blob: 92b5c4777514b9b786c25c6fac111f1ef177c2bc [file] [log] [blame]
//===- llvm/DerivedTypes.h - Classes for handling data types ----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains the declarations of classes that represent "derived
// types". These are things like "arrays of x" or "structure of x, y, z" or
// "function returning x taking (y,z) as parameters", etc...
// The implementations of these classes live in the Type.cpp file.
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TypeSize.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
namespace llvm {
class Value;
class APInt;
class LLVMContext;
/// Class to represent integer types. Note that this class is also used to
/// represent the built-in integer types: Int1Ty, Int8Ty, Int16Ty, Int32Ty and
/// Int64Ty.
/// Integer representation type
class IntegerType : public Type {
friend class LLVMContextImpl;
explicit IntegerType(LLVMContext &C, unsigned NumBits) : Type(C, IntegerTyID){
/// This enum is just used to hold constants we need for IntegerType.
enum {
MIN_INT_BITS = 1, ///< Minimum number of bits that can be specified
MAX_INT_BITS = (1<<23) ///< Maximum number of bits that can be specified
///< Note that bit width is stored in the Type classes SubclassData field
///< which has 24 bits. SelectionDAG type legalization can require a
///< power of 2 IntegerType, so limit to the largest representable power
///< of 2, 8388608.
/// This static method is the primary way of constructing an IntegerType.
/// If an IntegerType with the same NumBits value was previously instantiated,
/// that instance will be returned. Otherwise a new one will be created. Only
/// one instance with a given NumBits value is ever created.
/// Get or create an IntegerType instance.
static IntegerType *get(LLVMContext &C, unsigned NumBits);
/// Returns type twice as wide the input type.
IntegerType *getExtendedType() const {
return Type::getIntNTy(getContext(), 2 * getScalarSizeInBits());
/// Get the number of bits in this IntegerType
unsigned getBitWidth() const { return getSubclassData(); }
/// Return a bitmask with ones set for all of the bits that can be set by an
/// unsigned version of this type. This is 0xFF for i8, 0xFFFF for i16, etc.
uint64_t getBitMask() const {
return ~uint64_t(0UL) >> (64-getBitWidth());
/// Return a uint64_t with just the most significant bit set (the sign bit, if
/// the value is treated as a signed number).
uint64_t getSignBit() const {
return 1ULL << (getBitWidth()-1);
/// For example, this is 0xFF for an 8 bit integer, 0xFFFF for i16, etc.
/// @returns a bit mask with ones set for all the bits of this type.
/// Get a bit mask for this type.
APInt getMask() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == IntegerTyID;
unsigned Type::getIntegerBitWidth() const {
return cast<IntegerType>(this)->getBitWidth();
/// Class to represent function types
class FunctionType : public Type {
FunctionType(Type *Result, ArrayRef<Type*> Params, bool IsVarArgs);
FunctionType(const FunctionType &) = delete;
FunctionType &operator=(const FunctionType &) = delete;
/// This static method is the primary way of constructing a FunctionType.
static FunctionType *get(Type *Result,
ArrayRef<Type*> Params, bool isVarArg);
/// Create a FunctionType taking no parameters.
static FunctionType *get(Type *Result, bool isVarArg);
/// Return true if the specified type is valid as a return type.
static bool isValidReturnType(Type *RetTy);
/// Return true if the specified type is valid as an argument type.
static bool isValidArgumentType(Type *ArgTy);
bool isVarArg() const { return getSubclassData()!=0; }
Type *getReturnType() const { return ContainedTys[0]; }
using param_iterator = Type::subtype_iterator;
param_iterator param_begin() const { return ContainedTys + 1; }
param_iterator param_end() const { return &ContainedTys[NumContainedTys]; }
ArrayRef<Type *> params() const {
return makeArrayRef(param_begin(), param_end());
/// Parameter type accessors.
Type *getParamType(unsigned i) const { return ContainedTys[i+1]; }
/// Return the number of fixed parameters this function type requires.
/// This does not consider varargs.
unsigned getNumParams() const { return NumContainedTys - 1; }
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == FunctionTyID;
static_assert(alignof(FunctionType) >= alignof(Type *),
"Alignment sufficient for objects appended to FunctionType");
bool Type::isFunctionVarArg() const {
return cast<FunctionType>(this)->isVarArg();
Type *Type::getFunctionParamType(unsigned i) const {
return cast<FunctionType>(this)->getParamType(i);
unsigned Type::getFunctionNumParams() const {
return cast<FunctionType>(this)->getNumParams();
/// A handy container for a FunctionType+Callee-pointer pair, which can be
/// passed around as a single entity. This assists in replacing the use of
/// PointerType::getElementType() to access the function's type, since that's
/// slated for removal as part of the [opaque pointer types] project.
class FunctionCallee {
// Allow implicit conversion from types which have a getFunctionType member
// (e.g. Function and InlineAsm).
template <typename T, typename U = decltype(&T::getFunctionType)>
FunctionCallee(T *Fn)
: FnTy(Fn ? Fn->getFunctionType() : nullptr), Callee(Fn) {}
FunctionCallee(FunctionType *FnTy, Value *Callee)
: FnTy(FnTy), Callee(Callee) {
assert((FnTy == nullptr) == (Callee == nullptr));
FunctionCallee(std::nullptr_t) {}
FunctionCallee() = default;
FunctionType *getFunctionType() { return FnTy; }
Value *getCallee() { return Callee; }
explicit operator bool() { return Callee; }
FunctionType *FnTy = nullptr;
Value *Callee = nullptr;
/// Class to represent struct types. There are two different kinds of struct
/// types: Literal structs and Identified structs.
/// Literal struct types (e.g. { i32, i32 }) are uniqued structurally, and must
/// always have a body when created. You can get one of these by using one of
/// the StructType::get() forms.
/// Identified structs (e.g. %foo or %42) may optionally have a name and are not
/// uniqued. The names for identified structs are managed at the LLVMContext
/// level, so there can only be a single identified struct with a given name in
/// a particular LLVMContext. Identified structs may also optionally be opaque
/// (have no body specified). You get one of these by using one of the
/// StructType::create() forms.
/// Independent of what kind of struct you have, the body of a struct type are
/// laid out in memory consecutively with the elements directly one after the
/// other (if the struct is packed) or (if not packed) with padding between the
/// elements as defined by DataLayout (which is required to match what the code
/// generator for a target expects).
class StructType : public Type {
StructType(LLVMContext &C) : Type(C, StructTyID) {}
enum {
/// This is the contents of the SubClassData field.
SCDB_HasBody = 1,
SCDB_Packed = 2,
SCDB_IsLiteral = 4,
SCDB_IsSized = 8
/// For a named struct that actually has a name, this is a pointer to the
/// symbol table entry (maintained by LLVMContext) for the struct.
/// This is null if the type is an literal struct or if it is a identified
/// type that has an empty name.
void *SymbolTableEntry = nullptr;
StructType(const StructType &) = delete;
StructType &operator=(const StructType &) = delete;
/// This creates an identified struct.
static StructType *create(LLVMContext &Context, StringRef Name);
static StructType *create(LLVMContext &Context);
static StructType *create(ArrayRef<Type *> Elements, StringRef Name,
bool isPacked = false);
static StructType *create(ArrayRef<Type *> Elements);
static StructType *create(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<Type *> Elements,
StringRef Name, bool isPacked = false);
static StructType *create(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<Type *> Elements);
template <class... Tys>
static std::enable_if_t<are_base_of<Type, Tys...>::value, StructType *>
create(StringRef Name, Type *elt1, Tys *... elts) {
assert(elt1 && "Cannot create a struct type with no elements with this");
return create(ArrayRef<Type *>({elt1, elts...}), Name);
/// This static method is the primary way to create a literal StructType.
static StructType *get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<Type*> Elements,
bool isPacked = false);
/// Create an empty structure type.
static StructType *get(LLVMContext &Context, bool isPacked = false);
/// This static method is a convenience method for creating structure types by
/// specifying the elements as arguments. Note that this method always returns
/// a non-packed struct, and requires at least one element type.
template <class... Tys>
static std::enable_if_t<are_base_of<Type, Tys...>::value, StructType *>
get(Type *elt1, Tys *... elts) {
assert(elt1 && "Cannot create a struct type with no elements with this");
LLVMContext &Ctx = elt1->getContext();
return StructType::get(Ctx, ArrayRef<Type *>({elt1, elts...}));
/// Return the type with the specified name, or null if there is none by that
/// name.
static StructType *getTypeByName(LLVMContext &C, StringRef Name);
bool isPacked() const { return (getSubclassData() & SCDB_Packed) != 0; }
/// Return true if this type is uniqued by structural equivalence, false if it
/// is a struct definition.
bool isLiteral() const { return (getSubclassData() & SCDB_IsLiteral) != 0; }
/// Return true if this is a type with an identity that has no body specified
/// yet. These prints as 'opaque' in .ll files.
bool isOpaque() const { return (getSubclassData() & SCDB_HasBody) == 0; }
/// isSized - Return true if this is a sized type.
bool isSized(SmallPtrSetImpl<Type *> *Visited = nullptr) const;
/// Returns true if this struct contains a scalable vector.
bool containsScalableVectorType() const;
/// Return true if this is a named struct that has a non-empty name.
bool hasName() const { return SymbolTableEntry != nullptr; }
/// Return the name for this struct type if it has an identity.
/// This may return an empty string for an unnamed struct type. Do not call
/// this on an literal type.
StringRef getName() const;
/// Change the name of this type to the specified name, or to a name with a
/// suffix if there is a collision. Do not call this on an literal type.
void setName(StringRef Name);
/// Specify a body for an opaque identified type.
void setBody(ArrayRef<Type*> Elements, bool isPacked = false);
template <typename... Tys>
std::enable_if_t<are_base_of<Type, Tys...>::value, void>
setBody(Type *elt1, Tys *... elts) {
assert(elt1 && "Cannot create a struct type with no elements with this");
setBody(ArrayRef<Type *>({elt1, elts...}));
/// Return true if the specified type is valid as a element type.
static bool isValidElementType(Type *ElemTy);
// Iterator access to the elements.
using element_iterator = Type::subtype_iterator;
element_iterator element_begin() const { return ContainedTys; }
element_iterator element_end() const { return &ContainedTys[NumContainedTys];}
ArrayRef<Type *> elements() const {
return makeArrayRef(element_begin(), element_end());
/// Return true if this is layout identical to the specified struct.
bool isLayoutIdentical(StructType *Other) const;
/// Random access to the elements
unsigned getNumElements() const { return NumContainedTys; }
Type *getElementType(unsigned N) const {
assert(N < NumContainedTys && "Element number out of range!");
return ContainedTys[N];
/// Given an index value into the type, return the type of the element.
Type *getTypeAtIndex(const Value *V) const;
Type *getTypeAtIndex(unsigned N) const { return getElementType(N); }
bool indexValid(const Value *V) const;
bool indexValid(unsigned Idx) const { return Idx < getNumElements(); }
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == StructTyID;
StringRef Type::getStructName() const {
return cast<StructType>(this)->getName();
unsigned Type::getStructNumElements() const {
return cast<StructType>(this)->getNumElements();
Type *Type::getStructElementType(unsigned N) const {
return cast<StructType>(this)->getElementType(N);
/// Class to represent array types.
class ArrayType : public Type {
/// The element type of the array.
Type *ContainedType;
/// Number of elements in the array.
uint64_t NumElements;
ArrayType(Type *ElType, uint64_t NumEl);
ArrayType(const ArrayType &) = delete;
ArrayType &operator=(const ArrayType &) = delete;
uint64_t getNumElements() const { return NumElements; }
Type *getElementType() const { return ContainedType; }
/// This static method is the primary way to construct an ArrayType
static ArrayType *get(Type *ElementType, uint64_t NumElements);
/// Return true if the specified type is valid as a element type.
static bool isValidElementType(Type *ElemTy);
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == ArrayTyID;
uint64_t Type::getArrayNumElements() const {
return cast<ArrayType>(this)->getNumElements();
/// Base class of all SIMD vector types
class VectorType : public Type {
/// A fully specified VectorType is of the form <vscale x n x Ty>. 'n' is the
/// minimum number of elements of type Ty contained within the vector, and
/// 'vscale x' indicates that the total element count is an integer multiple
/// of 'n', where the multiple is either guaranteed to be one, or is
/// statically unknown at compile time.
/// If the multiple is known to be 1, then the extra term is discarded in
/// textual IR:
/// <4 x i32> - a vector containing 4 i32s
/// <vscale x 4 x i32> - a vector containing an unknown integer multiple
/// of 4 i32s
/// The element type of the vector.
Type *ContainedType;
/// The element quantity of this vector. The meaning of this value depends
/// on the type of vector:
/// - For FixedVectorType = <ElementQuantity x ty>, there are
/// exactly ElementQuantity elements in this vector.
/// - For ScalableVectorType = <vscale x ElementQuantity x ty>,
/// there are vscale * ElementQuantity elements in this vector, where
/// vscale is a runtime-constant integer greater than 0.
const unsigned ElementQuantity;
VectorType(Type *ElType, unsigned EQ, Type::TypeID TID);
VectorType(const VectorType &) = delete;
VectorType &operator=(const VectorType &) = delete;
Type *getElementType() const { return ContainedType; }
/// This static method is the primary way to construct an VectorType.
static VectorType *get(Type *ElementType, ElementCount EC);
static VectorType *get(Type *ElementType, unsigned NumElements,
bool Scalable) {
return VectorType::get(ElementType,
ElementCount::get(NumElements, Scalable));
static VectorType *get(Type *ElementType, const VectorType *Other) {
return VectorType::get(ElementType, Other->getElementCount());
/// This static method gets a VectorType with the same number of elements as
/// the input type, and the element type is an integer type of the same width
/// as the input element type.
static VectorType *getInteger(VectorType *VTy) {
unsigned EltBits = VTy->getElementType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
assert(EltBits && "Element size must be of a non-zero size");
Type *EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits);
return VectorType::get(EltTy, VTy->getElementCount());
/// This static method is like getInteger except that the element types are
/// twice as wide as the elements in the input type.
static VectorType *getExtendedElementVectorType(VectorType *VTy) {
assert(VTy->isIntOrIntVectorTy() && "VTy expected to be a vector of ints.");
auto *EltTy = cast<IntegerType>(VTy->getElementType());
return VectorType::get(EltTy->getExtendedType(), VTy->getElementCount());
// This static method gets a VectorType with the same number of elements as
// the input type, and the element type is an integer or float type which
// is half as wide as the elements in the input type.
static VectorType *getTruncatedElementVectorType(VectorType *VTy) {
Type *EltTy;
if (VTy->getElementType()->isFloatingPointTy()) {
switch(VTy->getElementType()->getTypeID()) {
case DoubleTyID:
EltTy = Type::getFloatTy(VTy->getContext());
case FloatTyID:
EltTy = Type::getHalfTy(VTy->getContext());
llvm_unreachable("Cannot create narrower fp vector element type");
} else {
unsigned EltBits = VTy->getElementType()->getPrimitiveSizeInBits();
assert((EltBits & 1) == 0 &&
"Cannot truncate vector element with odd bit-width");
EltTy = IntegerType::get(VTy->getContext(), EltBits / 2);
return VectorType::get(EltTy, VTy->getElementCount());
// This static method returns a VectorType with a smaller number of elements
// of a larger type than the input element type. For example, a <16 x i8>
// subdivided twice would return <4 x i32>
static VectorType *getSubdividedVectorType(VectorType *VTy, int NumSubdivs) {
for (int i = 0; i < NumSubdivs; ++i) {
VTy = VectorType::getDoubleElementsVectorType(VTy);
VTy = VectorType::getTruncatedElementVectorType(VTy);
return VTy;
/// This static method returns a VectorType with half as many elements as the
/// input type and the same element type.
static VectorType *getHalfElementsVectorType(VectorType *VTy) {
auto EltCnt = VTy->getElementCount();
assert(EltCnt.isKnownEven() &&
"Cannot halve vector with odd number of elements.");
return VectorType::get(VTy->getElementType(),
/// This static method returns a VectorType with twice as many elements as the
/// input type and the same element type.
static VectorType *getDoubleElementsVectorType(VectorType *VTy) {
auto EltCnt = VTy->getElementCount();
assert((EltCnt.getKnownMinValue() * 2ull) <= UINT_MAX &&
"Too many elements in vector");
return VectorType::get(VTy->getElementType(), EltCnt * 2);
/// Return true if the specified type is valid as a element type.
static bool isValidElementType(Type *ElemTy);
/// Return an ElementCount instance to represent the (possibly scalable)
/// number of elements in the vector.
inline ElementCount getElementCount() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == FixedVectorTyID ||
T->getTypeID() == ScalableVectorTyID;
/// Class to represent fixed width SIMD vectors
class FixedVectorType : public VectorType {
FixedVectorType(Type *ElTy, unsigned NumElts)
: VectorType(ElTy, NumElts, FixedVectorTyID) {}
static FixedVectorType *get(Type *ElementType, unsigned NumElts);
static FixedVectorType *get(Type *ElementType, const FixedVectorType *FVTy) {
return get(ElementType, FVTy->getNumElements());
static FixedVectorType *getInteger(FixedVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<FixedVectorType>(VectorType::getInteger(VTy));
static FixedVectorType *getExtendedElementVectorType(FixedVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<FixedVectorType>(VectorType::getExtendedElementVectorType(VTy));
static FixedVectorType *getTruncatedElementVectorType(FixedVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<FixedVectorType>(
static FixedVectorType *getSubdividedVectorType(FixedVectorType *VTy,
int NumSubdivs) {
return cast<FixedVectorType>(
VectorType::getSubdividedVectorType(VTy, NumSubdivs));
static FixedVectorType *getHalfElementsVectorType(FixedVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<FixedVectorType>(VectorType::getHalfElementsVectorType(VTy));
static FixedVectorType *getDoubleElementsVectorType(FixedVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<FixedVectorType>(VectorType::getDoubleElementsVectorType(VTy));
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == FixedVectorTyID;
unsigned getNumElements() const { return ElementQuantity; }
/// Class to represent scalable SIMD vectors
class ScalableVectorType : public VectorType {
ScalableVectorType(Type *ElTy, unsigned MinNumElts)
: VectorType(ElTy, MinNumElts, ScalableVectorTyID) {}
static ScalableVectorType *get(Type *ElementType, unsigned MinNumElts);
static ScalableVectorType *get(Type *ElementType,
const ScalableVectorType *SVTy) {
return get(ElementType, SVTy->getMinNumElements());
static ScalableVectorType *getInteger(ScalableVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<ScalableVectorType>(VectorType::getInteger(VTy));
static ScalableVectorType *
getExtendedElementVectorType(ScalableVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<ScalableVectorType>(
static ScalableVectorType *
getTruncatedElementVectorType(ScalableVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<ScalableVectorType>(
static ScalableVectorType *getSubdividedVectorType(ScalableVectorType *VTy,
int NumSubdivs) {
return cast<ScalableVectorType>(
VectorType::getSubdividedVectorType(VTy, NumSubdivs));
static ScalableVectorType *
getHalfElementsVectorType(ScalableVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<ScalableVectorType>(VectorType::getHalfElementsVectorType(VTy));
static ScalableVectorType *
getDoubleElementsVectorType(ScalableVectorType *VTy) {
return cast<ScalableVectorType>(
/// Get the minimum number of elements in this vector. The actual number of
/// elements in the vector is an integer multiple of this value.
uint64_t getMinNumElements() const { return ElementQuantity; }
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == ScalableVectorTyID;
inline ElementCount VectorType::getElementCount() const {
return ElementCount::get(ElementQuantity, isa<ScalableVectorType>(this));
/// Class to represent pointers.
class PointerType : public Type {
explicit PointerType(Type *ElType, unsigned AddrSpace);
explicit PointerType(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AddrSpace);
Type *PointeeTy;
PointerType(const PointerType &) = delete;
PointerType &operator=(const PointerType &) = delete;
/// This constructs a pointer to an object of the specified type in a numbered
/// address space.
static PointerType *get(Type *ElementType, unsigned AddressSpace);
/// This constructs an opaque pointer to an object in a numbered address
/// space.
static PointerType *get(LLVMContext &C, unsigned AddressSpace);
/// This constructs a pointer to an object of the specified type in the
/// default address space (address space zero).
static PointerType *getUnqual(Type *ElementType) {
return PointerType::get(ElementType, 0);
/// This constructs an opaque pointer to an object in the
/// default address space (address space zero).
static PointerType *getUnqual(LLVMContext &C) {
return PointerType::get(C, 0);
/// This constructs a pointer type with the same pointee type as input
/// PointerType (or opaque pointer is the input PointerType is opaque) and the
/// given address space. This is only useful during the opaque pointer
/// transition.
/// TODO: remove after opaque pointer transition is complete.
static PointerType *getWithSamePointeeType(PointerType *PT,
unsigned AddressSpace) {
if (PT->isOpaque())
return get(PT->getContext(), AddressSpace);
return get(PT->PointeeTy, AddressSpace);
bool isOpaque() const { return !PointeeTy; }
/// Return true if the specified type is valid as a element type.
static bool isValidElementType(Type *ElemTy);
/// Return true if we can load or store from a pointer to this type.
static bool isLoadableOrStorableType(Type *ElemTy);
/// Return the address space of the Pointer type.
inline unsigned getAddressSpace() const { return getSubclassData(); }
/// Return true if either this is an opaque pointer type or if this pointee
/// type matches Ty. Primarily used for checking if an instruction's pointer
/// operands are valid types. Will be useless after non-opaque pointers are
/// removed.
bool isOpaqueOrPointeeTypeMatches(Type *Ty) {
return isOpaque() || PointeeTy == Ty;
/// Return true if both pointer types have the same element type. Two opaque
/// pointers are considered to have the same element type, while an opaque
/// and a non-opaque pointer have different element types.
/// TODO: Remove after opaque pointer transition is complete.
bool hasSameElementTypeAs(PointerType *Other) {
return PointeeTy == Other->PointeeTy;
/// Implement support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(const Type *T) {
return T->getTypeID() == PointerTyID;
Type *Type::getExtendedType() const {
isIntOrIntVectorTy() &&
"Original type expected to be a vector of integers or a scalar integer.");
if (auto *VTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(this))
return VectorType::getExtendedElementVectorType(
const_cast<VectorType *>(VTy));
return cast<IntegerType>(this)->getExtendedType();
Type *Type::getWithNewType(Type *EltTy) const {
if (auto *VTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(this))
return VectorType::get(EltTy, VTy->getElementCount());
return EltTy;
Type *Type::getWithNewBitWidth(unsigned NewBitWidth) const {
isIntOrIntVectorTy() &&
"Original type expected to be a vector of integers or a scalar integer.");
return getWithNewType(getIntNTy(getContext(), NewBitWidth));
unsigned Type::getPointerAddressSpace() const {
return cast<PointerType>(getScalarType())->getAddressSpace();
} // end namespace llvm