blob: c5c27a2bd4a7c70deb3a31fac6fe6402fed34809 [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
import templateMap from './template-map.js';
import {StyleNode} from './css-parse.js'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
* Utilities for handling invalidating apply-shim mixins for a given template.
* The invalidation strategy involves keeping track of the "current" version of a template's mixins, and updating that count when a mixin is invalidated.
* The template
/** @const {string} */
const CURRENT_VERSION = '_applyShimCurrentVersion';
/** @const {string} */
const NEXT_VERSION = '_applyShimNextVersion';
/** @const {string} */
const VALIDATING_VERSION = '_applyShimValidatingVersion';
* @const {Promise<void>}
const promise = Promise.resolve();
* @param {string} elementName
export function invalidate(elementName){
let template = templateMap[elementName];
if (template) {
* This function can be called multiple times to mark a template invalid
* and signal that the style inside must be regenerated.
* Use `startValidatingTemplate` to begin an asynchronous validation cycle.
* During that cycle, call `templateIsValidating` to see if the template must
* be revalidated
* @param {HTMLTemplateElement} template
export function invalidateTemplate(template) {
// default the current version to 0
template[CURRENT_VERSION] = template[CURRENT_VERSION] || 0;
// ensure the "validating for" flag exists
// increment the next version
template[NEXT_VERSION] = (template[NEXT_VERSION] || 0) + 1;
* @param {string} elementName
* @return {boolean}
export function isValid(elementName) {
let template = templateMap[elementName];
if (template) {
return templateIsValid(template);
return true;
* @param {HTMLTemplateElement} template
* @return {boolean}
export function templateIsValid(template) {
return template[CURRENT_VERSION] === template[NEXT_VERSION];
* @param {string} elementName
* @return {boolean}
export function isValidating(elementName) {
let template = templateMap[elementName];
if (template) {
return templateIsValidating(template);
return false;
* Returns true if the template is currently invalid and `startValidating` has been called since the last invalidation.
* If false, the template must be validated.
* @param {HTMLTemplateElement} template
* @return {boolean}
export function templateIsValidating(template) {
return !templateIsValid(template) && template[VALIDATING_VERSION] === template[NEXT_VERSION];
* the template is marked as `validating` for one microtask so that all instances
* found in the tree crawl of `applyStyle` will update themselves,
* but the template will only be updated once.
* @param {string} elementName
export function startValidating(elementName) {
let template = templateMap[elementName];
* Begin an asynchronous invalidation cycle.
* This should be called after every validation of a template
* After one microtask, the template will be marked as valid until the next call to `invalidateTemplate`
* @param {HTMLTemplateElement} template
export function startValidatingTemplate(template) {
// remember that the current "next version" is the reason for this validation cycle
// however, there only needs to be one async task to clear the counters
if (!template._validating) {
template._validating = true;
promise.then(function() {
// sync the current version to let future invalidations cause a refresh cycle
template[CURRENT_VERSION] = template[NEXT_VERSION];
template._validating = false;
* @return {boolean}
export function elementsAreInvalid() {
for (let elementName in templateMap) {
let template = templateMap[elementName];
if (!templateIsValid(template)) {
return true;
return false;