Android S V2 Preview 1
[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Merge pi-dev@5234907 into stage-aosp-master
am: 3c1b5a7b49 -s ours
am skip reason: subject contains skip directive

Change-Id: Ibbb57bfdcbfa9f85504a07852ecb754fd9774f77
tree: 2cd00eae57b9b04c05600b1c61d33e25ed34b029
  1. arch/
  2. docs/
  3. fidl/
  4. images/
  5. meta/
  6. pkg/
  7. tools/
  8. Android.bp.UNUSED
  9. hash

Fuchsia SDK without the following packages that were removed to save space:

  • zxdb
  • images