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'use strict';
import {StyleNode} from './css-parse.js'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
import * as StyleUtil from './style-util.js';
import {nativeShadow} from './style-settings.js';
/* Transforms ShadowDOM styling into ShadyDOM styling
* scoping:
* elements in scope get scoping selector class="x-foo-scope"
* selectors re-written as follows:
div button -> div.x-foo-scope button.x-foo-scope
* :host -> scopeName
* :host(...) -> scopeName...
* ::slotted(...) -> scopeName > ...
* ...:dir(ltr|rtl) -> [dir="ltr|rtl"] ..., ...[dir="ltr|rtl"]
* :host(:dir[rtl]) -> scopeName:dir(rtl) -> [dir="rtl"] scopeName, scopeName[dir="rtl"]
const SCOPE_NAME = 'style-scope';
class StyleTransformer {
get SCOPE_NAME() {
return SCOPE_NAME;
* Given a node and scope name, add a scoping class to each node
* in the tree. This facilitates transforming css into scoped rules.
* @param {!Node} node
* @param {string} scope
* @param {boolean=} shouldRemoveScope
* @deprecated
dom(node, scope, shouldRemoveScope) {
const fn = (node) => {
this.element(node, scope || '', shouldRemoveScope);
this._transformDom(node, fn);
* Given a node and scope name, add a scoping class to each node in the tree.
* @param {!Node} node
* @param {string} scope
domAddScope(node, scope) {
const fn = (node) => {
this.element(node, scope || '');
this._transformDom(node, fn);
* @param {!Node} startNode
* @param {!function(!Node)} transformer
_transformDom(startNode, transformer) {
if (startNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
let c$;
if (startNode.localName === 'template') {
const template = /** @type {!HTMLTemplateElement} */ (startNode);
// In case the template is in svg context, fall back to the node
// since it won't be an HTMLTemplateElement with a .content property
c$ = (template.content || template._content || template).childNodes;
} else {
c$ = /** @type {!ParentNode} */ (startNode).children ||
if (c$) {
for (let i = 0; i < c$.length; i++) {
this._transformDom(c$[i], transformer);
* @param {?} element
* @param {?} scope
* @param {?=} shouldRemoveScope
element(element, scope, shouldRemoveScope) {
// note: if using classes, we add both the general 'style-scope' class
// as well as the specific scope. This enables easy filtering of all
// `style-scope` elements
if (scope) {
// note: svg on IE does not have classList so fallback to class
if (element.classList) {
if (shouldRemoveScope) {
} else {
} else if (element.getAttribute) {
let c = element.getAttribute(CLASS);
if (shouldRemoveScope) {
if (c) {
let newValue = c.replace(SCOPE_NAME, '').replace(scope, '');
StyleUtil.setElementClassRaw(element, newValue);
} else {
let newValue = (c ? c + ' ' : '') + SCOPE_NAME + ' ' + scope;
StyleUtil.setElementClassRaw(element, newValue);
* Given a node, replace the scoping class to each subnode in the tree.
* @param {!Node} node
* @param {string} oldScope
* @param {string} newScope
domReplaceScope(node, oldScope, newScope) {
const fn = (node) => {
this.element(node, oldScope, true);
this.element(node, newScope);
this._transformDom(node, fn);
* Given a node, remove the scoping class to each subnode in the tree.
* @param {!Node} node
* @param {string} oldScope
domRemoveScope(node, oldScope) {
const fn = (node) => {
this.element(node, oldScope || '', true);
this._transformDom(node, fn);
* @param {?} element
* @param {?} styleRules
* @param {?=} callback
* @param {string=} cssBuild
* @param {string=} cssText
* @return {string}
elementStyles(element, styleRules, callback, cssBuild = '', cssText = '') {
// no need to shim selectors if settings.useNativeShadow, also
// a shady css build will already have transformed selectors
// NOTE: This method may be called as part of static or property shimming.
// When there is a targeted build it will not be called for static shimming,
// but when the property shim is used it is called and should opt out of
// static shimming work when a proper build exists.
if (cssText === '') {
if (nativeShadow || cssBuild === 'shady') {
cssText = StyleUtil.toCssText(styleRules, callback);
} else {
let {is, typeExtension} = StyleUtil.getIsExtends(element);
cssText = this.css(styleRules, is, typeExtension, callback) + '\n\n';
return cssText.trim();
// Given a string of cssText and a scoping string (scope), returns
// a string of scoped css where each selector is transformed to include
// a class created from the scope. ShadowDOM selectors are also transformed
// (e.g. :host) to use the scoping selector.
css(rules, scope, ext, callback) {
let hostScope = this._calcHostScope(scope, ext);
scope = this._calcElementScope(scope);
let self = this;
return StyleUtil.toCssText(rules, function(/** StyleNode */rule) {
if (!rule.isScoped) {
self.rule(rule, scope, hostScope);
rule.isScoped = true;
if (callback) {
callback(rule, scope, hostScope);
_calcElementScope(scope) {
if (scope) {
return CSS_CLASS_PREFIX + scope;
} else {
return '';
_calcHostScope(scope, ext) {
return ext ? `[is=${scope}]` : scope;
rule(rule, scope, hostScope) {
this._transformRule(rule, this._transformComplexSelector,
scope, hostScope);
* transforms a css rule to a scoped rule.
* @param {StyleNode} rule
* @param {Function} transformer
* @param {string=} scope
* @param {string=} hostScope
_transformRule(rule, transformer, scope, hostScope) {
// NOTE: save transformedSelector for subsequent matching of elements
// against selectors (e.g. when calculating style properties)
rule['selector'] = rule.transformedSelector =
this._transformRuleCss(rule, transformer, scope, hostScope);
* @param {StyleNode} rule
* @param {Function} transformer
* @param {string=} scope
* @param {string=} hostScope
_transformRuleCss(rule, transformer, scope, hostScope) {
let p$ = StyleUtil.splitSelectorList(rule['selector']);
// we want to skip transformation of rules that appear in keyframes,
// because they are keyframe selectors, not element selectors.
if (!StyleUtil.isKeyframesSelector(rule)) {
for (let i=0, l=p$.length, p; (i<l) && (p=p$[i]); i++) {
p$[i] =, p, scope, hostScope);
return p$.filter((part) => Boolean(part)).join(COMPLEX_SELECTOR_SEP);
* @param {string} selector
* @return {string}
_twiddleNthPlus(selector) {
return selector.replace(NTH, (m, type, inside) => {
if (inside.indexOf('+') > -1) {
inside = inside.replace(/\+/g, '___');
} else if (inside.indexOf('___') > -1) {
inside = inside.replace(/___/g, '+');
return `:${type}(${inside})`;
* Preserve `:matches()` selectors by replacing them with MATCHES_REPLACMENT
* and returning an array of `:matches()` selectors.
* Use `_replacesMatchesPseudo` to replace the `:matches()` parts
* @param {string} selector
* @return {{selector: string, matches: !Array<string>}}
_preserveMatchesPseudo(selector) {
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
const matches = [];
let match;
while ((match = selector.match(MATCHES))) {
const start = match.index;
const end = StyleUtil.findMatchingParen(selector, start);
if (end === -1) {
throw new Error(`${match.input} selector missing ')'`)
const part = selector.slice(start, end + 1);
selector = selector.replace(part, MATCHES_REPLACEMENT);
return {selector, matches};
* Replace MATCHES_REPLACMENT character with the given set of `:matches()`
* selectors.
* @param {string} selector
* @param {!Array<string>} matches
* @return {string}
_replaceMatchesPseudo(selector, matches) {
const parts = selector.split(MATCHES_REPLACEMENT);
return matches.reduce((acc, cur, idx) => acc + cur + parts[idx + 1], parts[0]);
* @param {string} selector
* @param {string} scope
* @param {string=} hostScope
_transformComplexSelector(selector, scope, hostScope) {
let stop = false;
selector = selector.trim();
// Remove spaces inside of selectors like `:nth-of-type` because it confuses SIMPLE_SELECTOR_SEP
let isNth = NTH.test(selector);
if (isNth) {
selector = selector.replace(NTH, (m, type, inner) => `:${type}(${inner.replace(/\s/g, '')})`)
selector = this._twiddleNthPlus(selector);
// Preserve selectors like `:-webkit-any` so that SIMPLE_SELECTOR_SEP does
// not get confused by spaces inside the pseudo selector
const isMatches = MATCHES.test(selector);
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
let matches;
if (isMatches) {
({selector, matches} = this._preserveMatchesPseudo(selector));
selector = selector.replace(SLOTTED_START, `${HOST} $1`);
selector = selector.replace(SIMPLE_SELECTOR_SEP, (m, c, s) => {
if (!stop) {
let info = this._transformCompoundSelector(s, c, scope, hostScope);
stop = stop || info.stop;
c = info.combinator;
s = info.value;
return c + s;
// replace `:matches()` selectors
if (isMatches) {
selector = this._replaceMatchesPseudo(selector, matches);
if (isNth) {
selector = this._twiddleNthPlus(selector);
return selector;
_transformCompoundSelector(selector, combinator, scope, hostScope) {
// replace :host with host scoping class
let slottedIndex = selector.indexOf(SLOTTED);
if (selector.indexOf(HOST) >= 0) {
selector = this._transformHostSelector(selector, hostScope);
// replace other selectors with scoping class
} else if (slottedIndex !== 0) {
selector = scope ? this._transformSimpleSelector(selector, scope) :
// mark ::slotted() scope jump to replace with descendant selector + arg
// also ignore left-side combinator
let slotted = false;
if (slottedIndex >= 0) {
combinator = '';
slotted = true;
// process scope jumping selectors up to the scope jump and then stop
let stop;
if (slotted) {
stop = true;
if (slotted) {
// .zonk ::slotted(.foo) -> .zonk.scope > .foo
selector = selector.replace(SLOTTED_PAREN, (m, paren) => ` > ${paren}`);
selector = selector.replace(DIR_PAREN, (m, before, dir) =>
`[dir="${dir}"] ${before}, ${before}[dir="${dir}"]`);
return {value: selector, combinator, stop};
_transformSimpleSelector(selector, scope) {
const attributes = selector.split(/(\[.+?\])/);
const output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
// Do not attempt to transform any attribute selector content
if ((i % 2) === 1) {
} else {
const part = attributes[i];
if (!(part === '' && i === attributes.length - 1)) {
let p$ = part.split(PSEUDO_PREFIX);
p$[0] += scope;
return output.join('');
// :host(...) -> scopeName...
_transformHostSelector(selector, hostScope) {
let m = selector.match(HOST_PAREN);
let paren = m && m[2].trim() || '';
if (paren) {
if (!paren[0].match(SIMPLE_SELECTOR_PREFIX)) {
// paren starts with a type selector
let typeSelector = paren.split(SIMPLE_SELECTOR_PREFIX)[0];
// if the type selector is our hostScope then avoid pre-pending it
if (typeSelector === hostScope) {
return paren;
// otherwise, this selector should not match in this scope so
// output a bogus selector.
} else {
} else {
// make sure to do a replace here to catch selectors like:
// `:host(.foo)::before`
return selector.replace(HOST_PAREN, function(m, host, paren) {
return hostScope + paren;
// if no paren, do a straight :host replacement.
// TODO(sorvell): this should not strictly be necessary but
// it's needed to maintain support for `:host[foo]` type selectors
// which have been improperly used under Shady DOM. This should be
// deprecated.
} else {
return selector.replace(HOST, hostScope);
* @param {StyleNode} rule
documentRule(rule) {
// reset selector in case this is redone.
rule['selector'] = rule['parsedSelector'];
this._transformRule(rule, this._transformDocumentSelector);
* @param {StyleNode} rule
normalizeRootSelector(rule) {
if (rule['selector'] === ROOT) {
rule['selector'] = 'html';
* @param {string} selector
_transformDocumentSelector(selector) {
if (selector.match(HOST)) {
// remove ':host' type selectors in document rules
return '';
} else if (selector.match(SLOTTED)) {
return this._transformComplexSelector(selector, SCOPE_DOC_SELECTOR)
} else {
return this._transformSimpleSelector(selector.trim(), SCOPE_DOC_SELECTOR);
const NTH = /:(nth[-\w]+)\(([^)]+)\)/;
const SCOPE_DOC_SELECTOR = `:not(.${SCOPE_NAME})`;
const SIMPLE_SELECTOR_SEP = /(^|[\s>+~]+)((?:\[.+?\]|[^\s>+~=[])+)/g;
const SIMPLE_SELECTOR_PREFIX = /[[.:#*]/;
const HOST = ':host';
const ROOT = ':root';
const SLOTTED = '::slotted';
const SLOTTED_START = new RegExp(`^(${SLOTTED})`);
// NOTE: this supports 1 nested () pair for things like
// :host(:not([selected]), more general support requires
// parsing which seems like overkill
const HOST_PAREN = /(:host)(?:\(((?:\([^)(]*\)|[^)(]*)+?)\))/;
// similar to HOST_PAREN
const SLOTTED_PAREN = /(?:::slotted)(?:\(((?:\([^)(]*\)|[^)(]*)+?)\))/;
const DIR_PAREN = /(.*):dir\((?:(ltr|rtl))\)/;
const CSS_CLASS_PREFIX = '.';
const PSEUDO_PREFIX = ':';
const CLASS = 'class';
const SELECTOR_NO_MATCH = 'should_not_match';
const MATCHES = /:(?:matches|any|-(?:webkit|moz)-any)/;
const MATCHES_REPLACEMENT = '\u{e000}';
export default new StyleTransformer()