blob: 2c0f40d528d2b2dca8554194756abc79e69f7614 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.IBinder;
import libcore.util.EmptyArray;
* Helper for streaming a crypto operation's input and output via {@link KeyStore} service's
* {@code update} and {@code finish} operations.
* <p>The helper abstracts away issues that need to be solved in most code that uses KeyStore's
* update and finish operations. Firstly, KeyStore's update operation can consume only a limited
* amount of data in one go because the operations are marshalled via Binder. Secondly, the update
* operation may consume less data than provided, in which case the caller has to buffer the
* remainder for next time. Thirdly, when the input is smaller than a threshold, skipping update
* and passing input data directly to final improves performance. This threshold is configurable;
* using a threshold <= 1 causes the helper act eagerly, which may be required for some types of
* operations (e.g. ciphers).
* <p>The helper exposes {@link #update(byte[], int, int) update} and
* {@link #doFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[], byte[]) doFinal} operations which can be used to
* conveniently implement various JCA crypto primitives.
* <p>Bidirectional chunked streaming of data via a KeyStore crypto operation is abstracted away as
* a {@link Stream} to avoid having this class deal with operation tokens and occasional additional
* parameters to {@code update} and {@code final} operations.
* @hide
class KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer implements KeyStoreCryptoOperationStreamer {
* Bidirectional chunked data stream over a KeyStore crypto operation.
interface Stream {
* Returns the result of the KeyStore {@code update} operation or null if keystore couldn't
* be reached.
OperationResult update(byte[] input);
* Returns the result of the KeyStore {@code finish} operation or null if keystore couldn't
* be reached.
OperationResult finish(byte[] input, byte[] siganture, byte[] additionalEntropy);
// Binder buffer is about 1MB, but it's shared between all active transactions of the process.
// Thus, it's safer to use a much smaller upper bound.
private static final int DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX = 64 * 1024;
// The chunk buffer will be sent to update until its size under this threshold.
// This threshold should be <= the max input allowed for finish.
// Setting this threshold <= 1 will effectivley disable buffering between updates.
private static final int DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 2 * 1024;
private final Stream mKeyStoreStream;
private final int mChunkSizeMax;
private final int mChunkSizeThreshold;
private final byte[] mChunk;
private int mChunkLength = 0;
private long mConsumedInputSizeBytes;
private long mProducedOutputSizeBytes;
KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer(Stream operation) {
KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer(Stream operation, int chunkSizeThreshold) {
this(operation, chunkSizeThreshold, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX);
KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer(Stream operation, int chunkSizeThreshold,
int chunkSizeMax) {
mKeyStoreStream = operation;
mChunkSizeMax = chunkSizeMax;
if (chunkSizeThreshold <= 0) {
mChunkSizeThreshold = 1;
} else if (chunkSizeThreshold > chunkSizeMax) {
mChunkSizeThreshold = chunkSizeMax;
} else {
mChunkSizeThreshold = chunkSizeThreshold;
mChunk = new byte[mChunkSizeMax];
public byte[] update(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength) throws KeyStoreException {
if (inputLength == 0 || input == null) {
// No input provided
return EmptyArray.BYTE;
if (inputLength < 0 || inputOffset < 0 || (inputOffset + inputLength) > input.length) {
throw new KeyStoreException(KeymasterDefs.KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR,
"Input offset and length out of bounds of input array");
byte[] output = EmptyArray.BYTE;
while (inputLength > 0 || mChunkLength >= mChunkSizeThreshold) {
int inputConsumed = ArrayUtils.copy(input, inputOffset, mChunk, mChunkLength,
inputLength -= inputConsumed;
inputOffset += inputConsumed;
mChunkLength += inputConsumed;
mConsumedInputSizeBytes += inputConsumed;
if (mChunkLength > mChunkSizeMax) {
throw new KeyStoreException(KeymasterDefs.KM_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH,
"Chunk size exceeded max chunk size. Max: " + mChunkSizeMax
+ " Actual: " + mChunkLength);
if (mChunkLength >= mChunkSizeThreshold) {
OperationResult opResult = mKeyStoreStream.update(
ArrayUtils.subarray(mChunk, 0, mChunkLength));
if (opResult == null) {
throw new KeyStoreConnectException();
} else if (opResult.resultCode != KeyStore.NO_ERROR) {
throw KeyStore.getKeyStoreException(opResult.resultCode);
if (opResult.inputConsumed <= 0) {
throw new KeyStoreException(KeymasterDefs.KM_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH,
"Keystore consumed 0 of " + mChunkLength + " bytes provided.");
} else if (opResult.inputConsumed > mChunkLength) {
throw new KeyStoreException(KeymasterDefs.KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR,
"Keystore consumed more input than provided. Provided: "
+ mChunkLength + ", consumed: " + opResult.inputConsumed);
mChunkLength -= opResult.inputConsumed;
if (mChunkLength > 0) {
// Partialy consumed, shift chunk contents
ArrayUtils.copy(mChunk, opResult.inputConsumed, mChunk, 0, mChunkLength);
if ((opResult.output != null) && (opResult.output.length > 0)) {
// Output was produced
mProducedOutputSizeBytes += opResult.output.length;
output = ArrayUtils.concat(output, opResult.output);
return output;
public byte[] doFinal(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength,
byte[] signature, byte[] additionalEntropy) throws KeyStoreException {
byte[] output = update(input, inputOffset, inputLength);
byte[] finalChunk = ArrayUtils.subarray(mChunk, 0, mChunkLength);
OperationResult opResult = mKeyStoreStream.finish(finalChunk, signature, additionalEntropy);
if (opResult == null) {
throw new KeyStoreConnectException();
} else if (opResult.resultCode != KeyStore.NO_ERROR) {
throw KeyStore.getKeyStoreException(opResult.resultCode);
// If no error, assume all input consumed
mConsumedInputSizeBytes += finalChunk.length;
if ((opResult.output != null) && (opResult.output.length > 0)) {
mProducedOutputSizeBytes += opResult.output.length;
output = ArrayUtils.concat(output, opResult.output);
return output;
public long getConsumedInputSizeBytes() {
return mConsumedInputSizeBytes;
public long getProducedOutputSizeBytes() {
return mProducedOutputSizeBytes;
* Main data stream via a KeyStore streaming operation.
* <p>For example, for an encryption operation, this is the stream through which plaintext is
* provided and ciphertext is obtained.
public static class MainDataStream implements Stream {
private final KeyStore mKeyStore;
private final IBinder mOperationToken;
public MainDataStream(KeyStore keyStore, IBinder operationToken) {
mKeyStore = keyStore;
mOperationToken = operationToken;
public OperationResult update(byte[] input) {
return mKeyStore.update(mOperationToken, null, input);
public OperationResult finish(byte[] input, byte[] signature, byte[] additionalEntropy) {
return mKeyStore.finish(mOperationToken, null, input, signature, additionalEntropy);