blob: d110dd3865a6279855db39a54a58de054766d5c2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- HashTable.h - PDB Hash Table -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/ADT/SparseBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class BinaryStreamReader;
class BinaryStreamWriter;
namespace pdb {
class HashTable;
class HashTableIterator
: public iterator_facade_base<HashTableIterator, std::forward_iterator_tag,
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> {
friend HashTable;
HashTableIterator(const HashTable &Map, uint32_t Index, bool IsEnd);
HashTableIterator(const HashTable &Map);
HashTableIterator &operator=(const HashTableIterator &R);
bool operator==(const HashTableIterator &R) const;
const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> &operator*() const;
HashTableIterator &operator++();
bool isEnd() const { return IsEnd; }
uint32_t index() const { return Index; }
const HashTable *Map;
uint32_t Index;
bool IsEnd;
class HashTable {
friend class HashTableIterator;
struct Header {
support::ulittle32_t Size;
support::ulittle32_t Capacity;
using BucketList = std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>;
explicit HashTable(uint32_t Capacity);
Error load(BinaryStreamReader &Stream);
uint32_t calculateSerializedLength() const;
Error commit(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const;
void clear();
uint32_t capacity() const;
uint32_t size() const;
HashTableIterator begin() const;
HashTableIterator end() const;
/// Find the entry with the specified key value.
HashTableIterator find(uint32_t K) const;
/// Find the entry whose key has the specified hash value, using the specified
/// traits defining hash function and equality.
template <typename Traits, typename Key, typename Context>
HashTableIterator find_as(const Key &K, const Context &Ctx) const {
uint32_t H = Traits::hash(K, Ctx) % capacity();
uint32_t I = H;
Optional<uint32_t> FirstUnused;
do {
if (isPresent(I)) {
if (Traits::realKey(Buckets[I].first, Ctx) == K)
return HashTableIterator(*this, I, false);
} else {
if (!FirstUnused)
FirstUnused = I;
// Insertion occurs via linear probing from the slot hint, and will be
// inserted at the first empty / deleted location. Therefore, if we are
// probing and find a location that is neither present nor deleted, then
// nothing must have EVER been inserted at this location, and thus it is
// not possible for a matching value to occur later.
if (!isDeleted(I))
I = (I + 1) % capacity();
} while (I != H);
// The only way FirstUnused would not be set is if every single entry in the
// table were Present. But this would violate the load factor constraints
// that we impose, so it should never happen.
return HashTableIterator(*this, *FirstUnused, true);
/// Set the entry with the specified key to the specified value.
void set(uint32_t K, uint32_t V);
/// Set the entry using a key type that the specified Traits can convert
/// from a real key to an internal key.
template <typename Traits, typename Key, typename Context>
bool set_as(const Key &K, uint32_t V, Context &Ctx) {
return set_as_internal<Traits, Key, Context>(K, V, None, Ctx);
void remove(uint32_t K);
template <typename Traits, typename Key, typename Context>
void remove_as(const Key &K, Context &Ctx) {
auto Iter = find_as<Traits, Key, Context>(K, Ctx);
// It wasn't here to begin with, just exit.
if (Iter == end())
uint32_t get(uint32_t K);
bool isPresent(uint32_t K) const { return Present.test(K); }
bool isDeleted(uint32_t K) const { return Deleted.test(K); }
BucketList Buckets;
mutable SparseBitVector<> Present;
mutable SparseBitVector<> Deleted;
/// Set the entry using a key type that the specified Traits can convert
/// from a real key to an internal key.
template <typename Traits, typename Key, typename Context>
bool set_as_internal(const Key &K, uint32_t V, Optional<uint32_t> InternalKey,
Context &Ctx) {
auto Entry = find_as<Traits, Key, Context>(K, Ctx);
if (Entry != end()) {
assert(Traits::realKey(Buckets[Entry.index()].first, Ctx) == K);
// We're updating, no need to do anything special.
Buckets[Entry.index()].second = V;
return false;
auto &B = Buckets[Entry.index()];
B.first = InternalKey ? *InternalKey : Traits::lowerKey(K, Ctx);
B.second = V;
grow<Traits, Key, Context>(Ctx);
assert((find_as<Traits, Key, Context>(K, Ctx)) != end());
return true;
static uint32_t maxLoad(uint32_t capacity);
template <typename Traits, typename Key, typename Context>
void grow(Context &Ctx) {
uint32_t S = size();
if (S < maxLoad(capacity()))
assert(capacity() != UINT32_MAX && "Can't grow Hash table!");
uint32_t NewCapacity =
(capacity() <= INT32_MAX) ? capacity() * 2 : UINT32_MAX;
// Growing requires rebuilding the table and re-hashing every item. Make a
// copy with a larger capacity, insert everything into the copy, then swap
// it in.
HashTable NewMap(NewCapacity);
for (auto I : Present) {
auto RealKey = Traits::realKey(Buckets[I].first, Ctx);
NewMap.set_as_internal<Traits, Key, Context>(RealKey, Buckets[I].second,
Buckets[I].first, Ctx);
std::swap(Present, NewMap.Present);
std::swap(Deleted, NewMap.Deleted);
assert(capacity() == NewCapacity);
assert(size() == S);
static Error readSparseBitVector(BinaryStreamReader &Stream,
SparseBitVector<> &V);
static Error writeSparseBitVector(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer,
SparseBitVector<> &Vec);
} // end namespace pdb
} // end namespace llvm