blob: f8d6192706a1d66653bbb246fa95fd5858f74491 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ExecutorProcessControl.h - Executor process control APIs -*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Utilities for interacting with the executor processes.
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLinkMemoryManager.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Core.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/ExecutorAddress.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/TargetProcessControlTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/WrapperFunctionUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MSVCErrorWorkarounds.h"
#include <future>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
namespace orc {
/// ExecutorProcessControl supports interaction with a JIT target process.
class ExecutorProcessControl {
/// Sender to return the result of a WrapperFunction executed in the JIT.
using SendResultFunction =
/// An asynchronous wrapper-function.
using AsyncWrapperFunction = unique_function<void(
SendResultFunction SendResult, const char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize)>;
/// A map associating tag names with asynchronous wrapper function
/// implementations in the JIT.
using WrapperFunctionAssociationMap =
DenseMap<SymbolStringPtr, AsyncWrapperFunction>;
/// APIs for manipulating memory in the target process.
class MemoryAccess {
/// Callback function for asynchronous writes.
using WriteResultFn = unique_function<void(Error)>;
virtual ~MemoryAccess();
virtual void writeUInt8s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt8Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeUInt16s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt16Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeUInt32s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt32Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeUInt64s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt64Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
virtual void writeBuffers(ArrayRef<tpctypes::BufferWrite> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) = 0;
Error writeUInt8s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt8Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt8s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeUInt16s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt16Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt16s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeUInt32s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt32Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt32s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeUInt64s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt64Write> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeUInt64s(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
Error writeBuffers(ArrayRef<tpctypes::BufferWrite> Ws) {
std::promise<MSVCPError> ResultP;
auto ResultF = ResultP.get_future();
writeBuffers(Ws, [&](Error Err) { ResultP.set_value(std::move(Err)); });
return ResultF.get();
/// A pair of a dylib and a set of symbols to be looked up.
struct LookupRequest {
LookupRequest(tpctypes::DylibHandle Handle, const SymbolLookupSet &Symbols)
: Handle(Handle), Symbols(Symbols) {}
tpctypes::DylibHandle Handle;
const SymbolLookupSet &Symbols;
/// Contains the address of the dispatch function and context that the ORC
/// runtime can use to call functions in the JIT.
struct JITDispatchInfo {
ExecutorAddress JITDispatchFunctionAddress;
ExecutorAddress JITDispatchContextAddress;
virtual ~ExecutorProcessControl();
/// Intern a symbol name in the SymbolStringPool.
SymbolStringPtr intern(StringRef SymName) { return SSP->intern(SymName); }
/// Return a shared pointer to the SymbolStringPool for this instance.
std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> getSymbolStringPool() const { return SSP; }
/// Return the Triple for the target process.
const Triple &getTargetTriple() const { return TargetTriple; }
/// Get the page size for the target process.
unsigned getPageSize() const { return PageSize; }
/// Get the JIT dispatch function and context address for the executor.
const JITDispatchInfo &getJITDispatchInfo() const { return JDI; }
/// Return a MemoryAccess object for the target process.
MemoryAccess &getMemoryAccess() const { return *MemAccess; }
/// Return a JITLinkMemoryManager for the target process.
jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager &getMemMgr() const { return *MemMgr; }
/// Load the dynamic library at the given path and return a handle to it.
/// If LibraryPath is null this function will return the global handle for
/// the target process.
virtual Expected<tpctypes::DylibHandle> loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) = 0;
/// Search for symbols in the target process.
/// The result of the lookup is a 2-dimentional array of target addresses
/// that correspond to the lookup order. If a required symbol is not
/// found then this method will return an error. If a weakly referenced
/// symbol is not found then it be assigned a '0' value in the result.
/// that correspond to the lookup order.
virtual Expected<std::vector<tpctypes::LookupResult>>
lookupSymbols(ArrayRef<LookupRequest> Request) = 0;
/// Run function with a main-like signature.
virtual Expected<int32_t> runAsMain(JITTargetAddress MainFnAddr,
ArrayRef<std::string> Args) = 0;
/// Run a wrapper function in the executor (async version).
/// The wrapper function should be callable as:
/// \code{.cpp}
/// CWrapperFunctionResult fn(uint8_t *Data, uint64_t Size);
/// \endcode{.cpp}
/// The given OnComplete function will be called to return the result.
virtual void runWrapperAsync(SendResultFunction OnComplete,
JITTargetAddress WrapperFnAddr,
ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) = 0;
/// Run a wrapper function in the executor. The wrapper function should be
/// callable as:
/// \code{.cpp}
/// CWrapperFunctionResult fn(uint8_t *Data, uint64_t Size);
/// \endcode{.cpp}
shared::WrapperFunctionResult runWrapper(JITTargetAddress WrapperFnAddr,
ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) {
std::promise<shared::WrapperFunctionResult> RP;
auto RF = RP.get_future();
[&](shared::WrapperFunctionResult R) { RP.set_value(std::move(R)); },
WrapperFnAddr, ArgBuffer);
return RF.get();
/// Run a wrapper function using SPS to serialize the arguments and
/// deserialize the results.
template <typename SPSSignature, typename SendResultT, typename... ArgTs>
void runSPSWrapperAsync(SendResultT &&SendResult,
JITTargetAddress WrapperFnAddr,
const ArgTs &...Args) {
[this, WrapperFnAddr](SendResultFunction SendResult,
const char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
runWrapperAsync(std::move(SendResult), WrapperFnAddr,
ArrayRef<char>(ArgData, ArgSize));
std::move(SendResult), Args...);
/// Run a wrapper function using SPS to serialize the arguments and
/// deserialize the results.
/// If SPSSignature is a non-void function signature then the second argument
/// (the first in the Args list) should be a reference to a return value.
template <typename SPSSignature, typename... WrapperCallArgTs>
Error runSPSWrapper(JITTargetAddress WrapperFnAddr,
WrapperCallArgTs &&...WrapperCallArgs) {
return shared::WrapperFunction<SPSSignature>::call(
[this, WrapperFnAddr](const char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return runWrapper(WrapperFnAddr, ArrayRef<char>(ArgData, ArgSize));
/// Wrap a handler that takes concrete argument types (and a sender for a
/// concrete return type) to produce an AsyncWrapperFunction. Uses SPS to
/// unpack the arguments and pack the result.
/// This function is usually used when building association maps.
template <typename SPSSignature, typename HandlerT>
static AsyncWrapperFunction wrapAsyncWithSPS(HandlerT &&H) {
return [H = std::forward<HandlerT>(H)](SendResultFunction SendResult,
const char *ArgData,
size_t ArgSize) mutable {
shared::WrapperFunction<SPSSignature>::handleAsync(ArgData, ArgSize, H,
template <typename SPSSignature, typename ClassT, typename... MethodArgTs>
static AsyncWrapperFunction
wrapAsyncWithSPS(ClassT *Instance, void (ClassT::*Method)(MethodArgTs...)) {
return wrapAsyncWithSPS<SPSSignature>(
[Instance, Method](MethodArgTs &&...MethodArgs) {
/// For each symbol name, associate the AsyncWrapperFunction implementation
/// value with the address of that symbol.
/// Symbols will be looked up using LookupKind::Static,
/// JITDylibLookupFlags::MatchAllSymbols (hidden tags will be found), and
/// LookupFlags::WeaklyReferencedSymbol (missing tags will not cause an
/// error, the implementations will simply be dropped).
Error associateJITSideWrapperFunctions(JITDylib &JD,
WrapperFunctionAssociationMap WFs);
/// Run a registered jit-side wrapper function.
void runJITSideWrapperFunction(SendResultFunction SendResult,
JITTargetAddress TagAddr,
ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer);
/// Disconnect from the target process.
/// This should be called after the JIT session is shut down.
virtual Error disconnect() = 0;
ExecutorProcessControl(std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP)
: SSP(std::move(SSP)) {}
std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP;
Triple TargetTriple;
unsigned PageSize = 0;
JITDispatchInfo JDI;
MemoryAccess *MemAccess = nullptr;
jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager *MemMgr = nullptr;
std::mutex TagToFuncMapMutex;
DenseMap<JITTargetAddress, std::shared_ptr<AsyncWrapperFunction>> TagToFunc;
/// Call a wrapper function via ExecutorProcessControl::runWrapper.
class EPCCaller {
EPCCaller(ExecutorProcessControl &EPC, JITTargetAddress WrapperFnAddr)
: EPC(EPC), WrapperFnAddr(WrapperFnAddr) {}
shared::WrapperFunctionResult operator()(const char *ArgData,
size_t ArgSize) const {
return EPC.runWrapper(WrapperFnAddr, ArrayRef<char>(ArgData, ArgSize));
ExecutorProcessControl &EPC;
JITTargetAddress WrapperFnAddr;
/// A ExecutorProcessControl implementation targeting the current process.
class SelfExecutorProcessControl
: public ExecutorProcessControl,
private ExecutorProcessControl::MemoryAccess {
std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP, Triple TargetTriple,
unsigned PageSize, std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> MemMgr);
/// Create a SelfExecutorProcessControl with the given memory manager.
/// If no memory manager is given a jitlink::InProcessMemoryManager will
/// be used by default.
static Expected<std::unique_ptr<SelfExecutorProcessControl>>
Create(std::shared_ptr<SymbolStringPool> SSP,
std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> MemMgr = nullptr);
Expected<tpctypes::DylibHandle> loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) override;
lookupSymbols(ArrayRef<LookupRequest> Request) override;
Expected<int32_t> runAsMain(JITTargetAddress MainFnAddr,
ArrayRef<std::string> Args) override;
void runWrapperAsync(SendResultFunction OnComplete,
JITTargetAddress WrapperFnAddr,
ArrayRef<char> ArgBuffer) override;
Error disconnect() override;
void writeUInt8s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt8Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeUInt16s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt16Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeUInt32s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt32Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeUInt64s(ArrayRef<tpctypes::UInt64Write> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
void writeBuffers(ArrayRef<tpctypes::BufferWrite> Ws,
WriteResultFn OnWriteComplete) override;
static shared::detail::CWrapperFunctionResult
jitDispatchViaWrapperFunctionManager(void *Ctx, const void *FnTag,
const char *Data, size_t Size);
std::unique_ptr<jitlink::JITLinkMemoryManager> OwnedMemMgr;
char GlobalManglingPrefix = 0;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<sys::DynamicLibrary>> DynamicLibraries;
} // end namespace orc
} // end namespace llvm