blob: 33e2a2db332dd9a47ec7e534136cb4d6340eec05 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../iron-a11y-keys-behavior/iron-a11y-keys-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="../iron-behaviors/iron-control-state.html">
// Generate unique, monotonically increasing IDs for labels (needed by
// aria-labelledby) and add-ons.
Polymer.PaperInputHelper = {};
Polymer.PaperInputHelper.NextLabelID = 1;
Polymer.PaperInputHelper.NextAddonID = 1;
* Use `Polymer.PaperInputBehavior` to implement inputs with `<paper-input-container>`. This
* behavior is implemented by `<paper-input>`. It exposes a number of properties from
* `<paper-input-container>` and `<input is="iron-input">` and they should be bound in your
* template.
* The input element can be accessed by the `inputElement` property if you need to access
* properties or methods that are not exposed.
* @polymerBehavior Polymer.PaperInputBehavior
Polymer.PaperInputBehaviorImpl = {
properties: {
* Fired when the input changes due to user interaction.
* @event change
* The label for this input. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* `<label>`'s content and `hidden` property, e.g.
* `<label hidden$="[[!label]]">[[label]]</label>` in your `template`
label: {
type: String
* The value for this input. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `bindValue`
* property, or the value property of your input that is `notify:true`.
value: {
notify: true,
type: String
* Set to true to disable this input. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* both the `<paper-input-container>`'s and the input's `disabled` property.
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Returns true if the value is invalid. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to both the
* `<paper-input-container>`'s and the input's `invalid` property.
* If `autoValidate` is true, the `invalid` attribute is managed automatically,
* which can clobber attempts to manage it manually.
invalid: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
notify: true
* Set to true to prevent the user from entering invalid input. If you're
* using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like element,
* bind this to `<input is="iron-input">`'s `preventInvalidInput` property.
preventInvalidInput: {
type: Boolean
* Set this to specify the pattern allowed by `preventInvalidInput`. If
* you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `allowedPattern`
* property.
allowedPattern: {
type: String
* The type of the input. The supported types are `text`, `number` and `password`.
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like element,
* bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `type` property.
type: {
type: String
* The datalist of the input (if any). This should match the id of an existing `<datalist>`.
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `list` property.
list: {
type: String
* A pattern to validate the `input` with. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `pattern` property.
pattern: {
type: String
* Set to true to mark the input as required. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `required` property.
required: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* The error message to display when the input is invalid. If you're using
* PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like element,
* bind this to the `<paper-input-error>`'s content, if using.
errorMessage: {
type: String
* Set to true to show a character counter.
charCounter: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Set to true to disable the floating label. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* the `<paper-input-container>`'s `noLabelFloat` property.
noLabelFloat: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Set to true to always float the label. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* the `<paper-input-container>`'s `alwaysFloatLabel` property.
alwaysFloatLabel: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Set to true to auto-validate the input value. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* the `<paper-input-container>`'s `autoValidate` property.
autoValidate: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Name of the validator to use. If you're using PaperInputBehavior to
* implement your own paper-input-like element, bind this to
* the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `validator` property.
validator: {
type: String
// HTMLInputElement attributes for binding if needed
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `autocomplete` property.
autocomplete: {
type: String,
value: 'off'
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `autofocus` property.
autofocus: {
type: Boolean,
observer: '_autofocusChanged'
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `inputmode` property.
inputmode: {
type: String
* The minimum length of the input value.
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `minlength` property.
minlength: {
type: Number
* The maximum length of the input value.
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `maxlength` property.
maxlength: {
type: Number
* The minimum (numeric or date-time) input value.
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `min` property.
min: {
type: String
* The maximum (numeric or date-time) input value.
* Can be a String (e.g. `"2000-01-01"`) or a Number (e.g. `2`).
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `max` property.
max: {
type: String
* Limits the numeric or date-time increments.
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `step` property.
step: {
type: String
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `name` property.
name: {
type: String
* A placeholder string in addition to the label. If this is set, the label will always float.
placeholder: {
type: String,
// need to set a default so _computeAlwaysFloatLabel is run
value: ''
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `readonly` property.
readonly: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `size` property.
size: {
type: Number
// Nonstandard attributes for binding if needed
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `autocapitalize` property.
autocapitalize: {
type: String,
value: 'none'
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `autocorrect` property.
autocorrect: {
type: String,
value: 'off'
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `autosave` property,
* used with type=search.
autosave: {
type: String
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `results` property,
* used with type=search.
results: {
type: Number
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the `<input is="iron-input">`'s `accept` property,
* used with type=file.
accept: {
type: String
* If you're using PaperInputBehavior to implement your own paper-input-like
* element, bind this to the`<input is="iron-input">`'s `multiple` property,
* used with type=file.
multiple: {
type: Boolean
_ariaDescribedBy: {
type: String,
value: ''
_ariaLabelledBy: {
type: String,
value: ''
listeners: {
'addon-attached': '_onAddonAttached',
keyBindings: {
'shift+tab:keydown': '_onShiftTabDown'
hostAttributes: {
tabindex: 0
* Returns a reference to the input element.
get inputElement() {
return this.$.input;
* Returns a reference to the focusable element.
get _focusableElement() {
return this.inputElement;
registered: function() {
// These types have some default placeholder text; overlapping
// the label on top of it looks terrible. Auto-float the label in this case.
this._typesThatHaveText = ["date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "month",
"time", "week", "file"];
attached: function() {
if (this.inputElement &&
this._typesThatHaveText.indexOf(this.inputElement.type) !== -1) {
this.alwaysFloatLabel = true;
_appendStringWithSpace: function(str, more) {
if (str) {
str = str + ' ' + more;
} else {
str = more;
return str;
_onAddonAttached: function(event) {
var target = event.path ? event.path[0] :;
if ( {
this._ariaDescribedBy = this._appendStringWithSpace(this._ariaDescribedBy,;
} else {
var id = 'paper-input-add-on-' + Polymer.PaperInputHelper.NextAddonID++; = id;
this._ariaDescribedBy = this._appendStringWithSpace(this._ariaDescribedBy, id);
* Validates the input element and sets an error style if needed.
* @return {boolean}
validate: function() {
return this.inputElement.validate();
* Forward focus to inputElement. Overriden from IronControlState.
_focusBlurHandler: function(event) {, event);
// Forward the focus to the nested input.
if (this.focused && !this._shiftTabPressed)
* Handler that is called when a shift+tab keypress is detected by the menu.
* @param {CustomEvent} event A key combination event.
_onShiftTabDown: function(event) {
var oldTabIndex = this.getAttribute('tabindex');
this._shiftTabPressed = true;
this.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
this.async(function() {
this.setAttribute('tabindex', oldTabIndex);
this._shiftTabPressed = false;
}, 1);
* If `autoValidate` is true, then validates the element.
_handleAutoValidate: function() {
if (this.autoValidate)
* Restores the cursor to its original position after updating the value.
* @param {string} newValue The value that should be saved.
updateValueAndPreserveCaret: function(newValue) {
// Not all elements might have selection, and even if they have the
// right properties, accessing them might throw an exception (like for
// <input type=number>)
try {
var start = this.inputElement.selectionStart;
this.value = newValue;
// The cursor automatically jumps to the end after re-setting the value,
// so restore it to its original position.
this.inputElement.selectionStart = start;
this.inputElement.selectionEnd = start;
} catch (e) {
// Just set the value and give up on the caret.
this.value = newValue;
_computeAlwaysFloatLabel: function(alwaysFloatLabel, placeholder) {
return placeholder || alwaysFloatLabel;
_updateAriaLabelledBy: function() {
var label = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector('label');
if (!label) {
this._ariaLabelledBy = '';
var labelledBy;
if ( {
labelledBy =;
} else {
labelledBy = 'paper-input-label-' + Polymer.PaperInputHelper.NextLabelID++; = labelledBy;
this._ariaLabelledBy = labelledBy;
_onChange:function(event) {
// In the Shadow DOM, the `change` event is not leaked into the
// ancestor tree, so we must do this manually.
// See
if (this.shadowRoot) {, {sourceEvent: event}, {
node: this,
bubbles: event.bubbles,
cancelable: event.cancelable
_autofocusChanged: function() {
// Firefox doesn't respect the autofocus attribute if it's applied after
// the page is loaded (Chrome/WebKit do respect it), preventing an
// autofocus attribute specified in markup from taking effect when the
// element is upgraded. As a workaround, if the autofocus property is set,
// and the focus hasn't already been moved elsewhere, we take focus.
if (this.autofocus && this._focusableElement) {
// In IE 11, the default document.activeElement can be the page's
// outermost html element, but there are also cases (under the
// polyfill?) in which the activeElement is not a real HTMLElement, but
// just a plain object. We identify the latter case as having no valid
// activeElement.
var activeElement = document.activeElement;
var isActiveElementValid = activeElement instanceof HTMLElement;
// Has some other element has already taken the focus?
var isSomeElementActive = isActiveElementValid &&
activeElement !== document.body &&
activeElement !== document.documentElement; /* IE 11 */
if (!isSomeElementActive) {
// No specific element has taken the focus yet, so we can take it.
/** @polymerBehavior */
Polymer.PaperInputBehavior = [