blob: 710bb963a4aa921fb3afe5b1c6667eae57e00a98 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- TraceCursor.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// Class used for iterating over the instructions of a thread's trace.
/// This class attempts to be a generic interface for accessing the instructions
/// of the trace so that each Trace plug-in can reconstruct, represent and store
/// the instruction data in an flexible way that is efficient for the given
/// technology.
/// Live processes:
/// In the case of a live process trace, an instance of a \a TraceCursor should
/// point to the trace at the moment it was collected. If the process is later
/// resumed and new trace data is collected, that should leave that old cursor
/// unaffected.
/// Errors in the trace:
/// As there could be errors when reconstructing the instructions of a trace,
/// these errors are represented as failed instructions, and the cursor can
/// point at them. The consumer should invoke \a TraceCursor::GetError() to
/// check if the cursor is pointing to either a valid instruction or an error.
/// Instructions:
/// A \a TraceCursor always points to a specific instruction or error in the
/// trace.
/// Defaults:
/// By default, the cursor points at the end item of the trace, moves
/// backwards, has a move granularity of \a
/// eTraceInstructionControlFlowTypeInstruction (i.e. visit every instruction)
/// and stops at every error (the "ignore errors" flag is \b false). See the
/// \a TraceCursor::Next() method for more documentation.
/// Sample usage:
/// TraceCursorUP cursor = trace.GetTrace(thread);
/// cursor->SetGranularity(eTraceInstructionControlFlowTypeCall |
/// eTraceInstructionControlFlowTypeReturn);
/// do {
/// if (llvm::Error error = cursor->GetError())
/// cout << "error found at: " << llvm::toString(error) << endl;
/// else if (cursor->GetInstructionControlFlowType() &
/// eTraceInstructionControlFlowTypeCall)
/// std::cout << "call found at " << cursor->GetLoadAddress() <<
/// std::endl;
/// else if (cursor->GetInstructionControlFlowType() &
/// eTraceInstructionControlFlowTypeReturn)
/// std::cout << "return found at " << cursor->GetLoadAddress() <<
/// std::endl;
/// } while(cursor->Next());
/// Low level traversal:
/// Unlike the \a TraceCursor::Next() API, which uses a given granularity and
/// direction to advance the cursor, the \a TraceCursor::Seek() method can be
/// used to reposition the cursor to an offset of the end, beginning, or
/// current position of the trace.
class TraceCursor {
/// Helper enum to indicate the reference point when invoking
/// \a TraceCursor::Seek().
/// The following values are inspired by \a std::istream::seekg.
enum class SeekType {
/// The beginning of the trace, i.e the oldest item.
Beginning = 0,
/// The current position in the trace.
/// The end of the trace, i.e the most recent item.
/// Create a cursor that initially points to the end of the trace, i.e. the
/// most recent item.
TraceCursor(lldb::ThreadSP thread_sp);
virtual ~TraceCursor() = default;
/// Set the granularity to use in the \a TraceCursor::Next() method.
void SetGranularity(lldb::TraceInstructionControlFlowType granularity);
/// Set the "ignore errors" flag to use in the \a TraceCursor::Next() method.
void SetIgnoreErrors(bool ignore_errors);
/// Set the direction to use in the \a TraceCursor::Next() method.
/// \param[in] forwards
/// If \b true, then the traversal will be forwards, otherwise backwards.
void SetForwards(bool forwards);
/// Check if the direction to use in the \a TraceCursor::Next() method is
/// forwards.
/// \return
/// \b true if the current direction is forwards, \b false if backwards.
bool IsForwards() const;
/// Move the cursor to the next instruction that matches the current
/// granularity.
/// Direction:
/// The traversal is done following the current direction of the trace. If
/// it is forwards, the instructions are visited forwards
/// chronologically. Otherwise, the traversal is done in
/// the opposite direction. By default, a cursor moves backwards unless
/// changed with \a TraceCursor::SetForwards().
/// Granularity:
/// The cursor will traverse the trace looking for the first instruction
/// that matches the current granularity. If there aren't any matching
/// instructions, the cursor won't move, to give the opportunity of
/// changing granularities.
/// Ignore errors:
/// If the "ignore errors" flags is \b false, the traversal will stop as
/// soon as it finds an error in the trace and the cursor will point at
/// it.
/// \return
/// \b true if the cursor effectively moved, \b false otherwise.
virtual bool Next() = 0;
/// Instruction identifiers:
/// When building complex higher level tools, fast random accesses in the
/// trace might be needed, for which each instruction requires a unique
/// identifier within its thread trace. For example, a tool might want to
/// repeatedly inspect random consecutive portions of a trace. This means that
/// it will need to first move quickly to the beginning of each section and
/// then start its iteration. Given that the number of instructions can be in
/// the order of hundreds of millions, fast random access is necessary.
/// An example of such a tool could be an inspector of the call graph of a
/// trace, where each call is represented with its start and end instructions.
/// Inspecting all the instructions of a call requires moving to its first
/// instruction and then iterating until the last instruction, which following
/// the pattern explained above.
/// Instead of using 0-based indices as identifiers, each Trace plug-in can
/// decide the nature of these identifiers and thus no assumptions can be made
/// regarding their ordering and sequentiality. The reason is that an
/// instruction might be encoded by the plug-in in a way that hides its actual
/// 0-based index in the trace, but it's still possible to efficiently find
/// it.
/// Requirements:
/// - For a given thread, no two instructions have the same id.
/// - In terms of efficiency, moving the cursor to a given id should be as
/// fast as possible, but not necessarily O(1). That's why the recommended
/// way to traverse sequential instructions is to use the \a
/// TraceCursor::Next() method and only use \a TraceCursor::GoToId(id)
/// sparingly.
/// Make the cursor point to the item whose identifier is \p id.
/// \return
/// \b true if the given identifier exists and the cursor effectively
/// moved. Otherwise, \b false is returned and the cursor doesn't change
/// its position.
virtual bool GoToId(lldb::user_id_t id) = 0;
/// \return
/// A unique identifier for the instruction or error this cursor is
/// pointing to.
virtual lldb::user_id_t GetId() const = 0;
/// \}
/// Make the cursor point to an item in the trace based on an origin point and
/// an offset. This API doesn't distinguishes instruction types nor errors in
/// the trace, unlike the \a TraceCursor::Next() method.
/// The resulting position of the trace is
/// origin + offset
/// If this resulting position would be out of bounds, it will be adjusted to
/// the last or first item in the trace correspondingly.
/// \param[in] offset
/// How many items to move forwards (if positive) or backwards (if
/// negative) from the given origin point.
/// \param[in] origin
/// The reference point to use when moving the cursor.
/// \return
/// The number of trace items moved from the origin.
virtual uint64_t Seek(int64_t offset, SeekType origin) = 0;
/// \return
/// The \a ExecutionContextRef of the backing thread from the creation time
/// of this cursor.
ExecutionContextRef &GetExecutionContextRef();
/// Instruction or error information
/// \{
/// \return
/// Whether the cursor points to an error or not.
virtual bool IsError() = 0;
/// Get the corresponding error message if the cursor points to an error in
/// the trace.
/// \return
/// \b nullptr if the cursor is not pointing to an error in
/// the trace. Otherwise return the actual error message.
virtual const char *GetError() = 0;
/// \return
/// The load address of the instruction the cursor is pointing at. If the
/// cursor points to an error in the trace, return \b
virtual lldb::addr_t GetLoadAddress() = 0;
/// Get the hardware counter of a given type associated with the current
/// instruction. Each architecture might support different counters. It might
/// happen that only some instructions of an entire trace have a given counter
/// associated with them.
/// \param[in] counter_type
/// The counter type.
/// \return
/// The value of the counter or \b llvm::None if not available.
virtual llvm::Optional<uint64_t> GetCounter(lldb::TraceCounter counter_type) = 0;
/// \return
/// The \a lldb::TraceInstructionControlFlowType categories the
/// instruction the cursor is pointing at falls into. If the cursor points
/// to an error in the trace, return \b 0.
virtual lldb::TraceInstructionControlFlowType
GetInstructionControlFlowType() = 0;
/// \}
ExecutionContextRef m_exe_ctx_ref;
lldb::TraceInstructionControlFlowType m_granularity =
bool m_ignore_errors = false;
bool m_forwards = false;
} // namespace lldb_private