filled.
function renderStacks(depth, xscale, x, y, places, direction) {
// Example: suppose we are drawing the following stacks:
// a->b->c
// a->b->d
// a->e->f
// After rendering a, we will call renderStacks, with places pointing to
// the preceding stacks.
// We first group all places with the same leading entry. In this example
// we get [b->c, b->d] and [e->f]. We render the two groups side-by-side.
const groups = partitionPlaces(places);
for (const g of groups) {
renderGroup(depth, xscale, x, y, g, direction);
x += groupWidth(xscale, g);
// Some of the types used below:
// // Group represents a displayed (sub)tree.
// interface Group {
// name: string; // Full name of source
// src: number; // Index in stacks.Sources
// self: number; // Contribution as leaf (may be < 0 for diffs)
// sumpos: number; // Sum of |self| of positive nodes in tree (>= 0)
// sumneg: number; // Sum of |self| of negative nodes in tree (>= 0)
// places: Place[]; // Stack slots that contributed to this group
// }
// // Box is a rendered item.
// interface Box {
// x: number; // X coordinate of top-left
// y: number; // Y coordinate of top-left
// width: number; // Width of box to display
// src: number; // Index in stacks.Sources
// sumpos: number; // From corresponding Group
// sumneg: number; // From corresponding Group
// self: number; // From corresponding Group
// };
function groupWidth(xscale, g) {
return xscale * (g.sumpos + g.sumneg);
function renderGroup(depth, xscale, x, y, g, direction) {
// Skip if not wide enough.
const width = groupWidth(xscale, g);
if (width < MIN_WIDTH) return;
// Draw the box for g.src (except for selected element in upwards direction
// since that duplicates the box we added in downwards direction).
if (depth != 0 || direction > 0) {
const box = {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
src: g.src,
sumpos: g.sumpos,
sumneg: g.sumneg,
self: g.self,
if (direction > 0) {
// Leave gap on left hand side to indicate self contribution.
x += xscale*Math.abs(g.self);
y += direction * ROW;
// Find child or parent stacks.
const next = [];
for (const place of g.places) {
const stack = stacks.Stacks[place.Stack];
const nextSlot = place.Pos + direction;
if (nextSlot >= 0 && nextSlot < stack.Sources.length) {
next.push({Stack: place.Stack, Pos: nextSlot});
renderStacks(depth+1, xscale, x, y, next, direction);
// partitionPlaces partitions a set of places into groups where each group
// contains places with the same source. If a stack occurs multiple times
// in places, only the outer-most occurrence is kept.
function partitionPlaces(places) {
// Find outer-most slot per stack (used later to elide duplicate stacks).
const stackMap = new Map(); // Map from stack index to outer-most slot#
for (const place of places) {
const prevSlot = stackMap.get(place.Stack);
if (prevSlot && prevSlot <= place.Pos) {
// We already have a higher slot in this stack.
} else {
stackMap.set(place.Stack, place.Pos);
// Now partition the stacks.
const groups = []; // Array of Group {name, src, sum, self, places}
const groupMap = new Map(); // Map from Source to Group
for (const place of places) {
if (stackMap.get(place.Stack) != place.Pos) {
const stack = stacks.Stacks[place.Stack];
const src = stack.Sources[place.Pos];
let group = groupMap.get(src);
if (!group) {
const name = stacks.Sources[src].FullName;
group = {name: name, src: src, sumpos: 0, sumneg: 0, self: 0, places: []};
groupMap.set(src, group);
if (stack.Value < 0) {
group.sumneg += -stack.Value;
} else {
group.sumpos += stack.Value;
group.self += (place.Pos == stack.Sources.length-1) ? stack.Value : 0;
// Order by decreasing cost (makes it easier to spot heavy functions).
// Though alphabetical ordering is a potential alternative that will make
// profile comparisons easier.
groups.sort(function(a, b) {
return (b.sumpos + b.sumneg) - (a.sumpos + a.sumneg);
return groups;
function display(xscale, posTotal, negTotal, list) {
// Sort boxes so that text selection follows a predictable order.
list.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.y != b.y) return a.y - b.y;
return a.x - b.x;
// Adjust Y coordinates so that zero is at top.
let adjust = (list.length > 0) ? list[0].y : 0;
adjust -= ROW + 2*PADDING; // Room for details
const divs = [];
for (const box of list) {
box.y -= adjust;
divs.push(drawBox(xscale, box));
divs.push(drawSep(-adjust, posTotal, negTotal));
const h = (list.length > 0 ? list[list.length-1].y : 0) + 4*ROW; = h+'px';
function drawBox(xscale, box) {
const srcIndex = box.src;
const src = stacks.Sources[srcIndex];
function makeRect(cl, x, y, w, h) {
const r = document.createElement('div'); = x+'px'; = y+'px'; = w+'px'; = h+'px';
return r;
// Background
const w = box.width - 1; // Leave 1px gap
const r = makeRect('boxbg', box.x, box.y, w, ROW);
if (!diff) = makeColor(src.Color);
addElem(srcIndex, r);
if (!src.Inlined) {
// Positive/negative indicator for diff mode.
if (diff) {
const delta = box.sumpos - box.sumneg;
const partWidth = xscale * Math.abs(delta);
if (partWidth >= MIN_WIDTH) {
r.appendChild(makeRect((delta < 0 ? 'negative' : 'positive'),
0, 0, partWidth, ROW-1));
// Label
if (box.width >= MIN_TEXT_WIDTH) {
const t = document.createElement('div');
fitText(t, box.width-2*TEXT_MARGIN, src.Display);
r.addEventListener('click', () => { switchPivots(src.RE); });
r.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => { handleEnter(box, r); });
r.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { handleLeave(box); });
r.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => { showActionMenu(e, box); });
return r;
function drawSep(y, posTotal, negTotal) {
const m = document.createElement('div');
m.innerText = summary(posTotal, negTotal); = (y-ROW) + 'px'; = PADDING + 'px'; = (chart.clientWidth - PADDING*2) + 'px';
return m;
// addElem registers an element that belongs to the specified src.
function addElem(src, elem) {
let list = elems.get(src);
if (!list) {
list = [];
elems.set(src, list);
elem.classList.toggle('hilite', matches.has(src));
// Adds or removes cl from classList of all elements for the specified source.
function toggleClass(src, cl, value) {
const list = elems.get(src);
if (list) {
for (const elem of list) {
elem.classList.toggle(cl, value);
// fitText sets text and font-size clipped to the specified width w.
function fitText(t, avail, textList) {
// Find first entry in textList that fits.
let width = avail;
textContext.font = FONT_SIZE + 'pt Arial';
for (let i = 0; i < textList.length; i++) {
let text = textList[i];
width = textContext.measureText(text).width;
if (width <= avail) {
t.innerText = text;
// Try to fit by dropping font size.
let text = textList[textList.length-1];
const fs = Math.max(MIN_FONT_SIZE, FONT_SIZE * (avail / width)); = fs + 'pt';
t.innerText = text;
// totalValue returns the positive and negative sums of the Values of stacks
// listed in places.
function totalValue(places) {
const seen = new Set();
let pos = 0;
let neg = 0;
for (const place of places) {
if (seen.has(place.Stack)) continue; // Do not double-count stacks
const stack = stacks.Stacks[place.Stack];
if (stack.Value < 0) {
neg += -stack.Value;
} else {
pos += stack.Value;
return [pos, neg];
function summary(pos, neg) {
// Examples:
// 6s (10%)
// 12s (20%) ๐Ÿ † 18s (30%)
return diff ? diffText(neg, pos) : percentText(pos);
function details(box) {
// Examples:
// 6s (10%)
// 6s (10%) โ”‚ self 3s (5%)
// 6s (10%) โ”‚ 12s (20%) ๐Ÿ † 18s (30%)
let result = percentText(box.sumpos - box.sumneg);
if (box.self != 0) {
result += " โ”‚ self " + unitText(box.self);
if (diff && box.sumpos > 0 && box.sumneg > 0) {
result += " โ”‚ " + diffText(box.sumneg, box.sumpos);
return result;
// diffText returns text that displays from and to alongside their percentages.
// E.g., 9s (45%) ๐Ÿ † 10s (50%)
function diffText(from, to) {
return percentText(from) + " ๐Ÿ † " + percentText(to);
// percentText returns text that displays v in appropriate units alongside its
// percentange.
function percentText(v) {
function percent(v, total) {
return Number(((100.0 * v) / total).toFixed(1)) + '%';
return unitText(v) + " (" + percent(v, stacks.Total) + ")";
// unitText returns a formatted string to display for value.
function unitText(value) {
const sign = (value < 0) ? "-" : "";
let v = Math.abs(value) * stacks.Scale;
// Rescale to appropriate display unit.
let unit = stacks.Unit;
const list = UNITS.get(unit);
if (list) {
// Find first entry in list that is not too small.
for (const [name, scale] of list) {
if (v <= 100*scale) {
v /= scale;
unit = name;
return sign + Number(v.toFixed(2)) + unit;
function find(name) {
const elem = document.getElementById(name);
if (!elem) {
throw 'element not found: ' + name
return elem;
function makeColor(index) {
// Rotate hue around a circle. Multiple by phi to spread things
// out better. Use 50% saturation to make subdued colors, and
// 80% lightness to have good contrast with black foreground text.
const PHI = 1.618033988;
const hue = (index+1) * PHI * 2 * Math.PI; // +1 to avoid 0
const hsl = `hsl(${hue}rad 50% 80%)`;
return hsl;