blob: 6b48cc447e131bbbd72b335ca82a307e5325c533 [file] [log] [blame]
//====--- OMPGridValues.h - Language-specific address spaces --*- C++ -*-====//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// \brief Provides definitions for Target specific Grid Values
namespace llvm {
namespace omp {
/// \brief Defines various target-specific GPU grid values that must be
/// consistent between host RTL (plugin), device RTL, and clang.
/// We can change grid values for a "fat" binary so that different
/// passes get the correct values when generating code for a
/// multi-target binary. Both amdgcn and nvptx values are stored in
/// this file. In the future, should there be differences between GPUs
/// of the same architecture, then simply make a different array and
/// use the new array name.
/// Example usage in clang:
/// const unsigned slot_size =
/// ctx.GetTargetInfo().getGridValue(llvm::omp::GVIDX::GV_Warp_Size);
/// Example usage in libomptarget/deviceRTLs:
/// #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPGridValues.h"
/// #ifdef __AMDGPU__
/// #define GRIDVAL AMDGPUGpuGridValues
/// #else
/// #define GRIDVAL NVPTXGpuGridValues
/// #endif
/// ... Then use this reference for GV_Warp_Size in the deviceRTL source.
/// llvm::omp::GRIDVAL[llvm::omp::GVIDX::GV_Warp_Size]
/// Example usage in libomptarget hsa plugin:
/// #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPGridValues.h"
/// #define GRIDVAL AMDGPUGpuGridValues
/// ... Then use this reference to access GV_Warp_Size in the hsa plugin.
/// llvm::omp::GRIDVAL[llvm::omp::GVIDX::GV_Warp_Size]
/// Example usage in libomptarget cuda plugin:
/// #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPGridValues.h"
/// #define GRIDVAL NVPTXGpuGridValues
/// ... Then use this reference to access GV_Warp_Size in the cuda plugin.
/// llvm::omp::GRIDVAL[llvm::omp::GVIDX::GV_Warp_Size]
enum GVIDX {
/// The maximum number of workers in a kernel.
/// (THREAD_ABSOLUTE_LIMIT) - (GV_Warp_Size), might be issue for blockDim.z
/// The size reserved for data in a shared memory slot.
/// The default value of maximum number of threads in a worker warp.
/// Alternate warp size for some AMDGCN architectures. Same as GV_Warp_Size
/// for NVPTX.
/// The number of bits required to represent the max number of threads in warp
/// GV_Warp_Size * GV_Slot_Size,
/// the maximum number of teams.
/// Global Memory Alignment
/// (~0u >> (GV_Warp_Size - GV_Warp_Size_Log2))
// An alternative to the heavy data sharing infrastructure that uses global
// memory is one that uses device __shared__ memory. The amount of such space
// (in bytes) reserved by the OpenMP runtime is noted here.
// The absolute maximum team size for a working group
// The default maximum team size for a working group
// This is GV_Max_WG_Size / GV_WarpSize. 32 for NVPTX and 16 for AMDGCN.
/// The slot size that should be reserved for a working warp.
/// (~0u >> (GV_Warp_Size - GV_Warp_Size_Log2))
static constexpr unsigned AMDGPUGpuGridValues[] = {
448, // GV_Threads
256, // GV_Slot_Size
64, // GV_Warp_Size
32, // GV_Warp_Size_32
6, // GV_Warp_Size_Log2
64 * 256, // GV_Warp_Slot_Size
128, // GV_Max_Teams
256, // GV_Mem_Align
63, // GV_Warp_Size_Log2_Mask
896, // GV_SimpleBufferSize
1024, // GV_Max_WG_Size,
256, // GV_Defaut_WG_Size
1024 / 64, // GV_Max_WG_Size / GV_WarpSize
63 // GV_Warp_Size_Log2_MaskL
/// For Nvidia GPUs
static constexpr unsigned NVPTXGpuGridValues[] = {
992, // GV_Threads
256, // GV_Slot_Size
32, // GV_Warp_Size
32, // GV_Warp_Size_32
5, // GV_Warp_Size_Log2
32 * 256, // GV_Warp_Slot_Size
1024, // GV_Max_Teams
256, // GV_Mem_Align
(~0u >> (32 - 5)), // GV_Warp_Size_Log2_Mask
896, // GV_SimpleBufferSize
1024, // GV_Max_WG_Size
128, // GV_Defaut_WG_Size
1024 / 32, // GV_Max_WG_Size / GV_WarpSize
31 // GV_Warp_Size_Log2_MaskL
} // namespace omp
} // namespace llvm