blob: 6ed2135b251a8b6c26774f859526172bdff20fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------ Core.h -- Core ORC APIs (Layer, JITDylib, etc.) -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Contains core ORC APIs.
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITSymbol.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/SymbolStringPool.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
namespace orc {
/// VModuleKey provides a unique identifier (allocated and managed by
/// ExecutionSessions) for a module added to the JIT.
using VModuleKey = uint64_t;
class VSO;
/// @brief A set of symbol names (represented by SymbolStringPtrs for
// efficiency).
using SymbolNameSet = std::set<SymbolStringPtr>;
/// @brief A map from symbol names (as SymbolStringPtrs) to JITSymbols
/// (address/flags pairs).
using SymbolMap = std::map<SymbolStringPtr, JITEvaluatedSymbol>;
/// @brief A map from symbol names (as SymbolStringPtrs) to JITSymbolFlags.
using SymbolFlagsMap = std::map<SymbolStringPtr, JITSymbolFlags>;
/// @brief A symbol query that returns results via a callback when results are
/// ready.
/// makes a callback when all symbols are available.
class AsynchronousSymbolQuery {
/// @brief Callback to notify client that symbols have been resolved.
using SymbolsResolvedCallback = std::function<void(Expected<SymbolMap>)>;
/// @brief Callback to notify client that symbols are ready for execution.
using SymbolsReadyCallback = std::function<void(Error)>;
/// @brief Create a query for the given symbols, notify-resolved and
/// notify-ready callbacks.
AsynchronousSymbolQuery(const SymbolNameSet &Symbols,
SymbolsResolvedCallback NotifySymbolsResolved,
SymbolsReadyCallback NotifySymbolsReady);
/// @brief Notify client that the query failed.
/// If the notify-resolved callback has not been made yet, then it is called
/// with the given error, and the notify-finalized callback is never made.
/// If the notify-resolved callback has already been made then then the
/// notify-finalized callback is called with the given error.
/// It is illegal to call setFailed after both callbacks have been made.
void setFailed(Error Err);
/// @brief Set the resolved symbol information for the given symbol name.
/// If this symbol was the last one not resolved, this will trigger a call to
/// the notify-finalized callback passing the completed sybol map.
void setDefinition(SymbolStringPtr Name, JITEvaluatedSymbol Sym);
/// @brief Notify the query that a requested symbol is ready for execution.
/// This decrements the query's internal count of not-yet-ready symbols. If
/// this call to notifySymbolFinalized sets the counter to zero, it will call
/// the notify-finalized callback with Error::success as the value.
void notifySymbolFinalized();
SymbolMap Symbols;
size_t OutstandingResolutions = 0;
size_t OutstandingFinalizations = 0;
SymbolsResolvedCallback NotifySymbolsResolved;
SymbolsReadyCallback NotifySymbolsReady;
/// @brief SymbolResolver is a composable interface for looking up symbol flags
/// and addresses using the AsynchronousSymbolQuery type. It will
/// eventually replace the LegacyJITSymbolResolver interface as the
/// stardard ORC symbol resolver type.
class SymbolResolver {
virtual ~SymbolResolver() = default;
/// @brief Returns the flags for each symbol in Symbols that can be found,
/// along with the set of symbol that could not be found.
virtual SymbolNameSet lookupFlags(SymbolFlagsMap &Flags,
const SymbolNameSet &Symbols) = 0;
/// @brief For each symbol in Symbols that can be found, assigns that symbols
/// value in Query. Returns the set of symbols that could not be found.
virtual SymbolNameSet lookup(std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery> Query,
SymbolNameSet Symbols) = 0;
virtual void anchor();
/// @brief Implements SymbolResolver with a pair of supplied function objects
/// for convenience. See createSymbolResolver.
template <typename LookupFlagsFn, typename LookupFn>
class LambdaSymbolResolver final : public SymbolResolver {
template <typename LookupFlagsFnRef, typename LookupFnRef>
LambdaSymbolResolver(LookupFlagsFnRef &&LookupFlags, LookupFnRef &&Lookup)
: LookupFlags(std::forward<LookupFlagsFnRef>(LookupFlags)),
Lookup(std::forward<LookupFnRef>(Lookup)) {}
SymbolNameSet lookupFlags(SymbolFlagsMap &Flags,
const SymbolNameSet &Symbols) final {
return LookupFlags(Flags, Symbols);
SymbolNameSet lookup(std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery> Query,
SymbolNameSet Symbols) final {
return Lookup(std::move(Query), std::move(Symbols));
LookupFlagsFn LookupFlags;
LookupFn Lookup;
/// @brief Creates a SymbolResolver implementation from the pair of supplied
/// function objects.
template <typename LookupFlagsFn, typename LookupFn>
typename std::remove_cv<
typename std::remove_reference<LookupFlagsFn>::type>::type,
typename std::remove_cv<
typename std::remove_reference<LookupFn>::type>::type>>
createSymbolResolver(LookupFlagsFn &&LookupFlags, LookupFn &&Lookup) {
using LambdaSymbolResolverImpl = LambdaSymbolResolver<
typename std::remove_cv<
typename std::remove_reference<LookupFlagsFn>::type>::type,
typename std::remove_cv<
typename std::remove_reference<LookupFn>::type>::type>;
return llvm::make_unique<LambdaSymbolResolverImpl>(
std::forward<LookupFlagsFn>(LookupFlags), std::forward<LookupFn>(Lookup));
/// @brief Represents a source of symbol definitions which may be materialized
/// (turned into data / code through some materialization process) or
/// discarded (if the definition is overridden by a stronger one).
/// SymbolSources are used when providing lazy definitions of symbols to VSOs.
/// The VSO will call materialize when the address of a symbol is requested via
/// the lookup method. The VSO will call discard if a stronger definition is
/// added or already present.
class SymbolSource {
virtual ~SymbolSource() {}
/// @brief Implementations of this method should materialize the given
/// symbols (plus any additional symbols required) by adding a
/// Materializer to the ExecutionSession's MaterializationQueue.
virtual Error materialize(VSO &V, SymbolNameSet Symbols) = 0;
/// @brief Implementations of this method should discard the given symbol
/// from the source (e.g. if the source is an LLVM IR Module and the
/// symbol is a function, delete the function body or mark it available
/// externally).
virtual void discard(VSO &V, SymbolStringPtr Name) = 0;
virtual void anchor();
/// @brief Represents a dynamic linkage unit in a JIT process.
/// VSO acts as a symbol table (symbol definitions can be set and the dylib
/// queried to find symbol addresses) and as a key for tracking resources
/// (since a VSO's address is fixed).
class VSO {
friend class ExecutionSession;
enum RelativeLinkageStrength {
using SetDefinitionsResult =
std::map<SymbolStringPtr, RelativeLinkageStrength>;
using SourceWorkMap = std::map<std::shared_ptr<SymbolSource>, SymbolNameSet>;
struct LookupResult {
SourceWorkMap MaterializationWork;
SymbolNameSet UnresolvedSymbols;
VSO() = default;
VSO(const VSO &) = delete;
VSO &operator=(const VSO &) = delete;
VSO(VSO &&) = delete;
VSO &operator=(VSO &&) = delete;
/// @brief Compare new linkage with existing linkage.
static RelativeLinkageStrength
compareLinkage(Optional<JITSymbolFlags> OldFlags, JITSymbolFlags NewFlags);
/// @brief Compare new linkage with an existing symbol's linkage.
RelativeLinkageStrength compareLinkage(SymbolStringPtr Name,
JITSymbolFlags NewFlags) const;
/// @brief Adds the given symbols to the mapping as resolved, finalized
/// symbols.
/// FIXME: We can take this by const-ref once symbol-based laziness is
/// removed.
Error define(SymbolMap NewSymbols);
/// @brief Adds the given symbols to the mapping as lazy symbols.
Error defineLazy(const SymbolFlagsMap &NewSymbols,
std::shared_ptr<SymbolSource> Source);
/// @brief Add the given symbol/address mappings to the dylib, but do not
/// mark the symbols as finalized yet.
void resolve(SymbolMap SymbolValues);
/// @brief Finalize the given symbols.
void finalize(SymbolNameSet SymbolsToFinalize);
/// @brief Look up the flags for the given symbols.
/// Returns the flags for the give symbols, together with the set of symbols
/// not found.
SymbolNameSet lookupFlags(SymbolFlagsMap &Flags, SymbolNameSet Symbols);
/// @brief Apply the given query to the given symbols in this VSO.
/// For symbols in this VSO that have already been materialized, their address
/// will be set in the query immediately.
/// For symbols in this VSO that have not been materialized, the query will be
/// recorded and the source for those symbols (plus the set of symbols to be
/// materialized by that source) will be returned as the MaterializationWork
/// field of the LookupResult.
/// Any symbols not found in this VSO will be returned in the
/// UnresolvedSymbols field of the LookupResult.
LookupResult lookup(std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery> Query,
SymbolNameSet Symbols);
class MaterializationInfo {
MaterializationInfo(JITSymbolFlags Flags,
std::shared_ptr<SymbolSource> Query);
JITSymbolFlags getFlags() const;
JITTargetAddress getAddress() const;
void replaceWithSource(VSO &V, SymbolStringPtr Name,
JITSymbolFlags NewFlags,
std::shared_ptr<SymbolSource> NewSource);
query(SymbolStringPtr Name, std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery> Query);
void resolve(VSO &V, SymbolStringPtr Name, JITEvaluatedSymbol Sym);
void finalize();
JITSymbolFlags Flags;
JITTargetAddress Address = 0;
std::shared_ptr<SymbolSource> Source;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery>> PendingResolution;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery>> PendingFinalization;
class SymbolTableEntry {
SymbolTableEntry(JITSymbolFlags Flags,
std::shared_ptr<SymbolSource> Source);
SymbolTableEntry(JITEvaluatedSymbol Sym);
SymbolTableEntry(SymbolTableEntry &&Other);
JITSymbolFlags getFlags() const;
void replaceWithSource(VSO &V, SymbolStringPtr Name, JITSymbolFlags Flags,
std::shared_ptr<SymbolSource> NewSource);
query(SymbolStringPtr Name, std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery> Query);
void resolve(VSO &V, SymbolStringPtr Name, JITEvaluatedSymbol Sym);
void finalize();
JITSymbolFlags Flags;
union {
JITTargetAddress Address;
std::unique_ptr<MaterializationInfo> MatInfo;
std::map<SymbolStringPtr, SymbolTableEntry> Symbols;
/// @brief An ExecutionSession represents a running JIT program.
class ExecutionSession {
/// @brief Construct an ExecutionEngine.
/// SymbolStringPools may be shared between ExecutionSessions.
ExecutionSession(SymbolStringPool &SSP);
/// @brief Returns the SymbolStringPool for this ExecutionSession.
SymbolStringPool &getSymbolStringPool() const { return SSP; }
/// @brief Allocate a module key for a new module to add to the JIT.
VModuleKey allocateVModule();
/// @brief Return a module key to the ExecutionSession so that it can be
/// re-used. This should only be done once all resources associated
//// with the original key have been released.
void releaseVModule(VModuleKey Key);
SymbolStringPool &SSP;
VModuleKey LastKey = 0;
} // End namespace orc
} // End namespace llvm